/balt/ + /ausnz/

Today I will edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.lt/books?id=SQkS4ThWECIC&pg=PA168&lpg=PA168&dq=Riga Rivalia&source=bl&ots=t3vMRTqECL&sig=ACfU3U1YhCg-z4Kww_jCam77WijcYph3yQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEn6mT9JHpAhUj4aYKHVDuD-gQ6AEwA3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Riga Rivalia&f=false

Literally me

His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favourite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.

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That must be your feel now.
dont worry, theres no thing alcohol wont wash away.

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what books are you lads reading? am 5 pages into the picture of dorian gray

is this the secret balt :D
Im reading Dantes Inferno

its not a bait. i saw it in the classics section in the bookshop

I never said or thought it were, but now you made me suspicous knowing how you australians are. How is it?

I were being honest too, if you cant trust a Finn then who can you.

well like i said i am only 5 pages in so i literally can't give an opinion. why do i make you suspicious? my flag? this flag sometimes feels like a curse, as though anything i say is a shitpost and people do not take me seriously. i used to shitpost a lot, but i always found it shallow, and i longed for a real conversation rather than just trying to get as many (you)s as i could

When you started reading it?
And im sorry, but are not the only one with the stigma.
Everytime someone runs out of arguments or want to provoke us they bring up the mongol meme(we are not anyway to connect them) or the anime gay trannyposting few mentall ill discord trannies spammed here for months.

Anyways, mine last before this were Don Quijote and cant say i were dissapointed.
Thought after this Inferno i gonna look for something more lightier such 1984.
Or could recomend me any books?

only a month until summer arrives!

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i started reading it last night after i finished animal farm. i read 5 pages but was too tired so went to sleep. i have heard about don quixote and how it is one of if not the best selling book ever besides holy books. i read 1984 and would recommend it, but i am not sure which books to recommend if english isn't your first language then i am not sure which books you may find more difficult to read or if the translation may make the book lose its nuance. i guess i could recommend all quiet on the western front, catch 22, the commanding heights, the prize, brave new world

Yes its true books should be readed with the original language they are written for.
Translators there have very important job which can be easily be fuckd up example taking influence from their perspective.
I must admit im usually reading books in Finnish because im not too good with english languages "fancywords" and i would have to keep dictionary next to me.
Again i could learn to speak english better with tha way.
But im just a lazy drunkard who loves reading.

i have Dostoevsky's best books in a stack in a box i want to read soon but i am worried that the russian nuance of the books coming from his language may be lost due to translation but i can't learn russian just to read them how they were supposed to. i have the same fear with don quixote and some other spanish/italian classics. reading in english with a dictionary next to you is actually a great way to get better at english if that is what you want.

Thats why its good to know who translates those books.
Example i had trust for this spanish name translating Don quixote.
Sometimes one has to trust.
About the Dostjevsk iv seen one Perform from Idiot at the Finlands main theater, it were very intersting.
But also like i said im a lazy person.
Iv seen Animal Farm as old cartoon.
And i dont have nomore reason to read the book, same with acts iv seen at the stage.

Thanks for reminding me about the Catch 22, Iv heard so much good about it and its actually and somehow i hadnt even added it into my list.
But i burden it not so long time ago since i found it theres no translation for that like theres no one for fahrenheit 451 neither.

Yeah maybe i should take a dictionary into my hands and start reading.
Least understanding of the language wouldnt be my biggest sorrow.
Not to even start about very thick finnish accent, my tongue never twisted into indo-euro languages.

It was a good book, even with all the faggot shit.

>Thats why its good to know who translates those books.
i spend a lot of time on /lit/ asking about the best translations since it really can make or break a book.
yeah i heard oscar wilde was gay long before i knew who oscar wilde was. the first 5 pages already sounded queer

Its so easy for you English speakers.
At Finnish language there are usually not many translations but i wish to hope standards are high.

it is good to speak god's language. HUZZAH!

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I prefer mine, its naturally poetic and can twist so much more information into a shorter sentences.
What takes in english 20 words can in Finnish say with 5.

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page 8

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page 10? not on my watch

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Our secret thread was meant to be secret.
I really enjoyed that discussion with you.

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Moshimoshi, I'm surprised you didn't let my thread die

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likewise, it is rare to have a productive and interesting back and fourth

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Has anyone seen Lithuania today?
I haz to call him to chek if OK!
I am worried

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Got pubes in my tea, should maybe stop touching my cock... or shave

Call him, make sure he is okay.
Caring is Sharing.

And this must be new balt.
Let that old one rotten.

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user, don't tell me you go outside without a hazmat suit at these troubling times.

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käin küll

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I always have my suit and mask on

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What's hektors and where can I buy it?
Hektors is a drink popular with Latvian kids. Peak popularity ~2009. It is cheep,sweet and has ~32% alco.

>imagine living in a dense city.
I rarely anyone at the market but cashier still has that plastic cover.

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That's kind of a lot. For kids, I mean.

Yes, but they Latvian kids.
I also drank it when I was ~16 till 20
When I started to make money I switched to something a little bit less meme like Tullamore

That mustv been my newborn posting there.
Take the real Hector.

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What do think about this 22.

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It's alright.

looks pretty good, but how hard is it to clean it properly?

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Today I will POO

I just drank a black coffee, or as I like to call it, a POOffee. Not because I don't like the taste, but because POOffee makes me wanna POO.

I'm gonna shoot little POO pellets out of my arse like this .22 (or should I say twenty POO) Happy wiping, boys

I like it

Love this shape on girls

What are Suomi gun laws like


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Not that hard.
Pretty strict. For example even .22 you need to have a good reason to get one.
Same with bigger caliber, Hunting usually or wanting to practice shooting are valid reasons.
Bigger guns obvs need more history and reasons. But its otherwise its not really that hard doupt after the school murderds they started to put more effort for it.

Interesting, Suomis did have second most guns in Europe after Swiss, or was it the other way around?
Really jelly of Americans myself to be honest.

In Switzerland army gives people guns in case of emergency.

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>every 5th person has a gun
i want one too
where can i get it?


>19 guns per 100
i don't know anyone with a gun

>sharing size
>family size
>12 servings

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The National Armory that holds confiscated guns and such has like 10 thousand in their collection.
Others must be hunter guns.
Still, one gun per 5 people does seem an overestimate
Love the color coding in that picture as well.

at least we're not in the red danger zone.

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also if so, then the estimate was made by a monkey.

American size

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You mean in the fun zone

do latvians really look like this?

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Again with the misleading pictographs.
The grown in portion sizes is a result of competition between different chains as much as it is people demanding more.
How many fastfood joints were there in 1950s and how many there are in 2010s
This is a Čigāns final form.

No, that's not a latvian, that's Latvia.

The skinny ones do

Plenty of burgers are still 3.9 oz. And who is buying 42oz drinks? 12 to 20 is probably what most people buy.

Understand the fact its the amount off guns.
Many hunters and collectors easily have plenty.

Are you guys even aware of your surroundings.
You call Eesti slow but you dont think.

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shadman tier low quality

oh kek didn't notice

No, but seriously
I think I would totally fuck a good looking trap and not even hide it...I think...never even came close

>Das Menshe von Shadden

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can someone edit flags in for this image?

I ate some really shitty dumplings 3 hours ago. My stomach feels really weird and I had diarrhea. I'm a bit worried that I have gotten food poisoning. I gues we'll find that out tomorrow bros.

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Cringe tier if not ironic.

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I just wanted to bump the thread

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Well thats okay then

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i live for bumping balt

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Not sure if Russia got offensed but theres now going on anti-finn raid with plenty of Finnish proxies.

Truly facinating

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on mämmi?


on /int

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sleep time
keep the thread up
and hands on the blanket

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any lithuanians still awake? do you like your MREs when you serve in the army?

no theyre all asleep i should be too

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morning fuckers, I woke up at 5 and feel great happy labor day

Sup nigga. Yo what's poppin. Hola hola hola

I had a nightmare and didn't want to go back to sleep so I went out to listen to the morning birds instead and now am drinking coffee. waking up early is the best thing for mental health. why are you up this early?

lotta brownies in my thread, don't know how i feel about this

Been up since 1 AM or something, because
>started hard physical work since morning yesterday
>tired as shit and go to sleep at 7PM
think it's time to have breakfast.

Wtf kiwis look like THAT?

our thread now

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wow, nothing but admiration for you. i was hoping to go to the garden to celebrate mother's day and help her out with garden work, maybe shed a few calories, but that's on hold now as there might be rain and I don't wanna go alone since I don't know what work to do.

that's a looong breakfast

Every single one.

Watch this if you have the time lads.


I don't know about the CIA stuff personally, but if you dig deeper you'll find he's not bollocking you.

saving this thread with all survivors

reminder that workers' day, womens' day, valentine's day are all commie holidays

but it's spring holiday?

anxiety taking hold again

Are there any Latvianbros up from drinking yet? I need help in identifying a Latvian city which used to be called Rivalia (should be south of Riga) in historical sources.
Does it still exist?

Some. They're relatively healthy at least. The one "with the bread" is most famously based among serverinos

no more porn, not more cooming. the desire to indulge are taking a toll on my focus but I must persevere

No such city, here is a list

It's alright bros, it's not like I really wanted to play the new mountain blade game

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>Riga is the country's primate city.
Wiki editors are just based.

Ahh, the true 2004-2009 high graphics experience.

Can't you just sex their family femmes?

What’s the significance of calling it the primate city?

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Just hyperlink

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Maybe, Rēvele which is Tallinn in old Latvian and German speek.
Post source

So what’s based about using a fitting Latin word? Or is the rarity what makes it based?

Maybe, Rēvele which is Tallinn in old Latvian and German speek.
Post source of you question!

It's just that, Rīga is a primate city which makes sense since it is so shit for most part.
The only decent places are Downtown, and old Sarkandaugava.

>Catalan Atlas 1375 (cropped piece)
There is Riga, south of it is Rivalia and further south of that is Litufani Pagans(Lithuanian pagans).
Also, quoting some interesting text from "A PROSPECT OF THE MOST FAMOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD(LONDON 1675)" :
>"Livonia, to the north bounded with Finland, on the south with Lituania, on the west with the Baltick Sea, and on the east with Muscovia. It is a large province, carries in breadth(width) one hundred and sixty miles, in length five hundred. It is fenny(swampy) and woody, but yet has corn and fruit plenty, cattle good store, wild and tame, specially horses. They have honey, wax. Enough to exchange with other countries for wine and oil, for this yields little to none. It became Christian one thousands two hundred. Her chief towns are: RIGA, RIVALIA, DERPA AND VENDA. About twelve miles from the continent is the Isle of Osel."

Text sauce:
books.google.lt/books?id=SQkS4ThWECIC&pg=PA168&lpg=PA168&dq=Riga Rivalia&source=bl&ots=t3vMRTqECL&sig=ACfU3U1YhCg-z4Kww_jCam77WijcYph3yQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEn6mT9JHpAhUj4aYKHVDuD-gQ6AEwA3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Riga Rivalia&f=false

Attached: Catalan Atlas 1375 cropped.jpg (1268x816, 200.33K)

And yes, Catalan atlas went south at top and north at bottom, that's why text is flipped. To have it correct in accordance to today's maps.

Guess I'll need to dig deeper into histories of Ventspils, Liepaja, Palanga, Klaipeda to try and dig for what Rivalia might be (if it still exists)

It's by the sea, so it's probably something that's been absorbed by Jūrmala.

100 years ago today your ancestors were getting shot, arrested and beaten to secure your right to the 8 hour work day anons
How are you recognizing their sacrifice

i don't like australia

Wrong countries. Estonians already celebrated:
Lithuanians and Latvians incoming:

Drinking a monster and reading a book

why and what are you going to do about it?

I think you're confused.

oh for fucks sake, wanted to go out today and get a bit of light work done, but woke up with a headache, runny nose and sneezing all over the place
how the fuck do I even get sick if I haven't had contact with anyone for like two weeks now

Maybe you're allergic to my love.

it's not allergy, it's fear of commitment

I think I'm not. I don't recall any info about my ancestors participating in workers strikes of any sort at the time at least. They were busy fighting for their freedom and independence.
Please inform me if I'm wrong though.

some of you guys are alright. dont come to australia tomorrow

Good morning, I was meeting with the cousin of Death

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100 years ago my ancestors were jacking off pigs on a farm somewhere in yugoslavia

>there needs to be an occasion to buy a case of beer


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they want the gibs

If anything people are drinking way more now.

if I can analyze my sample of one, I would.... I would........... I would start seeking intervention

i have never been drunk. i get more kicks out of a good book than you get from drinking your poison

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shut up nerd

how I wish this was true

> never been drunk
> i get more fun from books
How do you know that if you have never been drunk?
Also why is it that a lot of people abroad haven't been properly drunk to blackout? Is it upbringing? Is it that alcohol is not as available? In baltics I don't know anyone who hasn't been wasted at least once in their lives. I remember that in burgerland alcohol was around the same prices as here (if not even cheaper, since you can buy bulks of it), but people didn't buy it as much.

surely the flag should have tipped you off user

>How do you know that if you have never been drunk?
because you are all miserable. i am too, but i don't need alcohol as a cope

and projection

t. balding coper

Here's the way I see this. Firstly, you have to get rid of the compartmentalization mindset of taking every day as a discrete unit. A single calm evening with a book, movie, videogame, etc is usually nothing momentous. But if it's a good Friday and you just hit the right spot unwinding after a particularly productive week, then it's absolutely something I could look back on for the next few months and remember "that evening" when everything was just so perfect.

Kind of the same with alcohol. Sometimes you have a few and you're just not feeling it and are miserable. Sometimes everything falls into place. Also worth considering that alcohol tends to enhance whatever emotional state you're in. Famously, if you drink while miserable, it will make you even more miserable.

So to end my short essay, there is a way to game the system. Do something that makes you feel good. Then have a drink. Don't overdo it.

maybe you've never known true happiness then user, when everything is right with the world and it keeps getting better

cope seethe dilate cringe based

based soberanon

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decent reply

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>australians and kiwis start going to bed
>am here only with balts
>dont want to seem like i am trying too hard to start a conversation
n-nice weather we are having haha

Don't worry user I woke up at 8pm today I'll be up all night. Still not going to have a convo with you though

I'm looking at the map of australia and
why does Perth exist? what's the point of it? how is life there considering it's the middle of fucking nowhere? who lives there? so many questions

It is /sweltering/

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mining and miners

Perth exists so Australia has development on its western side like planes and ships and ports. the south west part of australia can be fertile and geographically pleasant as the rest for most of the year so there is no reason to not build a city there. life there is probably also normal but the culture is more unqiue as it is more isolated. i have never been there

i think i love the sunlight and warmth too much to live in northern Europe. england just seems depressing except in the summer

what about kangaroo island

>i have never been there
how do you even get there? plane? because I don't think a sane person would go by road

kangaroo island is most known as a tourist hotspot for nature. many environment jobs there, and is probably a good place to live due to climate.
Perth is the most isolated major city in the world. you obviously go there by plane but i think there are trains that can take you there along the coast from south australia. you can even drive there but it isn't desirable.

what about Alice Springs

Also hangovers are prevented by magnesium intake.

The best way to get to Alice Springs is to not get there at all

Alice Springs only exists because it is built on a Spirng. it has a massive abo population and i was there for a couple days back in 2013. there were so many abos around that would ask for change and i even saw some abos fighting in front of a Wendy's. it is not a desirable place, and is for many people accommodation when visiting Uluru. i remember one cute thing in Uluru was that there was a pole with dozens of signs pointing to different capitals around the world

Sperm has a high concentration of magnesium

>listen to girlfriend ASMR where they make kissing noises
>irrevocably powerful erection that i cannot contain

I once looked up one of those "asmr" videos on youtube. I couldn't keep listening for even a minute. who watches this shit

People landed there a few hundred years ago and noticed it wasn't an arid wasteland so they settled there. South-West australia has a mediteranian climate so it's pretty pleasant there but the caveat is that it's so isolated from the rest of Australia by baren desert it may as well be an island seperated from the rest of Eastern Australia
Fortunately West Australia is also one of the most resource rich areas of Australia and so they can sustain themselves mostly on mining exports. If the wealth from mining went back into developing the nation instead of into the hands of a select few 2nd generation mining barons and their cronies W.A. would probably be one of the richest states in all Australia

Australians and others with similar disabilities

i only listen to asmr that is roleplay where they kiss me or give me a head pat

I used to listen and fap to Japanese ASMR porn in highschool. Those were the days. I might still have a folder of them somewhere on my computer

Don't watch the ones of asian/black women eating food its disgusting.

tfw no gf

god she is annoying

aussie and kiwi bros, i have a question. since owning a house is now a dead dream, what are your living arrangements going to be for the next 50 years?

Alice Springs is one of those places that would have eventually become a ghost town post WW2 but the U.S. wanted to build an intelligence facility in a place near communist china so they could intercept messages and spy on the Chikoms while also not being able to be spied on by their enemies so they stuck it right in the fucking middle of Australia where it was basically inpenetrable.
The Northern Territory is mostly propped up by the US army and intelligence because it's the closest place to put troops and gather intel on china while also keeping their assets safe.

>instead of into the hands of a select few 2nd generation mining barons and their cronies
I was about to say "at least they're not chinese" but I have a bad feeling they wouldn't mind selling you out

Renting and living with flatmates I guess. I try not to think about our bleak future

god i wish this were me

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>asmr girlfriend says i am cute and then makes a kissing sound
if i was an incel 50 years ago i probably would have killed myself

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Gina Reinhart, the billionair mining magnate said that immigrants are good because they are happy to be paid less than australians

Probably just rent i guess. Unless there's a huge housing crash and houses drop by 50% i don't see much point in locking myself into 40 years of repayments to a bank just to have a roof over my head. I would have to pay the same ammount in rent for 35 years before I would start paying more than the initial price of the house i currently live in and that's ignoring any interest.
The alternative is move to Newcastle where my boomer parents have a house they "plan" to move into once they want to retire but they never will because they're too stuck in their ways.

Time to drink!
Tis Friday.

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Hello, can you explain why baltic thread has so many australians and kiwis?

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I do patreon some of these girls. It makes me feel good because they actually need my support and I know what I get for my money. With real girls, you never know what you will get for paying for a date or dinner. Sometimes they won't even fake caring for you and instead you will be the one listening to their problems.

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>Unless there's a huge housing crash and houses drop by 50%
housing prices will drop by an estimated 10% due to corona closing our borders but by the end of the year the prices will be back to normal anyway

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I wish I had a cute boy to ruff up...and sex, maybe

They were kicked out of /brit/

Well seeing as house prices aren't crazy in my area, owning a house isn't out of the question.

They are good people coming to a good general

The mining barrons of Australia actively lobby the government to make industrial relation laws piss weak so they can import workers from Africa and China to work for half the price of Australian workers
Gina Rinehart even wrote an "essay" about how it would be a humanitarian act to make Darwin a "special economic zone" and import african workers to work for $2 a day so that they could suppor their families at home. These people are retarded but they have an entire entourage of lawyers and businessmen leeching off them that they always end up making the "right" decisions.

>sees response
>notices flag
god why can't you be in nz user?

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yeah i unfortunately can't delude myself enough to do something like that
for now user, you better buy quick

foreign investment into housing had completely dried up before corona hit anyway and the flow of unlimited immigration to artificially inflate the "housing demand" has basically kneecapped the housing market at this point. 50% is pretty optimistic yes but i doubt they're going to "rally" at the end of the year and if they do it'll be because the largest pump and dump in housing market history

i'll beat you up but its going to cost you

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whats the cost?

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before corona, it was estimated by banks that housing was going to increase by double digits this year. corona has for a time stopped this from happening but fundamentally nothing will change by the end of the year

I am 28 and I feel like my memory is fading real quick

I'll sex you but I'm not roughing you up.


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I'm looking to dominate your wallet more than anything

they only esitmated it because the RBA was passing rate cuts like they were giving it away and every time they slashed it by 0.25% there were a flurry of 80 iq warren buffets taking out a home loan to buy a shitty apartment in cambelltown while the cost of taking out a loan was cheap.
The RBA has used up the last of their rate cuts so all they can do now is quantative easing, so yes while corona has put everything on hold for the next 3-6 months the tricks they had up their sleeves are no longer at the ready
Also 9 entertainment has an entire media wing dedicated to property speculation so it's in their interest to imply that housing prices will continue to rise, i wouldn't believe their spin

you pathetic neet I should beat you up

God, you sound nice

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not a neet lmao im a student
thanks user :)

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As much as I wanna keep this going we shouldn't fill this thread up with our homo nonsense, so I'll leave you with this:
I will both fuck you and love you at the same time.

Tr*nnyme gays not welcome

I agree user, glad that there are other based fags on int

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>As much as I wanna keep this going we shouldn't fill this thread up with our homo nonsense
how thoughtful of you, but maybe next time don't start

I'm not a tranny or a gay I just want to beat up this little gayboy

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if only he knew how smol i really am

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Do you lads reckon?

I hope you clowns are voting NO on the weed vote.

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just let them be, they arent harmful.

Being legal is harmful to my garden, it's a nice cash boost in the spring.

yeah nah

I have to vote yes and hope it leads to the legalization and regulation of all drugs

legalize meth

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in mid december i applied for welfare and the job agency was finding a job for me. i thought i would have a job within a month at most but 6 months later and here i still am never having worked a day in my life

Truly blessed us dole bludgers.

>tfw no weed for another 10 years because our parliament boomers call it the devil's lettuce

bro, just get your buddy to hit you with a car, and get disability benefit for life.

>tfw internet voted for this flag

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dude my job search requirement got cancelled both times, first because of the bushfires even though they were not even close to me and the second time because of corona. i thought them giving me a job would force me outside and force me to socialise and open my horizons but the rainbow serpent is literally trying to make me a hermit, the fucking cunt

Go back 20 more years, friend.
>The 1904 Sixth Conference of the Second International, called on "all Social Democratic Party organisations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the eight-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace."

I applied during corona and all it took was a less than 30 second phone call

You'll get used to wagecucking. On my first job I was on the edge for a week or two but eventually managed to calm down.

We should allow more black immigrants (female) and legalize weed

>filled in some cracks in the wood with epoxy
>cover it with masking tape so it doesn't run out
>epoxy bonds to masking tape
>can't get it off
am retard hehehehe

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i have not eaten a vegetable in months

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what the fuck?
just sand it down, retard

We can import black qveens from the caribbean

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many thank, cleverast man of baltic

first of all, tfw no black gf
second of all why is our general so lame and always has been: basically socially inept outcasts, weebs, all the undesirables getting comfortable under the veil of anonymity, but the content is shit

shut up newfag

>basically socially inept outcasts, weebs, all the undesirables getting comfortable under the veil of anonymity
Yes this Zig Forums.

went out for a tea with mom. that was wonderful, sitting there in fresh air among all the people and their conversations. I felt alive. maybe I should start going there to read books or something.

also stopped at Humana for the first time since forever and got my temperature taken with a laser, lel.

Tried swimming last week. Can recommend. First time felt like my arms and legs were seizing up after 15 seconds and I might not make it back to the shore.
Second time just felt really cold.
But the feeling after getting out of the water is really nice.

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I'm neither of those, I just pretend while posting here to fit in.

>apparently thats an actual estonian with a black gf

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she's from the bahamas

This had me wondering if this sunday is mother's day.
It's next sunday.

Man, I love buying suits in Humana for 4 euros. But I definitely won't jump through all the corona hoops for some thrifting.

>but the content is shit
as compared to who? other generals?

what site are you on again?

come play some jackbox with Zig Forums we need more people

here it's this sunday. we might go to the garden to celebrate, or just finally having a long-awaited get-together
it's actually nothing invasive, you just disinfect your hands and they scan you with the laser for afar, and there's way fewer people so it's niver to shop. I do hate wearing the mask though.

We need more corona so I can keep working from home.

yeah, the working from home is nice, my mom really likes it. I hope they keep it for a loooooong time but I don't want to wear the fucking mask

Baltics can't afford to kill off all the old people. Without them, there will be nobody left.

Think of all the money SoDRA would save tho! Nearly 3.5 billion eurorinos this year.

Without old people theres no need to spend money on pension. That means everyone can get neet bucks and never work

I don't know how to work this thing

Winners of World championship by 2021!

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We're in the middle of a game right now but when we start a new game you go to jackbox.tv and enter the code on the stream. You watch the stream and play using jackbox.tv link.

I think if you join now you'll be part of the audience who can vote on the best rap

i dont like the rapping

Then wait for the next game it won't be the rapping one. This is the last round

Goodnight anons :)

>mfw my rhymes were shit

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Trying is better than not doing at all user.
You did good.

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At least you weren't last place

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I want to try to get high on what I have tomorrow. should I take extra venlafaxine or cut up some concerta and risk being super depressed like I was last time I was taking it regularly?
>tfw no friends

go pick mushrooms

never seen anything good here, it's not mushroom season, and my friend who tried to pick them could never find any

flex your stacks boys

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Just plowed the field and planted some potatoes :)

Miks seal miinus ees on


jealous of your future fresh potatoes, post pics when ready

>started reading Berserk storytime on Zig Forums
bros, how do I get a Casca gf in Baltics?

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I don't want to look. Last time I checked I was down about 9 grand. The only people who get hurt on the rollercoaster are the ones who jump off, r-right bros?

>Miks seal miinus ees on
Sest ma lhv pangale pooleteise kiloga sees irw

Or the ones who ride it off the clif

When the rollercoaster is hurtling towards the ground its too late to get off

What shitcoin did you invest in?

When the lockdown is over, how do I go about getting a gf?

Marry a kangaroo

Ask the 1st woman you see outside

Checked it. It's actually better than it was when I last checked. Been steadily getting better, little by little, for the past month. Still about 30% less than pre-crash, but it was down to half at its worst.

It's stonks, mate.

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Your dad is wealthy


If you wanna have kids you're pretty much virgin POLtard migapede


I want to have 4 kids with blonde wife and spread the aryan genes

spread them on my face daddy

Forgive me lord, but I'm going to racemix

It's all cool as long as you male and won't produce a male offspring

Enjoy her blown out pussy and having to pay for 5 people for 20 years aka being poor

Want to have 3.1 kids with a qt brown tomboy gf

just teach them fluent eesti

With me?

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ngl maybe arabs have a thing going with this "more than 1 wifes" idea

i'm a coomer. but that's about to change. i promise you all

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just like how you promised you were never going to return to Zig Forums?


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no, you're a man

l2ks lappe veits knao

Why? Just be a Mormon

Why? Just be a PAGAN BVLL

Oh, hell yeah
Forgot about that

>finally get around making potato pancakes
>gonna add cheese and spices and it'll be great and stuff
>completely forget the ratios
>add too much egg, add too much cheese
>ends up as some sort of mutant deep fried rape child of a pancake and an omelet with finely grates potatoes in there somewhere
at least it still kinda tastes good I guess?

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it's a spanish tortilla maybe?

field mouse with a field mouse and a house mouse with a house mouse is the natural order of things

too thin i think, it's still somewhere in potato pancake territory

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võtsid laenu? läksid aksjaturule rallile?

I guess you could call them potato pannkakas

looks good user
now show your dick


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those pancakes make me really want to see your cock

cursed 666

gonna drink my beer and not think about you homos

I think I will emulate a yugioh game. The GX one was super comfy, but I never did get far into it. Osrs is becoming too boring. Playing Barbarian Assault, but it's full of retards

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hmmmm, either the added venlafaxine, the two chewed up concertas, or my kitty laying on my stomach have somehow made me happy. life is good. I love drugs and kitties