Does anyone actually like the country they live in? Seems like everyone always complains no matter what...

Does anyone actually like the country they live in? Seems like everyone always complains no matter what. Post here only if you like your country and wouldn’t move somewhere else
t. happy living here and proud

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yeah nationalism is a spook. read stirner and despook yourself

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Minus the crime it's really good here.

I would love México if this country wasn' t filled with fags

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I like my country

dunno, I know for sure that it sucks here tho

I do.

Most people that complains would not be happier in another country. The issue is with humanity, it has something rotten but beautiful at the same time. If you don't see the bad in your country you're as blind as the person who complains all the time.

Complaint is the sport of the decadent. Most the people here are neet while wanting for nothing but a gf. I am perfectly content in my country. But I'm still gonna complain

Try loving your country when it looks like this: