please don't give her a boyfriend
Please don't give her a boyfriend
Christopher Thomas
Jose Myers
It's alright user. She just painted a face on her hand, again.
Jayden Howard
How about a girlfriend?
Carson Wright
Giving her a boyfriend wouldn’t really serve a purpose plot wise, since she isn’t really a “love interest”. Well, outside of Zig Forums I mean.
Hudson Moore
>please don't give her a boyfriend
It' 2020, user. All female characters in children's cartoons are REQUIRED to be lesbians. It's the LAW.
Jacob Carter
Please make her fart.
Justin Morales
> “Hello, user. You’re quite good at turn me on.”
That hurt my soul to read.
Jonathan Green
I read that as
>Please make her fat
Noah Garcia
What if they have a penis?
Kevin Torres