What does Zig Forums think of Flapjack?

What does Zig Forums think of Flapjack?

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Loved it
My friend who said he "doesn't get reading" loves the new Star Wars films and never went to college hates it. So I feel justifed its a good show

Gay pedo show.

First 10 episodes where great then the rest were mediocre.

Fun fact, if you're wondering why CN shows never stay on model anymore, blame Flapjack. The creator didn't care for McCracken's on model all the time rule.

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Its ok for flapjack because its style was meant to be wild and cartoony, the show itself used differant animation styles all the time

It's responsible for the shitty CalArts boom of the 2010 and the off-model shit we saw in cartoons like Steven Universe and OK KO

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The show itself was fine, it was the knock offs that thought they could do the same thing and get away with it that were the problem.

hate it, worst show ever, never laughed once as a kid. chowder is okay. people usually put them hand in hand since they were from the same era.
i dont like flapjack because as a kid i expected some sort of story building that had to do with flapjack learning to be a pirate and finding Candy island only for it to be slapschtick humor.

best cartoon network show, absolutely based, nothing else can compare.

Wish it ran for 30 seasons and enveloped all of Cartoon Network

I loved it. I remember laughing hard with my younger brother watching Mechanical Genie Island.

Flap is a cute!

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>doesn't get reading
Jesus, imagine being this much of a brainlet

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thought it was another Spongebob clone.
after watching it, it made me wish for a sequel to the show where Flapjack is a grown up and goes on to fight Captain Knuckles across the seas, because he sold Bubby or something.

I thought re-imagining cartoons as edgy dark versions of themselves was cool.

This was a great show, and so was Adventure Time in its early years. It's not their fault that most of the cartoons that came afterwards tried and failed to replicate their formula.

Like when he said it I litterally got a flashback to Mount Ignorance from the Phantom Tollbooth

No it's not ok, many later episodes looked like crap.

If Adventure Time was the 2010s equivalent of Ren and Stimpy, then Flapjack was the equivalent of Mighty Mouse

You are the first person i've ever heard make that claim. Ren and Stimpy and Adventure Time have absolutely nothing in common, "being weird" doesn't count.

>Durr the gritty gross world of Invader zim was bad, it made things ugly! No it doesn't matter what the tone fo the show was

Except Invader Zim was on model the entire duration of the shows 3 seasons.
I used this gif for another thread discussing on model characters(it was an SU thread).
If they are not drawn like pic(gif) related they are off model and not for a joke off model, there were multiple later episodes they are drawn low quality the entire episode for what I assume budget reason cause the later episodes of flap jack looked like crap.

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if it was any other show i would despise him but i like how he contrasts the shithole surroundings

They do. For better or worse, both shows had a big influence on the animated shows of their respective decades

I loved it. It had potential for interesting lore, but then again I'm glad they kept it a comedy.

>. It had potential for interesting lore
Shut up retard.

That doesn't mean they are similar in any way

Its almost as if he wasnt comparing them in that way.

It's good. I wanna have a son just like flapjack.

he cute!

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He just named a similarity, brainlet.

>For better or worse, both shows had a big influence on the animated shows of their respective decades