*sniff* edition
First Indian itt
funny how everyone knows Breivik's name but the media memoryholed Brenton Tarrant.
London, England
Of all the places I've ever worked, this is by far the worst in terms of population: Turks, niggers, street pissers, trannies, queers, genetic waste... It's a disaster. The very few English people left must be biting their fingers that they won the war in '45. All this racial hodgepodge evolves freely, even in the city centre, and in the beautiful neighbourhoods you walk 10 minutes and you find yourself in Pakistan: stalls of merchants on the pavements, fat, obese North Africans slumped over coffee tables, etc. The French community over there is either made up of extremely rich bourgeois or senior executives voting Macron, or of undergraduated morons barely speaking English who have come in the hope of finding work. On the plus side, most people are there to work and you rarely get bored. The climate is unsurprisingly disgusting, it's permanently grey and the rare days of sunshine make you appreciate how badly the air is polluted. The only nice corner of this quagmire are the English pubs, filled with translucent redheads, which are very nice during rugby matches.
Edinburgh, Scotland
A beautiful, yet touristy city. Racially preserved, probably because of the climate. It rains almost all year round, but the month of July reserves some beautiful sunny days. The Highlands are a natural wonder, you can walk for hours without bumping into anyone. I've only been there for holidays and I can't say what the atmosphere is like to work there; from the outside, it's very nice in any case.
we're all in here
I remember drumming up that stream and trying to get a bit of hype surrounding it all weekend like it was a clash of titans
It could have been so much better had Mikey got a decent mic
Scandic are literally all weirdos. Every last one of them
*teleports into your bedroom*
>so I think we’re alone now user
Hate incest but love twincest
uffffffffffffffff PEEEEEEEEEEEENG
wonder which aussie it was there
never actually listened to this before. feel bad for emmett
ah yes council houses
built like my indicet fridge freezer
his name is brenton tarrantino
normal people has me on the verge of weeping dear lads
I wouldn't feel too bad for him, his ego protects him from all criticism and he was back to normal the next day
maccies on the ramp
£150 billion a year isn't enough boris are nhs needs more
If anything Emmett destroyed both Mikey and the Aussie on stream
Mikeys still my boy tho
Going to make sure Toilberg bows to my whim when toil returns. Or else the department of health will be contacted.
All immigrants are criminals
Those who are not criminals are just spies
todays match
what do i say to her lads
Legitimate perfection
love are brenton
bloody hell this aussie ran rings around poor emmett
why would you namefag on this site and then why would you agree to do that? what goes through peoples minds...
Ex keeps messaging me everyday saying I am shit in bed and she is glad my sister tried killing herself. I used to enjoy living in her head rent free but at this point I feel like I should send the video of her fucking herself in the ass with a vibe to her dad
dear oh dear oh dear oh dear
state of it all
Said the expat
my nan has those spectacles
good redemption arc on its way though, kind of
>You wanted to see me alone in detention, Miss?
24 hours from now you'll be bent over a table waiting for me to insert my penis into your anus
hardman larping is cringe entirely. end of
Why so, Rasheed?
Hello I'm here to pick up my reserved copy of Brideshead Revisited
just attacked my screen
oh my i have been a very naughty boy
of course lad
PM Boris Johnson (parody account)
even though all he had was calling them both faggots he seemed to feel okay the whole time
>emmett you're such a brainlet lad ya don't understand this lad is australian, he's just winding you up
>yeah well mikey you're uhhh 60 IQ!
Id love to cum on those glasses
emmett has no conditions for defeat
either he's winning or the game is rigged
>don't take this the way but your makeup, glasses and glasschain makes you look like an annoying tumblr/twitter bint
canadians sound so funny looool
like yanks but somehow even more retarded
Sydney, Australia
I worked there for a year. The Australian population is very white, even Nordic, and the average person is very athletic. The living environment by the sea is very pleasant, the weather is nice all year round, from 15/20 degrees in winter to 40 in summer. One crosses there extremely few negroes (the only ones are French!), and almost no sand negroes who are in any case very badly seen. The center and the East (coast) are almost 100% white. On the other hand, the further you go into the western suburbs, the more the situation degenerates. The residential suburbs are inhabited only by Asians, mainly Chinese and Indians, who are harmless, but extremely numerous. In some areas, the Chinese make up 100% of the population, it is impossible to find white food. In my original office also worked an Indian colleague and a Chinese, I let you imagine the smell, a foul mix of noodles and curry.
Finally, speciality of the country, I must mention the Aborigines (average IQ: 65). This subject in itself would deserve a whole thread. They are literally filthy, and all have their faces marked by millennia of inbreeding and their most recent addiction to crack and alcohol. Not really dangerous, but they form a visual element of the landscape, non-existent in the centre, but quite common in the suburbs.
Maybe you should try not being shit in bed
I've seen at least 4 of these same tiktoks from different nurses
what the fuck do they do
this aussie had a really regional accent, like he was from the gong or something
Emmett has an unwavering belief in victory, and an iron resolve. The man cannot be beaten in the physical or metaphysical realm. He is impenetrable.
>uhhh like a future for our like uhhh white daughters and shit dude
home (:
Fancying a wank but was gonna try and get the GF to grapefruit me tomorrow.
What stream? link?
almost makes brum look a nice place
Elon Musk and singer Grimes have confirmed they have named their baby X Æ A-12.
Love Sydney Australia
Funny he mentions the Western Suburbs and Chinese because that's literally the Western Suburbs closest to the CBD, the further west you go it's true blue fair dinkum bogans
corrrrr peng peng peng
why do yankoids shoot up schools
>emmett! XD
>haha mikey!
>emmett haha !!
>mikey!!! xddd
didn't ask
fuck off back to r*ddit
Not really, he sounds like me and I’ve lived in Melbourne my whole life
Morty we've got to go to Bendigo Morty
Hold still whilst I glass ya
they look more nordic because more sun makes euros more blonde
How did em's pics end up here? did he post them all himself?
his ego protecting him inside his own head doesn't stop him from being humiliated in the eyes of others though to be fair
Won't even be the strangest name at his school probably names are just getting crazy crazy crazy these days... world's upfinna down...
it is :)
Sitting here in my cacks in the sun reading Camus and my dog keeps killing any wasps that come near me
Very based, truly mans best friend
lol yep
turtle is my favourite /brit/ personality
can I get a based?
delivery paki asked for a tip and said "thanks" sarcastically when I refused
Fluoride in their water
Yes every girl on UK tinder is grim, is this your first time on it?
>muh canals!!
>more than venice!!
cant think of anything id rather do less than visit australia, ohh look at le epic funny speaking people xDDD woaaah big wave blue sea gold coast dudeeeee get the surf board schooner barbie
right, melbourne...
that was my second guess, for some reason blokes from the gong sound like you lot
didn't ask
Woman who threw a knife at her husband and killed him after he came home late from work will likely be granted parole by Christmas. Imagine if she was male, would be in there for life.
might actually kill myself tbf
i've made posts before talking about killing myself but this time i actually might unironically do it
noo let me discuss my favorite personalities that are totally hardmen and not just weird larpers that do it for attention online
Asked the gf how important dick size is
>"Idk, how important is breast size?"
>"I love your tits"
was this the right response
No lockdown here either.
what's the significance of the A-12
no you wont
be quiet
scrawny crooked virgin fingers
Would've hurled abuse at him. He should be thankful for the fucking privilege to deliver our food like the mutt he is.
Was thinking, if I posted a video of me fucking some 9/10 or 10/10 and got her to say some cringey /brit/ meme would that be enough to solidify myself as the number one shagger around here. That is already the case but this basically garuantees it right?
don't do it lachmate the pubs will be opening soon
no but you can fuck off
having a lovely hot chocolate
for me? the leeds liverpool canal
no one will ever know that my name is Rumpelstiltskin
righto lad here you go
People from Sydney either sound like bogan trash or they have that posh friendly jordies tinge to their accent, both are equally vile
whysat mate
having passing thoughts of it too, though i expect most young males do
im not fucking lachlan
not interested in speaking with you tonight, goodnight
quite honestly have not had a hot dog in over a year
You’ve never touched a woman in your life. I bet you’re thanking your lucky stars the A-levels were cancelled you impudent brat.
You must be really missing school kid.
my mate became a boatperson in britain for a year travelling the canals homelessly
he stopped after visiting liverpool
among other events, he got robbed twice in one day during his time in the liverpool canals
said it was the worst place he'd ever been and he'd never go back
What does a 10/10 in poorthern direland look like
love brit
thread wacky af
reckon you shouldn't
clearly not lachie lads lmao
Dont kill yourself, if you were 100% set on doing it and cant be convinced do something crazy like convert to islam then go to mecca and sneak in stuff to damage that black thing they pray too first.
I reckon 12 is the number of years before the kid legally changes his name
I doubt this is true and I hope it isn't because I like Elon
imagine being such an insecure spastic you ask a bird if scodger size matters, you have the mind set of a virgin and her snatch is probably sealed shut
Dublin is a rather cosmopolitan capital, but it's a very preserved place compared to Paris or London. Lack of authenticity and few native Irish in the city center and tourist areas and a lot of degenerates like blue haired and some Pakis. The city of Cork in the south of the country is the most niggerified city in the country even if compared to England or France the phenomenon of niggerification is not very advanced. The north and west of the country is magnificent (Donegale), the cities are human-sized, entirely white and Catholic. The people are very welcoming and warm and the pubs are not to be missed. Overall a preserved country that has managed to keep its traditions anchored in daily life. The women are either too much make-up or obese, or both.
I doubt he's finished his GCSEs yet.
once again, I ask anyone who doesn't have a middle class Provincial Brisbanite accent to please leave and die
i am tired of being treated unfairly
my whole life, and i don't see it changing
don't agree with that at all mate, if anything it's melbournites that have the posh tinge
friendlyjordies is just nasally that's not an indication of the region's accent
whos tripcode is this
its the only filter ive ever put on Zig Forums in many years and i have forgotten why
It's a Lockheed plane
Don't ever respond to me again coward, still can't believe to this day you were scared to meet me in your own city for a fight
looool what a soft cunt
Honestly considering renting a house with the GF in the more bogan suburbs. Currently in an inner city flat and the neighbours, lack of yard and traffic noise is pissing me off to no end. If I want any shred of solitude or quiet I have to wait until 1am with all the doors and windows shut. Can't even sit outside without having to listen to some brown person yelling on their phone and getting stared at by foreigners walking past.
I have resolved to do some homemade hotdogs tomorrow night
What do youse like on your hotdogs?
190 i think
come creggan and ill solidify you in /brit/ history when i atomize your jaw across derry you pathetic slug
don't to it la xx
What meme from /brit/ could you even say in a sexual situation?
Having a poo? Sucking a golfball?
who wrote this de la
Who wrote this?
don't hurt yourself mate
prefer bratwursts
Honestly the best hotdog style thing I've ever had was a yakisoba hotdog from 7/11 in Japan.
ketchup and salt
Pondering what came before the Big Bang
>delivery paki
>In Russia
enjoy eating pig anus
all of my old friends aren't so friendly
and all of my old haunts are now haunting me
Fuming cuz I called you out on being a virgin. I’m saving you the embarrassment of a thorough arse whipping. Get back in your play pen child.
how do you home make the sausage
A high quality BBQ sauce (not masterfoods)
foreners out
Me too
They are not bound by country. I've had food delivered by brown people when I was living in Japan, and gone into 7/11s and had a fucking Indian serve me.
I’ve subscribed to GQ, got a payment on the go for a Rolex watch and planning to buy a Tom Ford fragrance. When does the gash start flowing?
is youtube broken
ya goofed, but her response was stupid and I'd break up with her for having such low IQ
You're a middle class boy whose voice has barely broken. Even if you hadn't revealed that with an ill advised vocaroo. Posts like this make it very obvious.
unironically was
so the sydney-brisbane accent then?
Based storke
made me think
what came before before?
What's Paris like?
just copped a ticket
So funny when Storke spergs out if you don’t show him any of the respect he so badly yearns for
Literal child mentality, I suspect he may still be in primary school. Serious mental issues with that one. He really just wants attention and respect and he gets 0 hahaha.
when i was younger i was a full-blown kekistani rorke
and now i'm a borderline sjw
mental how maturity does that to you hey
Well for me its onions, mustard and pickles, wa la.
>once again, I ask anyone who doesn't have a middle class Provincial Brisbanite accent to please leave and die
Remarkably small.
good lad, bet you'll find yourself enjoying it
only yanks and children watch it
Here is an 8 and a 7
Caramelised onion
feeling hungry just thinking about it
smells like piss
this but the opposite
mental how that shit hole is worth 400k.
even more mental how the utterly cucked population of this country tolerates it.
It would be cringe and your "9 or 10" would probably be a tarted up 6.5. The underage and the virgins would be impressed though.
friendly reminder i waited (on my own) on a street corner in creggan for 40 minutes posting pictures here for storke to come and find me with his mate and he never turned up
onion fried in garlic and rosemary
yellow mustard
youtube is an excellent tool to learn stuff
though most of it is shite
arrr rook same
won't get anywhere without an AMG Merc/M series BMWI/RS audi lad
so what you're saying is everyone on Zig Forums needs to grow up
why the extremes?
me :)
Yep, honestly I've decided I can get along with white bogans 10x better than any person who's browner than eastern European.
Grim saw a kid selling selfie sticks from a shopping trolley there
Australian men where universally regarded as ‘physical perfection’ – An English journalist named Ashmead-Bartlett wrote: “I do not suppose any country in its palmiest days ever sent forth to the field of battle a finer body of men than these Australian, New Zealand and Tasmanian troops. Physically they are the finest men I have ever seen in any part of the world. In fact, I had no idea such a race of giants existed in the 20th century. Some of their battalions average 510 and every man seems to be a trained athlete.”
absolutely howled when i went on exchange and all the aussie lads utterly towered the rest of the mongs
business idea: spaff in this fanny WAHEY
he did a voacaroo some Friday or Saturday night round about February when everyone was doing them. Find that and you'll see just how young he actually is. The posh boy trying to put on a "street" belfast accent thing is comical too.
it's literally the second most visited website after google
why not?
Wagies appear to be off back to work today. Guess the media finally convinced them that they really wanted to spend 2 hours in traffic each way to go to a job they can do more easily from home.
some Frenchmen
He’s a coward, thinks he’ll get respect if he throws around some empty and pathetic threats which we all know he would never act on. I would wager he doesn’t ever leave the house, this lockdown probably hasn’t effected him at all.
Australians reek of dung
Hate it when he starts and the irish fall for the bait immediately. We've had threads where at least a third of the posts have been you lot throwing shit at each other.
my dad said his grandpa anecdotally remembered the aussies being tall in the trenches
>youtube is an excellent tool to learn stuff
>though most of it is shite
>it's literally the second most visited website after google
You really didn't though did yah lad, you got scared once I mentioned people I knew in the area and you never mentioned it again until now
means you're a literal child
yeah so does your mom dude!!
Australians should all be ______
The second World War saw Erwin Rommel write: “If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it.” when facing off against Australians in North Africa. John Masefield wrote: “[The Australian Troops were] the finest body of young men ever brought together in modern times. For physical beauty and nobility of bearing they surpassed any men I have ever seen; they walked and looked like kings in old poems, and reminded me of the line in Shakespeare: ‘Baited like eagles lately bathed.'” Keith Murdoch described Australian troops; “Faces like the classical statues of ancient gladiators, these magnificent Australians give the impression of noble, young manhood.”
remember in iran there was a kid buying souvenirs from a gift shop then walking go the tourist attractions exploiting foreigners by looking like a poor kid and selling them shit gifts at 200% mark up
respect that lil niggas hustle like you would not believe
post physique
think they're starting to talk about doing it here as well
don't really fancy going back 2bh much prefer working from home
It’s not bait though, he full on has autism