Prequel thread

Holy shit Katia actually learns a thing on purpose AND without a string of colossal fuck-ups attached edition

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go the fuck away, Kazerad- noone likes you anymore

Bring back best girl right now.

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I can't believe I'm proud of that dumb cat

Let me guess, nothing happens. And in the next 5 years nothing will happen, and when this comic finally get cancelled after a decade or Katia will still be basically in the same place she is now that is basically where she started but with a fucking fire spell.

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Either that or she will randomly take a boat or something completelly out of nowhere to some random place and then Katia will say
>truly they were...a prequel adventure

>She's still at the fucking rock


Well, she's at least got a knack for destruction magic.
Technique could use a little work, though.

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jesus christ this is a worst fate then what happened to hsg a fate worse than permanent banishment indeed being forced onto /trash/ because your home board no longer cares about X topic the horrors that have been created because of those threads jfc no one should be forced to see let alone even know about the things /trash/ decided to vomit up one night

fucking all you had to do was at least update bi weekly even monthly kaz and /trash/ would not have become the fucking de-facto board to talk about prequel on Zig Forums would still enjoy the webcomic create OC and even promote it but no sadly you never learned time management after all these years

but ya on topic is it just me or is the art this update rather cute something seems rather off its as if this update has soul and passion in it even .gif related reminds me of why I fell in love with this webcomic a decade ago after homosucks decided to jump the shark after [s]cascade and give the fandom to tumblr

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