/cum/ + /centralamerica/

International Workers' Day edition


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don't pay your rent bros

International "Workers" Day

I've never had spicy fried chicken.

Why +CA? I don’t care I’m just curious

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now i want some kfc

International COMMIES day mk better red the dead oorah semper fi

is that california or canada so dumb we have the same acronym

Central America, dummy

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last thread had 65 posters

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you just blew my fucking mind

this will be my last post before I sleep

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hey can this leaf please stop making editions before we even hit 290


gn cummies

it takes a while to master, you probably just haven't got it figured out. it's about resonant frequencies like blowing into a bottle, except unlike glass you can change the size of your mouth opening so you dynamically change air velocity or whatever to keep hitting the resonant notes. i did the tongue whistle thing into my early teens because i was just copying my dad until i realized most people were doing something completely diff. it's worth figuring out since it's so much louder and has a cleaner sound


>this leaf
it's just goshcel on a proxy

1, 8, 7 on the MFin BBQ

frustrates me to no end that i can’t whistle with my fingers super loud

i don't have that one figured out either

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i've been trying to whistle properly for over 20 years, it has just never clicked with me. i've watched people, and seen videos and just can't hit more then a few notes.
i still do try, frequently. i haven't given up hope.

I fucking love carbs bros
Gimme all the biscuits you can

>hot buttered biscuit
jeez, and i had already fapped this week

we’re hardly men

i did manage to do it once after watching a bunch of video tutorials but it was hard for me to get it to work and i lost the skill pretty quickly after

I’ve never gotten close. Have only embarrassed myself a couple times while having someone try to explain it to me.

i can use my fingers, but cant use just my lips


i think i would trade tongue whistle skill for finger whistle, but not lip

mind you i can't finger whistle so this might be completely wrong, but something i noticed when i did get it to work that time was that it only seemed to work when i blew pretty hard; that i could only do it loudly or not at all. you can't be timid about it, seemingly

The only one that matters is finger whistling.
>you’ll never be THAT guy that catches a crowded rooms attention with a solid finger whistle

i usually only try to whistle at birds and stuff instead of tunes. i just want to do it louder, however i got about it.

I can’t remember the last time I was happy. Can you?

bruh some local birds seemingly started responding after i played that

no clue what it is, but one in my yard always calls like that.

I’ll check out some how to vids sometime. I haven’t tried for a while it’ll give me something to do

i think the happiest i've been in the past 12 months was august 3rd

no it was august 5th

i think it was just a lot of coincidences at once, but a few days before easter, but i hear from 3 people i knew and was concerned about and i'm still smiling thinking about it.

Evil May Day or Ill May Day is the name of a riot which took place in 1517 as a protest against foreigners living in London. Apprentices attacked foreign residents. Some of the rioters were later hanged, although King Henry VIII granted a pardon for the remainder following public pleadings from his wife, Catherine of Aragon.

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I have happy memories that i can recall that were somewhat recent. I wasn’t especially happy at the time, but they’re simple things that I cherish and make me feel alright when i think about them. If that makes any sense.

Just came to this


When will North America become communistic?

It might fascist within our life times though

>It might fascist within our life times though

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>in one of my /vg/ generals
>someone says "Fuck you jason" out of nowhere and with no reference to another post

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Goodnight sweet prince :’^(

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Don't call me a cummie

t. cummie

I hate Southerners



When I become king.
Then I will dissolve the government, including my own seat of power, and create the first true communist state.

I hope not.


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How do I get out of bed in the morning

Get a dog

I want to rub my face all up in a wet vag

wtf is central america

The little pathway of countries between Mexico and south America

me too buddy
me too...

someone on the frankfurt subreddit asked why there are so many guys in expensive cars driving around downtown just to make noise with their engines.
it's 99,99% muzzshits doings this, so I comment a snarky "ah the diversity :-)"
of course it gets downvoted to hell and some faggot comments "well duh um here it's mostly WHITE bikers!!!!" lmao
niggas be cray cray fr

Good morning /cum/!

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had a gay dream

I wonder why...

Describe it

Had a dream last night i was fuckin my cousins cousin. Lucid af, felt da pussy grippin my dick.

had a dream i met up with an old high school friend and helped him cook and we kissed

hate when this happens

You're gay as fuck hombrito.
You have to be a 100% joto de marricon do dream shit like that real talk here soz

I bet you woke up from that one feeling very confused. Kinda cute though.

why? are you not gay?

Today I wanted to go out in the city and fiddle around with the new iPhone SE.
OF COURSE the one day I want to go out happens to be a holiday jajaja

Correct, so when I have gay or incest dreams I feel weird

why do you have gay dreams when you're not?

You can't control your dreams.

Vacuums distress my ear holes

Why are they turning on their own people?...smdh...

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I never found it... (haven't been looking for it either)

Newly acquired color film showing a jewish man escaping the line to aushwitz


Why are all of the Canadians I meet in real life assholes, but all of the ones in this general are very nice?

You now realize the power of VPNs

When do you see the US border reopening? Next month?

Biden said he never fingerbanged his assistant.
Can we trust this man?

July or August, but then it will be closed again when cases start surging again

Please open in late june, I need to be let back in.

the goat

Are you an american who can't get back? Didn't you see the huge blaring bleating warning signs and sirens saying "come back because there's a global pandemic"?

good morning /cum/
how's it going?

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Believe in the day

back with another one of those block rockin BEATS

Okay I guess. Waiting for my class in 20 minutes. Got a fair amount of work to do this week and trying to plan it out despite my depression

Not bad. There's potential for a good day. How are you?

what do you mean?

There's a weirdo asian footfag in gif and I'm still not convinced that it isn't fk.

I have never posted there
but link so I can save some

I'm french but I work in the US.

hey, at least things are going ok, there, you know
keep working out and struggling depression, user, you can do it
glad things are good there, things are ok for now

yuck. frogs OUT OUT OUT
I'll let you in if you smuggle me a pale cutie from paris

>finding a pale girl in Paris

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Just found out about muh 10% croatian ancestry

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I woke up. Weighed myself. Paid my rent. Bought a ticket to go home for my mom's birthday in July (hopefully this whu flu is over by then). Then went to the store and bought more meat to stuff in my fridge in case there's a meat shortage. Then I called my mom to tell her the news that I was visiting. Then made coffee. Then a coworker called me. Then Another 2 more for tech help. Then a printer guy called me about something we're doing in the office. Now I'll eat something and play Squad.

i know, i gave him an impossible task

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Okay is this good enough?

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Is there something you're worried about?

Take her out to Tang Frères

I thought classes were over?

hey sashy if you love islam so much why don't you fuck off to iran

something wrong with that?
oh, well everybody has things to do, everything alright?
not really, but you know, i kinda woke up with the left foot

that's not my home...? ._.
i mean,i don't mind islam, are you the user from that other thread?

Nothing wrong with that, it's quite the discovery haha. Now I'm hooked watching the breakup of Yugoslavia documentaries.

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I'd donate 25USD to the Sicario fund if it were guaranteed to help us get rid of Sashy

Hate those days. Hope everything's on the up and up from here. There's always room for a whip around.

Things are fine with me. Loads of homeless wandering around the city with no masks/gloves on begging for money. When we eventually ease restrictions in the city I predict a huge uptick in infection because the homeless are all over the bus stops/metro stations/sleeping in unused patio areas in front of restaurants.
How are things in Mexique?

had a dream that the coomer tried to molest me in a mcdonalds

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/cum/ needs more anime OP pictures

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Also there's a sweetgreen near my place and in front of it I saw I think 3 homeless people. 1 was an old black guy (typical), one was wearing military fatigues with his back turned to me but I doubt it was the national guard (which are in some parts of the city) and another looked like a young Mexican girl or something brushing her hair. I felt bad for her because she was sitting there brushing her hair a sleeping bag outside a closed sweetgreen. A fucked up kind of feel.

That's just how it is bro

You could offer a warm bed (and a hard cock) if u really feel bad about it

She's poor just cause she wants, there's plenty of opportunities to get out of poverty

>i don't mind islam,
and yet you went out of your way to be offended by that post

islam? more like islame

I lived in Michigan for about 25 years and literally never saw someone open carry there, just for the record.

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gm /cum/

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I’ve seen it once or twice (not counting firearm stores).

sounds like you get sexual satisfaction by seeing old black homeless ppl


I hear out west it's very common for people to OC just running daily errands.

thats because you never went outside you loser

There's some symbolism there

Is there? I yelled at him and the McDonalds staff came and reviewed video of it and reprimanded him then he tried to get close to me again and I punched him in the jaw and woke up

Nah sorry it's just not something you see up north.

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Wanna touch a girl’s legs right about now

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wanna lick a girls sweaty hairy armpit right now


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good morning lovely

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That’s TOO much


Feeling this post

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>there's plenty of opportunities to get out of poverty

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He and the mcdonalds represent unthinking indulgence, or something. Maybe a weird social commentary sort of thing. I don't know. Pretty funny dream either way.

Hey you :)
Nice day out here today.

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all russian women have the same exact singing voice

Thank them for their service.

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I hear lots of things.

off to work (with no mask)

pray for me

Getting out of poverty isn't that difficult
It's just that most people can't get their priorities straight

Starting from homeless:
>Move to low income area (any non costal area has these)
>Rent room for 250 per month
>Work and save a few thou
>Use loans and grants to go to community college and or university / trade school
>Takes between 1-5 years
>Earn at least 45k if you picked something not dumb to study
I get not every one can move but it's really not that hard. Most people just lack self discipline.

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You got that yummy yum that yummy yum

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>>Rent room for 250 per month
stpped reading here thats bullshit, you won't find anything cheaper than $600/month here even if you're renting one room in an apartment with a dozen people

Sorry dude but in most of the country you can get a room for about $250. You don't need to live in the city.

Might not be living like a king but it's there. You just aren't looking very hard.

Tell me a reasonable place to live and I'll find you a cheap room there.

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happy to hear it, its quite nice out today as well.
enjoy the day love

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why afroamericans speak such like dindu duh nuthin muh manh uga booga doh you wanth someh cool aidh and codeinehh brahh

Bix Nood

At what point did you realize that you were never meant to be happy in life?

hmm... you know where those yugoslav ancestors came from and why?
yeah, i'm doing some chores in the house rn, might wake me up a bit
shit, poor people, they can't help themselves :/
well at least things are fine with you, same here really
thanks ofr asking
well, i mean, you just became obnoxious and rude in that thread

No education at home. No good teachers want to teach in a school where they are not safe.

must be that royal blood

Notice how that guy didn't reply to me

I support making doing well easier I just think it's a bs excuse to be a failure

Americans love playing the victim
The whole country has a victim complex

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it's just a mix of southern accent and their ancestral african accent, really, still mostly southern

You’re Mexican stop acting like you know stuff

having gf = being happy, I think

That’s great. Thank you. You as well!

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this is basic knowlege stuff tho, i just happen to know it
i sometimes inform myself with stuff like that you know
eh, not necessarily

find me a cheap place to live in sanfran

If you say hurr durr just move to bumfuck texas and abandon every single connection and family member while simultaneously having zero money to afford such a transition I will immediately ignore anything you have to say

>let's just start easing lockdown restrictions right when the coronavirus is at its peak
trump really is an idiot, isn't he?

he's not even american, why are you bothering to listen to anything he has to say about the cost of living here?

economy must be going up, you know

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So last year?

He’s from Michigan


that's bullshit
everyone is meant to be happy in life, y'all just gotta find yourselves

fuck you

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yeah right and I'm the king of greenland