Dear europeans

redpill me on gypsies
are they really that bad?

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Yes, but worse

this 100%

absolute vermin

I fucking hate them, subhumans

Why don't you civilized them if you don't like their ways of living?

trust me, we tried

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Very VERY based.

american racism is based though

you cant civilize them

It's not racism if it's true.

Wrong, it’s true if it’s racist

Now that's a perspective.

Attached: ClAoKLkUgAEllBm.jpg (1200x678, 83.35K)

That's like trying to tame a zebra

I only ever saw them begging for cash, but experienced nothing worse than that.

Shame of the romanian and hungarians governements bu we pay the price.

I take it they're like maras then. What if we pit them in a fight?

they are extremely aggressive beggars and if you don't give them anything they try to steal it from you.


Similar to Muslims in that they are lazy and seem to enjoy throwing rubbish on the ground, but at least they are not violent.

We all tired. Its hard when they deliberately refuse to send their kids to school to get educated and so remain in poverty for ever, exploiting their children who then make kids to be exploited and so on the circle goes.

is anyone in Europe worse than gypsie?

They look Latinx

Scum, absolute scum.


Turks are dream immigrants compared to gypsies

No they are awesome, and you should totally get some down there!
I can send you let's say 200k of them?
No reclamations, btw

Ok Erce.

t. turk

They vehemently resist any attempts at being civilized. As EU citizens they could travel to wealthier countries and work as labourers or cleaners like other poor EU citizens do, but they don't, they would much rather continue begging, stealing, scamming, selling drugs and pimping their own women. A literal self-imposed criminal underclass on the entire european continent

Fucking gypos, at least the new world didn’t get em

I can take a 1000 off you.

I've never seen a gypsy and honestly I don't feel like changing it

Please do
You can feed the wildlife with them for all i care

There are gypsy mafias in large cities like Rome or Paris, but they can hardly compare to the militarized hyper violent gangs of central america. Most are just beggars or petty criminals that travel to wealthier countries to leech off naive europeans and spread trash and faeces around

Our gypsies have a legend that a gypsy stole nail romans were going to put in Jesus heart so they have permission for any actions from god himself

We barely have them and they're still shit bags. They should have kept them in the concentration camps after WW2.

The commies actively tried and it was a complete failure.