Have any of you written your own comic?

Have any of you written your own comic?
Any tips on writing formats?
More importantly, how did you find an artist?

Attached: DontBeBendisDontBeBendis.jpg (818x786, 70.82K)

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Written scripts, never got around to actually making the pages.
But it’s not the kind of comic that would give you the tips you’re looking for.
No, I don’t mean porn, in case you thought I meant that.

I've written a few. I found my artists on Twitter, FB and digital webbing. I pay everyone I work with. The format you posted is kinda similar to how I write my scripts.

To be fair, I can draw, and have detailed sketches of characters, I just have a problem with backdrop and proportions when they are at different angles

I'm planning to. It would be a fun little fantasy adventure with a /ll/ couple, so I' excited for it

>More importantly, how did you find an artist?


Takes a hit minute but dig around and you'll find someone worthwhile.

Personally I just draw out ideas as I go but my comics are more comedy based and I don't imagine my method would work if you're aiming for a story that you want taken seriously.

I am the artist.

Oh crap!!
Thank you for this!

The real question is how do you find a good writer?

Yeah when an user had the let’s make a comic threads I threw around some ideas that made it. You could say I’m the bendis of Zig Forums

I wrote a one-page gag comic with an OC I've been trying to get pics and/or comics of for a while with only some success.

I just happened to see the artist was open for commissions for comic pages, which are fairly rare.

Attached: comm_lrkman45_nerdbra.png (2100x3150, 2.7M)

Which ideas did you do?

I pushed Fred

This rules

Okay this is pretty funny


sauce? unless it'll out you

>I just happened to see the artist was open for commissions for comic pages, which are fairly rare

Look harder on twitter. You may be a cheapskate if you're not finding anyone

Also, the comic is funny. Your writing partnered with an appealing artists' drawings can make you popular in IG and twitter

Artist is called WidemouthS on twitter

I can't afford hundreds of dollars a page.

I'm not willing to spend money on some furry artist, i'd be losing money, do you think Image is just going to take it, or any other garbage comic publisher? Not worth it, better to just spend years learning to draw

>I can't afford hundreds of dollars a page.

Get one or two done as a preview, put together a solid pitch, try and Kickstart it.

I've never thought about it as seriously as that. I'm not sure how much material I have ready to go, although I do have a finale of sorts...that I think is funny but might piss people off.

>I'm not sure how much material I have ready to go, although I do have a finale of sorts...that I think is funny but might piss people off.

If you wanna fuck eagles you better learn to fly. If you really want to do it you need to at least make the attempt.

I've written a few comics and from my expiriences it doesn't matter what format you use, as long as its consistent and who ever is reading it can under stand what you want.

As for artist searching online is easy mode but you gotta have the $$$ to drop.
But you could do what I did and visit comic book conventions. There are several artist looking for writers in "How to break into the business" panels.
Its how I met my current partner.

This is my first time finding about this Name Namerson person. Their work any good?

>and who ever is reading it can under stand what you want.

Attached: 1570653672203.jpg (1024x831, 263.38K)

Excellent example of good writer/artist communication

Was thinking about starting a pretty generic superhero spoof based off old doodles me and my friends made.Nothing groundbreaking just trying to get more productive and creative

Does anyone know of a site that pairs artists and writers like the panels at conventions? I would rather do it online then have to wait for the ‘Rona to pass before I can go to another convention

Trust and failure. Most suck.

Don't focus on pitches and cool ideas and premises - artists are supposed to be the cool idea guys. Look for someone who can plot rather than looking for someone with a marketable idea. Anybody can come up with a marketable idea, actually writing stories is the difficult part.

Which isn't a you problem, it's artists being high as kites. Big 2 artists fooled all the nobodies into demanding industry page rates as a way to keep competition down.

Nobody who hasnt been the main artist on a top 20 selling big 2 book deserves more than 100 a page. Chiefly because almost nobody at that level is putting 6-8 hours into a single page and their name isn't selling $2200 worth of issues.

If I were you and trying to "be more creative" I wouldn't let that whimsy impede focus.

Don't make it generic make it yours. Don't "just try" to "be more creative", be creative and just try to be more productive. If you need to try to be creative you should focus on non-creative pursuits.