
Delicious ayam goreng edisi

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Build Bui....brrrrtt

Shit flip OP yet again

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tulog na

Finally /asean/ is dead

sorry too busy playing eu4

Cute cock

Battery hinders the progression of mobile devices
Processor, screen, ram etc get better every year but battery technology has been the same since forever
We could have had better technology if the battery can provide better power and less heat

Graphene ball batteries soon.

Have you guys finished filing your tax?

I already got my money back.

We have become 2nd class citizens in our country.

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lol. get on singapoor level.


well you are wrong

But you are the chinese.

i'm not communist. like malayous are 50% chinese DNA but still call themselves "sons of the soil".

Don't be racist lah. They are human too.

redpill me on the new Malaysian government.

it's another MADhathir's crony government, designed to cockblock Anwar's gang.

communism and countries aren't a race, dumdums.

you should know. you killed 200 000 suspected commies(chinese indos) because CIA told you to.

based mahathir

i agree with pic related. allowing the poor to work is better than shooting them as soon as you see them on the street.

Indonesians are more manly than Malays.
prove me wrong.

The probelm here is the deluded belief that poor = resilient to the china virus.
This is how the dutard gov manages this fiasco

White men are manlier.

OMG stop being racist against yourself

if poor dies from disease, no one would care anyway. it's better for them to be working at least.

if richfags die because they came out to party hard with poorfags, i don't care either.

>200 000 suspected commies(chinese indos
This is a misinformation. Most people who died were jawaks and balinese. There were only less than ten thousands chinese who died.

oh my snackbars stop aparthied in MY !!!


thanks, CIA.

Either way the china virus will spread and everyone dies
Making the suffering that we have to endure form the Quarantine pointless.

>Either way the china virus will spread and everyone dies

that's proven to be statistically unreal fakenews. tt brasil and nordic cunts with ~0.00111111% fatality.

any black man is manlier than white men,
any white man is manlier than brown men,
any brown man is manlier than yellow men.

any yellow woman is more femenine than brown women
any brown woman is more femenine than white women
any white woman is more femenine than black women.

Then Quarantine is pointless, maybe we should take a chance.
If more people die it will be bad for Duterte's election campaign all the blame will go to him and whoever he pushes ;)

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>if poor dies from disease, no one would care anyway.
Lol this will be Dutard Legacy, everyone will make sure no one forgets it

i exaggerated according to total population.
i know you hate dutdut china but fakenews is dumb.

>They also discovered that 1,600 people have been infected with Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak. Of these cases, there were only seven deaths, indicating a fatality rate of just 0.4 per cent,

as they find more people who got tested positive but show no signs of any damage, the corona meme is looking more and more overhyped.

Why Hinamomo is so cute

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yes, i saw your mom with 5 BBCs on pronhub.

nobody cared even before dutdut's SHOOT TO KILL policy. you're juts doing the dutdut version of TDS.

that's what im sayan, brah.

That's why I said the Quarantine is pointless.

Let them go to work if more people die espcially in the provinces then, it will look bad for Duterte and his cronnies. ;)

isn't that a robutt?

Why are you so obsessed with Duterte?


hmmm.. gahmen officially says there's ~1,427,500 foreign "talents" in singapoor. Murika will never beat us at this level of multiculturalism and muh stealing jebs.

What will be your reaction if Duterte dies? Will you still go here and post about him?


Taiwan number 1, China number 4!

>nobody cared even before dutdut's SHOOT TO KILL policy.

I really hope the dutard admin take this chance, I really do
The failure will be so epic and greater than Yolanda, all those dead memes will last us until 2022

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>Duterte dies? Will you still go here and post about him?
i will ask what is his favorite jolly bee meal and eat it for lulz.

Kek I love to see comparison of what happened in Iceland to what will happen to NCR

wot ?the shitty fallout game faction? this aint a game , man. this srzzzzz !!!

NCR our National Capital Region

just call it metro manila , you damn autists!

Intresting so tryhard pol soyjack poster is one of mkls larp
Why Im I not suprised

Icoming soyjack greentext tirade

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So there will be less confusion

Btw his justification and proof is not even Iceland or Brazil but priest.

>Moreover, Concepcion noted that he was able to talk to some 80 priests and bishops last Sunday, in which they were allegedly unanimous in saying that infection is “very minimal” in poor communities.

I hope duts take the bait and unleash NCR peps to the province for a brrrt brrrt kind of time.

Omg anons, i just eat raw yolk egg with oyster sauce, soy sauce, pinch of salt and sambal ABC. it tasted incredible solid 9/10 but am i going to be alright?

>indon egg
Paling diare

Did you at least wash it thoroughly?

In 2018 there are 3M chinks come to Indonesia. Most of them are workers with physical military trained.

Isnt it funny pro chink conspiritards say China virus isnt real it's fake news
Yet celebrate the USA geting 1mil infections, they cant really help it do they

Siap-siap aja diare

I take this as a good sign

yes, but is indon only a population of 5.6 million? that means more than 20% of singapoor is commies.

does indon have 53.54 million communists?

literally no one said that here.

For context
>The Dutard chink worship cult is getting deadly oofs over here.
>Absolute state

Lets see if they will take that chance

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We are communist at heart.

You should have wash it first. Our eggs come straight from chicken's butthole along with chicken shit and all. If you cracked it wrong and the shell fall in your egg, it will spill it's bacteri and salmonella.

Aperantly the corona meme is looking more and more overhyped. ;^)


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187th chapter of Kaguya made me warm inside damn
I never bother to file any kind of income tax lol, I do pay healthcare and vehicle tax though

Reminds me of the fliptard who frequents /cvg/

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Yeah my bad. It has begun to hurt now. I kinda enjoy it. Maybe CDR will help the disease course

Bbbbbbbbrrrrrraaaaaappppppt pt pt pt

neo entrostop bro

I got bored a few days ago and decided to learn new foreign language scripts. Russian and arabic took me a day. I've been at it 3 days for thai consonants and although I've made some progress I'd still consider it far and away the most confusing squiggles I've ever had to contend with. Any tips? I can already read japanese, chinese and korean if that can help in any way.

So... death to america my brothers?

>can't download twitter picture from mobile browser anymore

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No no no America is our friend.
Long live God Emperor Trump!

The days of america is gone. Now they have to be cleansed


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You know I'm kinda jealous of Americans where you can fuck and cum outside without being expected to marry the girl

you can do that here too


can't sleep

Sabana > anything else

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I dont know bro, I pledged alliance to the USA flag like 200 times while I was studying a year of High School in Florida back in 2007. I like freedom.
Anyone could become american but no one could become chinese. this is the reason why China´s plans to take over the world will fail.

Not to regular girls, and unfortunately I much prefer to fuck regular next door type girl compared to girls that you can invite to hotel easily. The liabilities and risks involved to fuck those kind of girls are too high in my view

-Could an Indian become Chinese? nope, then why that Indian would defend China?
-Could an Indonesian become Chinese? nope, then why that Indonesian would defend China?
-Could an Italian become Chinese? nope, then why that Italian would defend China?
-Could a Somalian become Chinese? nope, then why that Somalian would defend China?
-Could a Bolivian become Chinese? nope, then why that Bolivian would defend China?
-Could an Indian, Indonesian, Italian, Somalian, Bolivian become fully citizens of the USA? yep, then they could have some interest on defending the USA.

who are you quoting?


delicious flat chest

yep, working with uncle is a mistake

Kamu sahurnya apa?

you're so naive

your virginity is showing


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Why are SEA monkeys such weebs?

Why are you on a mongoloid artistic woodchopping board?

Why aren´t you sleeping?
Why are you always angry?
Are you the poorest man in Singapore?

Is this fucking real?
They had one job and failed.

>Ya seethe bitch

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>Message in Malay
nak kelentong pun bagi cerdik sikit bero

this is what cooming does to you

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piyubijimobel experience

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Leadt we forget

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is malay really that rude??

WAKE UP /asean/

Ayoko nga.

How to fulfill the next 40 years of my life with great memories?
half viet - half peru son, how to fullfill with nice memories the life of my future half brown, yellow son?
a big house to live in, the latest playstation, the lastest phone , a huge TV, a dog and a cat as pets, a good school for studying, a younger brother. a nice PC. trips to Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Jakarta, before he reach 16 years old age, comfy clothes, good food. Which religion should he follow? christian in the inside, confucian on the outside.

It's pedoterte hour

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Time to die.

We really need this for Google Indonesia. We have suicide hotline too but it doesn't show up on Google.

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Depression isn't real.

if you google how to kill yourself then you don't really want to kill yourself

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Wait, it does show up but only on first result. Not the big ass one at the top.

>When you realize the only suicide prevention hotline is just a foundation from a capitalist which her daughter just an heroed

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if your wanna KYS, just KYS. it's illegal in asia, but fuck it. pot is illegal in asia too.

>it's illegal in asia
So if I kms I'll get jailed?

You'd want to know the correct angle for your aim. Painful, agonizing death is just unacceptable, much worse if you don't actually die but instead live as a disabled people for the rest of your life.

Why do you assume I want to kill myself?

>Why aren´t you sleeping?
>Why are you always angry?
>Are you the poorest man in Singapore?

i don't sleep, i dream.
i am angry asian man, yes.
no. i have more pooru bucks than that guy who sleeps at a busstop and then gets fined for sleeping at a busstop.

No you just get buried

why not?


oh, it's legal in indon now, unless muh sharia lelz.

>On 11 February 2019, the Singapore government announced the decriminalisation of suicide.

wow, we're so liberalist progressive now! social justice just werkz!

lol i got deleted for saying taiwan is the real china. and ...

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>Thread iz ded when singapoo poster comes
What did he mean by this?


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mods are scared because my redpills are too hard

You haven't faced the other one Poora.

the biggest redpill of all, a redpill that has cost me 2000 USD to discover. now for free for your eyes and brain.
"Pretty women doesn't need financial help"

The most expensive thing I gave to my girlfriends is a 24hour stay at Sogo hotel

>"Pretty women doesn't need financial help"
that's why you pimp them.

Asu lo penagihhh


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Aerith is so pretty.

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Kotori means "little bird" in nip lang

You know they'll go bankrupt that easily if Nico's on the cover user.

Malaysia btfo

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Based. Share the love with singapoor.

you missed the joke retard
should been Kfc for kotori fried chikin

Bendover then

You are not cawaii desu nekochan!

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seriously if lockdowns don't work in autistic rules-loving nippon glorious anime world, it's not gonna work for monkeybrained shitholes like us.

Your econs leaders told dutdut to shoot the working class and don't let them work anywhere, thus crashing the economy???

I am cuter than you

Lockdowns are only a temporary solution. I hope longer weekends and shorter working hours come out of this

nintendo switch lite udah bisa dihek belum gaes?

>wanting a Switch Lite instead of the real Switch

i will most likely use it while laying on bed
i dont think the dock function is necessary for me

Can Japan become a member of ASEAN?

Can America become a member of ASEAN?

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What proxy?

>Hello, Chairman? Make these two members of ASEAN.

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I'm not a proxy!

>tfw no qt communist gf
Why even live bro

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Lockdown kills more people in the long run. For example, because of mandatory screening you have less doctors to do medical check-ups for old/sick people.

>Mayday during Covid
Do flips really?

the gomen that we need amirite?

Not today bro.
They're doing it online.


After you become my gf

>dirty foreigners posting on ASEAN
>oh wow let me lick your foreign dick (You) (You) (You)
The fate of mediocre nations.

I wanna make cute red babies with her

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That would be the generals, police and himself pic related would be the economist or chink

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Looks like Stock Photo

More than two million Filipinos have lost their jobs or under a "No Work, No Pay" scheme in 87,301 establishments nationwide, according to the Department of Labor and Employment.

But those who have received aid so far is just a small fraction of the reported job displacement. Some 600,000 private and informal sector workers have received the P5,000 cash aid from the government, which is just 26% of the affected workers.

DOLE has since stopped accepting applications for the cash subsidy program, citing lack of funds

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just woke up

Malaybros are you ready to die?


Got a hard boner lads

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let me see

>We will reopen the economy in stages with appropriate SOP
>Open ALL sectors on May 4th rather than actually take time to come up with appropriate SOP for post MCO
>Most offices cannot accommodate the proper 2m social distancing guidelines recommended by the WHO
Malaysia has lost

Berangkat jumatan gais

masjid tutup gais


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dont forget to ask your boss for alternate days at the office so your toddler wont choke on a pen cap

Paksa buka lah gais

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I am gonna spread it

i think she is the cutest even without sugoi dekai

where were you when hololive spoke indo


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what the fuck is this

What is the best version of pokemon?

Explain further

time for thread music

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Sweden didnt close down and they are fine. Nothing to worry about as lons as you keep distance and practice good hygiene

Like game?
BW and BW2 are great story wise
XY is great gameplay wise
RSE is for muh nostalgia

ya sure mate?
even then you think we as a nation will adhere to the "advised guidelines"? fucking pos gomen

>highest death rate
>doing well

Great khutbah today psbb btfo

Olmec pride worldwide

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That Visayan Olmec meme is getting serious.

Mandaue city is in the Visayas

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Ofc I dont expect to follow the rules, dummy. Then again I was hoping the economy would crash
Comparatively better than the rest of europe

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isnt that indonesian?

You fool. The Swedish government is shifting statistics so that they can pretend everything is normal and fine.

Thanks, we just got done watching indigo league and sun & moon now my kid is doing a pikachu face and laughing at team rocket

Mkls visayan illucanu larp cant even google the guys name

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Must be the ever factual visayan pagpag low IQ. ;)

It must be sad that we actually know what mkl looks like while he larps and he cant even doxx banterfag properly.

Must be ashamed that the picture he claims to be banterfag is a visayan all along living in Davao. Pathetic but then again it's a visayan so it shows ;)

I wonder if mkl will have the couragr to admitt to being the soyjack conspiracytard visayan illucanu kaguyafag
Keks, he has nothing to loose

filipinos are the strongest race

can't wait to wagebucks again

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Well I agree though that I'm pretty naive but I'm loaded (this is the main problem) and I'm scared af to repeat a lot of my friend's mistakes which is taking care of a girl who chase you without rest to ask for your responsibilities or her parents who ask you for responsibilities or whatever. Dunno if I'm just too paranoid though, if I came from the average Joe family I probably won't think that much about fucking someone

BTW you just have to take it like a slave if anyone near you get corona'd because there wont be anymore Lockdowns

dios mio...el ogro de la filipinas

Lol thanks Ayen for that
While mkls visayan illucano larp cant event check someones facebook account.
Must be the visayan papag + low 1q smfdh.


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>Faggot who think for-profit coporate will do charity for him


already too much desu

what they are chimping out because of the ramadan?

is this real??

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my mom is a buzzerp
if you're me how do you cope??

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Jadi buzzer bayarannya berapa?

>one chance at life
>share country with these mongoloid

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A job is a job. This cunt is fucked anyway.

>u turn on loan deferment
>almost all business sector can reopen on may 4
Do they really want the cases to spike? This sounds like they want the cases to spike. Why the fuck are people following this stupid fucking MCO if they gonna ruin it all in one fucking week.


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got source, my guy?

Look at the SOPs they prepared. It's worse. You are still working full time, at full capacity and most offices will not be able to have the space to abide by the 1m rule.

The government should focus on work from home and having less people in the office. Like the office should just be the space to store documents and process them to be handed over to relevant personnel. Working days should be shortened too because more contact means more vectors for the virus to spread. That shit has already mutated here to become more contagious


>Masjid jadi mubazir karena tidak digunakan
LMAO, kadrun's meme at it finest

Heh, can't fix stupid
Pastor Dies from COVID-19 After Blasting Social Distancing Measures | NowThis

>Pic related

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Nah, you're doing good. It only takes one or two videos for someone to blackmail you, so don't do that.

They're not suspected. They're literal communists. While anti-Chinese sentiments did exist, it was primarily a politicide. Start shit, get hit basically.

(You)s score =

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How do I apply?

>don't want to pray together just because of corona
This country is finished. Nobody realizes that this is a trial to test our faith.


I can hear some opera music coming from outside my house right now, not sure why but it's probably from the same speaker that was playing a mass earlier.

Blasting here doesn't mean socializing?


your bait is weak

Just tried steamed nugget.
It's surprisingly good.

>Steamed nugget
Eat more oil, fatso!

What kind of nugget?

No oil. Too lazy to go to warung.



Fried nuggets are still better.

kill her

Back. 5 day quarantine almost over. Didn't realise i could reject the MC who gave me bonus quarantine. I never needed the MC because ali baba workerslave.

watching nijisanji

orei is unironically ugly, i don't mean it as an insult but she's really ugly.

Risu is the only good HoloID

Current death rate of corona beeris in SG :about 0.09375 %. moh.gov.sg/covid-19#

Literally less than common flu now. We got goofed. Vote out your current meme gahmen. We must dissent.

I used to be on team nothingburger until I discovered, I still got paid while on quarantine.
I dont think I can go back to normal, the neet life is too good.

It's not worth it. I've experienced being a NEET before and life became tedious and boring. You'll soon be longing for the days of being able to go around and eat out.

You stupid slut

>longing for the days of being able to go around and eat out.
Those aren't mutually exclusive, I can still go out to eat while being a NEET


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Looks like we got infected by the chinà virus in more ways than one


Thats why they dont allow Filipino workers on Chinese owned businesses, and only allow Chinese workers in, so they can under declare everything, their earnings, their tax payments, the amount of gold or whatever they mine in here and other countries they do business with. And now, they can also hide the number of people that are sick. It just tells you how morally bankrupt that country is, its ingrained in them. Number one rule of working in China, the numbers are never what’s being reported. Never.

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She's cute and her lips are built for taking dicks

Wry? Also wear a skirt and post your ass.
I thought Dutdut isn't giving people welfare checks unless you suck his pp?

Sorry, peru. We rike white jewish naggers.

Why did I get so many tindermatches in the Philippines? Should I go there as a sexpat?

Yes, sex tourist.

One of them wanted to marry me, many asked for sex and send lewd pics, some asked me to take their virginity, ... I'm just a regular guy here in my cunt. I don't get it

The Phillippines is a nation of scammers and professional beggars.
Avoid anything related to the Phillippines online, follow my advice and save money and time.

beware of honeytrap

speaking from experience, eh?

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None of them ever asked for my money

yep, I was scammed by a big filipino scammer group, many people involved, the sad stories were well designed and the timing was perfect.
Avoid anything related to the Phillippines online and you will live a happier life.

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No. Because it would make you jelly

well, time to run 5km at treadmill machine.

they will try to win your trust at first while they start accumulating information from you. besides being masters at love scams they also do online extortion.
you are white, you could easily get korean , japanese gf, Do not touch that bucket of shit called the Philippines. up to you.

What the fuck do people watch v-tubers in the first place? holy shit you have no life or what?

its fun and free, especially when you get fucked by this meme virus. fuck coronachan

Drinking earl grey at midnight rain.. hmm..