DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for 初心者 and 博士 who are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games Japanese speakers learning English are welcome as well
Edgelords who try to sabotage the learning process of others are NOT welcome!
N0 For what it's worth you will probably want to use the hiragana readings for some terms >I want to be anonymous on the rest of Zig Forums But why would you want to visit/post there :~)
like >興味深いことに、英国国防省は従業員にこのアプリの使用を禁止しています 私の職場のテレワークはskypeを使っています。 >I think it's N3? or you'd be that after finishing the series. There used to be some pirate translation sites listing that one but it seems all of them were suddenly eradicated.