What are some cartoon drinks/foods that you want to try?

What are some cartoon drinks/foods that you want to try?
>soda from regular show
God it looks so good

Attached: SODA.png (319x330, 83.2K)

Attached: 192.jpg (1169x902, 120.05K)

could die happy if these were real

Attached: passion patties.png (560x440, 215.95K)

It might be stupid and not fully Zig Forums related but Corn dog. There is no corn dog in Hungary (and I guess mostly in EU) but in cartoons, it always looks delicious.

Its really not hard to make but the best ones are from the Texas State Fair

I've gotten them in Ireland, though it was actually at a US-style steakhouse. When I moved to the USA, my girlfriend taught me how to make them. Not terribly healthy but a fun treat. Tasty.

Nothing from a fair is healthy, thats why it tastes good

Soda my ass. It's that cheap canned whisky you can get at liquor stores near here.

It's just soda in a blue can. How does it look that good? It's probably just generic soda.

They seem to enjoy it so it must be good :)

They're hideous animal-men that are functionally retarded who strut about nude or nearly nude. They consume garbage.

The "Ethiopian cuisine"

I want this sandwich.
dun even care if no bacon.

Attached: TheBroodwich.png (340x227, 123.5K)

its not even a corn dog any more its basically Asian street food

Ehh. It has Dijon mustard, and I've never really enjoyed that much. I sometimes like it on a burger if its got peppers too, but, eh.

big bossumed german maidens ARE real user

Same, finally made them a couple of months ago because of how good they always looked. If you didn't already know, the fried batter on the outside is sweet not savory. Dunno, caught me by surprise.


Attached: EW56cjkUYAA7i29.jpg (1920x800, 151.47K)

Must be some good garbage then :)

The recipe I was taught when younger had some honey added to the batter. I think that's standard. So, yeah, it should be sweet. I think it tastes good.

The kanker burgers for some reason

Fry bits!

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The Fourth Flavor

Attached: He+eats+the+fourth+flavor+daily+_262230ccee0dddb1edc8101b7192e469.png (254x200, 90.48K)

Yeah they tasted pretty good

My dad used to use brown sugar, not honey, but it definitely was sweetened

The Slushie from Megas XLR

This. Nectar of the gods.

i always thought it was lemon

You are lemon.

Hell fucking yeah gimme some of these

Attached: Rock_Bottom_115.png (1434x1076, 1.59M)

You’re Hungary for corn dogs?

Dude, they probably taste like rubber gloves why would you want that?