Israel finna gonna boutta annex the shit out of these Palestinian niggas thanks to Bibi and Benny Gantz forming a...

>Israel finna gonna boutta annex the shit out of these Palestinian niggas thanks to Bibi and Benny Gantz forming a government after 3 elections in less than one year

what do you think? is this a good thing?
There will be one less country in the world.

Attached: 89h89.png (1428x2289, 265.58K)

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It's a fucking travesty.

>There will be one less country in the world.
You can't remove a country that never existed to begin with.

Only if Arabs get full citizenship and they out vote the kikes.

>Only if Arabs get full citizenship and they out vote the kikes.
This is exactly why Israel hasn't fully annexed these territories btw.

Fuck Jews but fuck Arabs more

Cant wait for the jews to get the same treatment they have been preaching, multiculturalism is a hell of a drug.

What could have been...

Attached: PASSIA_AreasisraelOccupiedAfterJune1967.gif (646x1117, 37.23K)

It's only good if they expel the Palestinians, otherwise what's the point? Just as waste of time desu

Why do Armenians (if you actually are) hate Jews?