C'Mon everyone, lets join Yogi's Gang!

C'Mon everyone, lets join Yogi's Gang!

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Is this a harem?

Doggie Daddy is fucking Augie.

Will I get to take a turn on Cindy?

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Where are the women?

Is the invitation that thing potoumus sent?

Cindy dresses like one and is there sometimes.

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This is a homosexual male type of ship only mate

The cast of Yogi's gang had these women at least

It's hard to believe today but leading female cartoon characters really weren't a thing until the 90s and 2000s.

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Is there alcohol? I'm going to need to be pretty trashed to do an alligator or hippo.

get your fire hoses ready

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At least two of them are just kids. Yogi has child soldiers.

I fucking kek'd

>It's hard to believe today
If you're twelve and have never seen old media before, yeah.

Nigga, Yogi has Atom Ant. Atom is ridiculously OP.

At the very least the horse and pink cougar are canon homosexuals

>be like 7 years old
>see this on 90s CN
>still find it cringe

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It's Yogi's GANG, not Yogi's GANGBANG!!


What drugs does this gang have?

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>Dr. Bigot
>Greedy Genie
>Lotta Litter
>Hilarious P. Prankster
>Commadore Phineas P. Fibber
>Gossipy Witch of the West
>I.M. Sloppy
>Peter D. Cheater
>Mr. Waste
>J. Wanton Vandal
>Sheik of Selfishness
>Mr. Smokestack
>Envy Brothers
>Captain Swashbuckle Swipe
>Mr. Hothead

What are some villains Yogi's Gang would tackle in the modern times?

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It's based though

>Eerily Incel
>Climate Wizard
>Covideo Gamer
>Dr. Pronoun
>Mr. Memester

>not Climate Controller

underrated. is this OC?

The episode where Wallygator becomes an insult comic is pretty funny
>Now I wouldn't say Magilla Gorilla is fat. But when he takes a shower, his feet don't get wet!
>Angry Ape noises
Of course the moral was that insulting people is wrong. Peak Marlo Thomas hippie bullshit.

How is it based?

Ah, fuck no.
This is a sausage party.

>Of course the moral was that insulting people is wrong
But that sounds hilariously amazing