My cat who has been with me since i was seven years old just had to be euthanized :( im very sad bros

My cat who has been with me since i was seven years old just had to be euthanized :( im very sad bros

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yea, it sucks. at least I dug its own grave and I look at that piece of dirt now and like to think she gave life to all the flowers above it now

I'm so sorry to hear that little norbro :(

that's too bad fren, I know it hurts. Try to think of the good times, I'm sure the cat lived well and was happy

>like to think she gave life to all the flowers above it now

That's a beautiful thought little brazilbro

Cat was almost 16. she lived good but still very sad

Your next pet.
Dackels are much better frens

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He is in the better place now.

My last cat died from an infection when I was in my first year of highschool.
I was very sad and since then I started sleeping with a plushy imagining it had the soul of my deceased cat.

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