Your children watch this. These are their role models

Your children watch this. These are their role models.

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kids don't watch cartoon network anymore.

CS Lewis wrote about this. Theyre breeding their army.

god is dead

>Zig Forums users
>having children

some of them do and it creeps me out

Most cartoons are made by disaffected millennials for disaffected millennials. Children watch YouTube and streamers

Attached: no.jpg (801x814, 38.4K)

Why does steven universe have a midriff?
Why are they all drawn so round and inoffensively?
Why would kids give a FUCK about gender pronouns?

>Children watch YouTube and streamers
this. theyre watching ninja play fortnite or whatever, and atleast when they do that it's just some silly man child playing a cartoon video game. he's not gonna spew communist mind fuck propaganda.