Okay, let's be real here, can King Kong actually defeat Godzilla?

okay, let's be real here, can King Kong actually defeat Godzilla?

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Nah. Maybe fend kf godzilla so that he leaves for a bit, AFTER getting a lightning strike power boost, but he couldnt outright kill and defeat him.


Yes, because he did. While a rumor sometimes persists Godzilla won in the Japanese version, not true. Both ended exactly the same, with Kong surfacing from the ocean at the end of their fight, and a member of the Japanese defence forces commenting that he believes Godzilla MAY have survived. Even if he did, Kong won the fight.

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let's say Godzilla has his basketball powers

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Kong is incredibly agile and tosses around dinosaurs with ease. Godzilla's a tank with gamma breath. Just don't rely on Godzilla's old ridiculous feats.

King Kong is just a giant monkey, Godzilla has super powers and shit.

Netflix Godzilla could blow up spaceships out of the atmosphere with his breath.

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the big one is Netflix's Godzilla btw

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Not exactly the same ending. In the Japanese version, Godzilla's roar is heard as it fades out on the ocean, implying a tie.

Who cares when Mothra is bae.

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Godzilla lost. He's just pinching a fit about it and roaring for a rematch.

The very next Godzilla movie, Mothra vs Godzilla, makes it explicit that Godzilla survived his fight with Godzilla.

Classic King Kong would not stand a chance. Classic King Kong is about 16 meters tall, a little shorter than a Gundam, and Classic Godzilla is about 60 meters tall. Every time they fight, King Kong is sized up to be more like Godzilla's size.

Kong shouldn't stand a chance, but for the sake of the new film and people who absorb pop culture through osmosis they're going to make them evenly matched and grow Kong up to 100 meters tall just like Legendary Godzilla. Godzilla will win but fall into a volcano or something before he can finish off Kong, in a mix of the original GvK ending and Godzilla 1985.

Godzilla survived his fight with king kong even

Mothra is a weird looking plush toy.

>Godzilla survived his fight with Godzilla
I know it was a simple typo but now I'm thinking of a depressed Godzilla attempting but failing at suicide.

I mean it's true to the millenium films.

Mechagodzilla is Godzilla 1 turned into a cyborg and possessed by Godzilla 1's ghost, Godzilla 2 is Millenium Godzilla.

Kong has electric powers. He can absorb electricity to heal himself and to increase his strength. He can also shoot lightning from his hands. That's how he won in the Japanese movie.

>It's raining.The whole city have been destroyed.In the middle of the rubble, there are two colossal figures.
>Godzilla has already fallen, with many scars and burn marks from Kong's lighting attack.
>Kong is ready to give the final blow.There's nothing stoping him from killing the so called "king of monsters"
>"Mo-mothra..."Before Kong can finish his job, he hears a familiar name from the fallen kaiju
>"Sa-ve Mothra..."Says Godzilla.
>Kong then looks at him, as confusion turns into rage.
>"Why...Why did you said that name?"

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>Mothra cheats on Godzilla
>Godzilla downs Godzilla-sized sleeping pills and Godzilla-vodka
>Saved by other giant monster friends
>Feel good giant horror beast film of year

Fair enough, but that wasn't what wasn't what was being referenced, so I stand by failed Suicidzilla.

Godzilland Mothra is so cute and sweet.

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Things King Kong has defeated:
>giant spiders
>a T-rex
>a big octopus
Things Godzilla has defeated
>Giant 3 headed laser shooting lizard/dragon
>Alien monster with blades for hands a buzzsaw for a chest
>A giant moth, and then the giant moth's evil counterpart
>A UFO that could absorb organic life that was even capable of eating Godzilla
>A giant plant monster with multiple mouths at the end of its tentacles
>A bug god with drills for hands
>The personification of the Oxygen Destroyer
>A clone of himself, from space
>multiple robot versions of himself
I rest my case

You forgot in 'Things King Kong has defeated':

Fight over.

Godzilla was already beaten by Kong, Your argument fails.

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That was before any of those feats happened, obviously now there is no way Godzilla would lose

Godzilla vs. Kong is going to be savagely beaten to death between Black Widow and Bond and the Monsterverse will be put out of my misery.

>and the Monsterverse will be put out of my misery.

Legendary's license with Toho was only ever for 3 movies, so Godzilla vs. Kong was going to be the end of the Monsterverse no matter what. Toho already announced their plans for their World of Godzilla film series, so they pretty much confirmed that the Monsterverse is over after GvsK.

Godzilla lost to Kong because of a bullshit powerup that was originally intended for Toho's Frankenstein, who it would actually make sense for. It doesn't even count.

Hopefully Toho never sells the license to the West again.

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It doesn't count because it means you'd have to stop sucking giant lizard dick

In all seriousness, I would like to know what Godzilla's dick looks like. We don't really know anything concrete about theropod dinosaur genitalia, and there's no telling what the atomic mutation could have done to it.

They will asspull that Godzilla is still weakened from his fight with Ghidorah.
King Kong has not counter to atomic breath