I just watched his movie

I just watched his movie.
What did I think of it?

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How should I know?

You thought 'I love the taste of cock'.

You thought that Mark Strong did a better job here than in Green Lantern (not that I saw either one).

it is true, but he was also good as Sinestro

felt too much like marvel trash. bring back snyder.

I liked it, I think it should have been released closer to Christmas

They picked the wrong release date, but otherwise was a pretty good movie. Not blockbuster breaking, but worth the ticket.

unlike all the DC movies that came before it it was actually fun

What about Aquaman?

didn't watch it but I'm going based more on stuff like all the Superman Batman and Wonder woman stuff

You liked it, but you think it would probably peter out after the inevitable Black Adam crossover.

i loved it

Watch Aquaman if you liked Shazam. It's not perfect but it's definitely much closer in spirit than to the other DCEU movies.

As it stands, they're pretty much the only really two good DCEU movies, sadly.

>It doesn't have to have a Day and Night cycle

You thought it looked pretty good, but that's about it. Strong was solid too. Otherwise the script was whatever, and Levi while endearing, is just miscast.

That office scene was a total whiplash.

What was his name, again?

Mary's a hot, busty slut.

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Seriously. Were you alone when you watched it? Because I was and I know what I was thinking during the credits.

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You thought it was fun and wholesome

Another victory for DC.

she cute

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the only part I liked is where he talks to his real mom desu

Wonder Woman was great you incel

A lot of the time he didn't feel like a kid in an adult body, more like a cartoon character who's immature.

It was a fun movie. But it was clearly meant for a much much younger audience than any of the other DC movies.

>What did I think of it?
Just tell us

>What did I think of it?
Tell us.

For only 2/3 of the movie though.

That a threesome with normal Darla and powered up Darla would be pretty hot

Honestly I half-expected them to go the “she gets attracted to Billy in his Marvel form and things get awkward” route and I was frankly disappointed they didn’t