Well Zig Forumsmrades...

Well Zig Forumsmrades, you were just visited by the Isekai Truck and are now transported to the last comic or cartoon you read/watched and apart of the story. How fucked are you?

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I just read Rags which is the bastard love child of Girls and The Walking Dead. I'll just isekai myself back out and take my chances.

Might as well just kill me now.

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It's a one way trip

>danny phantom
I mean i would probably have to avoid danny but beyond that id be good.

if it's the one I read a few days ago I'd say I'M not the one who's fucked...

Not at all. It is I who visits the Isekai Truck


Fuck you that's a god tier Isekai

Last episode of BallMasterz 9009 season 2. I'm dead.

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I don't fucking remember the last Zig Forums thing I watched, i mean it hasn't been that much time but none of the things I like had episodes recently and my memory sucks

What do i do then

>Johnny Test

I'll be >Whipcrack

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Reroll your spec and get sent back to regular ass Earth with no knowledge of your previous life but innately drawn to the things you did in it

And then you get Isekai'd at the same age

Can't I just choose something from other board

Only Zig Forums

I'm fucked but it will be glorious.

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Well, the last game I played was 7th stand user, which is a old-styled rpg fangame about joining the cast of JoJo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

The last thing I read was the Storytime of Berserk....

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So you either get murdered by bandits, demons, or mythical monsters?
I hope you played Dragon's Dogma lol

Depending in where I end up I could be a Scholar or something, pretty sure college education could count for something in the middle ages.

Whats Dragon Dogma about?

Nice. Like Punisher but for Isekai victims

How good is the show? I've only heard from shotahet shippers on Twitter who want the kid and the black chick to fuck, and can't discern if the show is actually good.

Berserk, the vidya


It's on sale on steam right now for 9USD til May 6th

I literally just finished reading Jason Shiga's Demon after someone started storytiming it. This... this will not go well for me.

>Whats Dragon Dogma about?
It's basically D&D the videogame. It's pretty fun but has a bit of a learning curve. But once you put in enough hours, you'll be unstoppable until you get to Bitterblack Isle, get your shit stomped by everything there, and then are suprised to learn that a minor item from the base game (throwblast) is completely broken.

I tried getting into Squirrel Girl's most recent book so I guess generic Marvel 616?

My real life small town in the middle of nowhere USA already got leveled in that universe. Am I retroactively dead? The writer of that arc wasn't even from my state I think he just picked a town at random to have a supervillain wipe out.

if you've been isekai'd as per isekai tropes you'd most likely be the one with demon powers and if you arent a shit head you'd get by just fine without attracting attention

Does Sam O'Nella Academy count?

Maybe you get Isekai'd to a point in time before then and get the chance to stop it?

>TF: Prime
Not so bad, though I'd developed a fear of vehicles after finding out about them.

>johnny test reboot
kill me again

Imagine OK KO created by people who are actual anime fans and can be as insane as possible. It's fun.

>was just watching koth
This just means I move a few hundred miles.

I think the last Zig Forums media I read was GI vs Transformers. I haven't finished it, but I'd probably try to use Cobra tech to implant my brain in a Cybertronian body or some shit/