How do you think Latin American posters on Zig Forums live compared to their fellow countrymen and yourself?

How do you think Latin American posters on Zig Forums live compared to their fellow countrymen and yourself?

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i steal wifi to post here :¬D

Dont take the fucking bait this time ffs

brazilians are fucking terrible, the rest are ok

Not very well. I wish I could move my house to another area.

I believe they live in large palaces with hordes of slaves who tend to their every need. I wish I lived like a king in the third world as opposed to like a rat in the first world.

we are poor as fuck

wait a second, I'll ask my maid what does she think about this

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They live in huge mansions surrounded by 3 metre tall wall with barbed wire, own a private chief and 4 maids
They can afford this by oppressing their fellow countrymen, never fall for their lies, and never believe them that they are "poor"

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>barbed wire
They use broken glass instead of barbed wire.

chupa minha benga

Why, yes I do shit in a gold toilet

>compared to their fellow countrymen
I think the majority are fairly well off, not fucking rich but better off compared to the rest of their fellow countrymen.

The rest might be poor phone posters.

shut up latinx

I believe I live better than 60% of latam posters. remaining 40% are maybe in a better position than me

It's true. I've lived in my parent's country for 3 months and met lots of these urban wealthy types, the same class that latino chan posters come from. They're all rich and live in their own worlds separate from the vast majority of their countrymen. This is also a reason they hate their American diaspora so much, because we are the children of the poor tenant farmers that their families ruled over. They hate us cause our parents escaped from their plantation.

let me ask my security guards

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My post above will generate many angry replies by latino posters that can't handle the truth. The exact reason they despise us so much is that we're no longer free labor for them to exploit.

not sure about... The plantation but i agree that most of them are wealthier than their fellow countrymen but they always say that they are poor on here... Just so weird

I am poor when compared to you, or americans and other europeans, but when compared with my countrymen I am in the top 30%, not 20% though.

by my cunt's standards I think I'm the 50th percetinle, not poor nor upper class

just like my country and me
brown and poor

these retards think that smartphones and internet are crazy expensive for the average person when in fact everyone can afford it except for the bottom 5%, it maintains them entertained

Not really. Upper middle class latinos have a worse quality of life than firstoid high school dropouts

I am poor i live in top 20% richest ...

so like $1000 a month?

I live here.

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yes, a thousand dollars is a lot of money here, not enough to buy even a shit house but good enough to buy a shit car pre 2010

Hmm, my family actualy had a lot of these tenant farmers back in the days. But we are not really rich anymore, so you should stop crying.

Try $400 a month
Their minimum wages are around $200/month too, so there's that

literally only one autist brazilian answered you and politely even
chicano mongólico

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cause i inb4'd it

lol you weren't joking
sucks to suck

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My life is shit and it gets worse by being socially retarded in a country where the only way to succeed is nepotism.

>Costa Rica isn't First Worl-

Not much different from our big cities, really.
There are houses for that price in Rio de Janeiro that are 100 metres from the favelas

No, even the brazilian governament considers me poor on the sensus

dab on them poorfags

you still a third world though

I imagine them as upper middle class types whose first sexual experience was raping the family's cleaning maid.

This is irrelevant, all these countries have devalued currencies compared to dollar or the euro

only people who didn't finish high school or entry level young people with no previous work experience make minimum wage tho. A better measure would be median wage, which is still low, around $300-400 in my cunt's case, and higher or lower in other cunts

It's $190 now.

Come home, Thai man (woman).

>panama 265
>columbia 267
Somehow we're below. Clown world

rape is a big no no in our society.

I'm a 28 year old, university dropout, living with my parents and being an Uber driver in motherfucking Brazil.

Take a guess.

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Is it profitable to be a uber driver?

are taxi drivers trying to kill you in every corner?
here ours are

500 reais a month, already included with gas costs, working between 4 to 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not that bad but I haven't been working for the last 2 months due to the lockdown.