8 hours later, a new clip of R&M still hadn't broken the 100k view count

>8 hours later, a new clip of R&M still hadn't broken the 100k view count
>Adult swim is so desperate for views they later put in NEW CLIP in all caps
Is this the end of rick and morty?

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No, it's because they uploaded a random clip with absolutely no context and expected it to blow up millions of views just because it has Rick and Morty in its title.

It’s not the end at all but it is pretty pathetic. I do wonder if the show will crash and burn and Harmon will get bored and very publicly attempt to quit.

Let's be real: the memes killed it less then the hiatus which only brought 5 episodes once it was done

The show's popularity peaked. The gap hurt it. I don't think we're going to get Pickle Rick, Wubadubdubdub, Szechuan sauce, to be fair you have to have a high IQ ... tier normie memes again.

I honestly hope this will be a wake up call to adult swim to put their shit out faster.

It's obvious they're going to wheel out 5 episodes every six months until they get through that 70 episode order.

>a clip of smiling friends gets uploaded
>get 100k+ views within hours
Rick and morty is done. No one care about them anymore

Maybe this will give adult swim the drive to give Doc and jackson some more money for there real gift to the world, the venture bros

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People still care about rick and morty?

Isn't there bad blood between them and the Adult Swim execs cause they managed to negotiate they can take as long as they want to make seasons? I heard Doc holds alot of power cause alot of networks are waiting to scoop up Venture Bros the instant they decide AS isn't worth it anymore.

Pretty much they they own the rights to the show and can go where ever they want, adult swim gets all merch revenue.

I hope so

I'm surprised with how well the pilot has done, it's reached well beyond Zach's fanbase, even my normalfag friends have watched and liked it.

>has friends
sounds like you're the normalfag

Is the new episode tonight or tomorrow?
I've been drinking a lot

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This is an incredibly low bar to meet to be a normalfag. If anything you're a fucking cryptid, user. I know plenty of kissless virgins and other non normal people that still have friends.

tomorrow night

that means i am a normalfag? fuck yeah i always wanted to be one

I dont think I’ve ever even seen Venture Bros merch

Who the fuck wants a whole minute of a 20 minute show spoiled for them with little context. This could be a scene that takes place towards the end for all I know, and I can't stand when I see stuff in trailers or clips that take place late in the thing. I don't know how many others actively avoid trailers and spoilers, but that could be a reason.

Rick and Morty is the only game in town and will get 10 million views tomorrow, 100 million with alt media views. It's the best cartoon of our generation. Deal with it.

They also posted it on their Facebook and Instagram you fucking autist.

Smiling Friends is definitely the new Rick & Morty, Season 1 will be big when it comes out next year.
Despite Rick & Morty being secured by a contract, the show losing fans is really going to hurt the network ultimately.

>the ratings for season 4 are on average pretty much the same as season 1
oh no no no

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This isn't Zig Forums dude...

>ignores the fact that cable TV ratings as a whole have severely dropped from 2017 to 2019 and that each episode made the Top 2 Cable programs of each night they premiered

This season's been lit lmao

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>He literally keeps track of rick and morty time

Dude needs to get laid

I'm more curious about roilands solar opposites, without dan harmon.

Like will it be shit and harmon was the leash that roiland needs, or will it be good without harmon indicating he was the problem with RM all along.

Link it, OP.

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I watched the clip and I'm very confused. Rick seems like an asshole here. Which he is, but ...extra asshole.

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Because it's a shitty clip.