Who do you side with, heroes who use lethal force or heroes who refuse it?

Who do you side with, heroes who use lethal force or heroes who refuse it?

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it is morally irresponsible to not kill the killers given that they know through experience that prisons dont hold them

Those who refuse it, because the ones who use it are all the same.
There is no distinguishable difference in personality between Punisher, Red Hood, and Deathstroke.

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Killing bad, simple as that.

I side with people who get the job done in ways that don't make it necessary to repeat a second time. Prison once, ok. Fuckers show up again, doing the same shit? Kill. "oops, self defense, you all saw it."

Prison doesn't hold the Batman rogues, but for the vast majority of them, it would still be immoral to kill them, since they still have a shot at rehabilitation. Freeze just wants his wife back, Harley just needs therapy to get over her battered wife syndrome, Riddler just wants a chess game once a week with Batman, etcetera. All of these problems could be solved if they were addressed individually and not punched in the face.
The only major ones that have no excuse to not get shot on sight are Joker and Zsasz. Grundy too, but he's already dead, so it wouldn't even violate Batman's code.

>hero that kills villains and is mentally unhinged lecturing the hero that refuses to kill
Hilarious. I'll stick with the people that at least try not to be judge, jury, and executioner.

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I've been thinking of come book superheroes.

Tell me what you think. I'm just going to leave their names and abilities.

Grayman- Cranium fused with complex AI sentient Nanobots.

Phantom witch- The ability to phase through objects and also have magical abilities.

Enenra- burning ash also Grim Reaper like abilities.

Void permanents- an entity consistent made up of an endless void and to be the end of all things.

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Heroes that kill when necessary. Especially if it is against a mass murdering or serial killing villain.

Does Phantom Witch have a cute tummy?

Why is it the responsibility of the hero? It's the justice system that fucks up in appropriately punishing them, they even fuck up at acting irresponsible. Are you telling me cops can get away with shooting the random odd black guy every now and then but the GCPD cop who unloaded on a cuffed Joker wouldn't get the longest paid administrative leave in police history? Not a single fuckin cop brought in to testify against them would say they saw a damn thing.

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Heroes are vigilantes. They can't use lethal force. Not as a moral, but an ethical and practical matter. If they were soldiers accountable to military law, that'd be one thing. But they're vigilantes accountable to whatever the rules they made up in their head wielding super weapons. They live and die on public opinion. It's not Batman's place to kill the Joker.

The moral absoluteness of kill = bad is pure comic book. Mass murderers would be executed and repeated mass murders would be given dead or alive bounties and the government would sanction the superheroes to kill them.

It's not the heroes' job or place to kill the bad guys. But they would die.

*shocked face* No, you see...they wouldn't kill on PURPOSE, of course. That's just wrong!! But, well...*evil smile*...accidents DO happen, as all our existences here prove.

Say "whoops accidents do happen" in a military setting when you've violated rules of engagement. See how well that goes down. And those are people who have been trained and sanctioned to wield weapons in the name of their country.

Maybe they could get away with that shit if they killed someone in Ethiopia and there was a jurisdictional squabble about who the hell cares. But try that in any of the Western or modern Eastern states and if any of this were real, that'd pretty much end that heroes' vigilantism. Because they are fundamentally illegal, heroes have to burden themselves with precision and have to overwhelm their enemy with nonlethal force.

killing joker would make harley take his place
so we need to break joker spine, maybe turn him into a vegetable so harley has to spent his life taking care of him

2 monsters down with no deaths

The idea of masked vigilantes killing whoever they think deserves it is horrifying.

I don't Know how to respond?
Also, not sure how to respond to people's post new to Zig Forums.

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Lethal, there are some bastards who just need to be killed.

Heroes who are inflexible.

The idea of masked vigilantes is horrifying period.
I NEVER liked shit like that.
It's just fucking losers who don't have the fucking balls to go in and fight.

Stop pretending to be heroes goddamnit it's disgusting.

Masked comic book heroes who go in and do fun crazy shit is what I got into comics for.

Not that goddamned stupid balless idiocy.

I don't really know I mean I can't really draw but for her story, she's a relatable character.

I don't know how to respond to that since I can't really draw. But if You are asking if she is. Sexy I would say yes average sex appeal

Maybe if you're a pussy.

Or an adult.

Didn't I meet you in a bar in Jackson, Mississippi last summer? Your truck wouldn't start,.

It's fine, you can be both.

I prefer if they use lethal force as little as possible.

Like, I don't want cops to be executioners. Why would I want super-heroes, who have more powers and fewer responsibilities than cops, to act less civilized? It doesn't make sense.

This is why I have always disliked the more edgelord heroes like Moon Knight. Remember when Moon Knight removed the face of a guy? Imagine a cop doing shit like this. It would be national news, the cop would get life-sentence, the PD would have a PR nightmare. S why the fuck should a hero doing shit like this be acceptable?

Heroes shouldn't do anything that would put a cop in trouble, IMO. Otherwise, the "heroes are fascist" thing is justified.

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This cuts out the part where they're shown to be by a big billboard showing the Dark Avengers as Spidey looks dour.

You need to take the immoral loss of life that occurs every time riddler gets out, freeze goes on a rampage to get day cure, etcetera. As we've seen with harley the rogues gallery either just continues their insanity or corrupts them and creates another personality disordered supervillan for batman to deal with.

>Hilarious. I'll stick with the people that at least try not to be judge, jury, and executioner.

Batman behaves as judge, jury, and then proceeds to refuse the final part which would not only solve all of these problems. But in a system where not only does he have regular criminals to contend with he now hows a baseball field filled with looneys that half of which that he created to contend with.

All lives are not equal Josh, as shown by our vastly different career paths. My death would mean less to the world than yours, the same as any murderers.

>Batman behaves as judge, jury
No, he just behaves as a cop/detective. He investigates, engages and bring them in to be judged. He doesn't do any judging himself.