I love the UK, I love British music and culture. They're cool as fuck. Fuck you if you don't think that...

I love the UK, I love British music and culture. They're cool as fuck. Fuck you if you don't think that. Very nice people!

Attached: henry-cavill-ne-veut-pas-passer-pour-un-violeur-apres-des-propos-controverses.jpg (480x480, 25.67K)

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Thank you my based American brother. We love you too deep down, even if we think a lot of what you do is weird.

I love English women, they're so posh and pretty.

they're pretty friendly

The two times I were in the UK (2000 and 2003) it was a very cool stay. The people are nice and polite and extremely chill.
Was told beforehand not to speak German in public transport but nobody cared.
And British guys can be kinda attractive.

Attached: Matt Bellamy (1).jpg (491x473, 25.01K)

Wtf, literally me.

I feel like I've walked into another dimension. Why is everyone being so nice to us today? Usually this board shit on every little thing about us.

I like the premier league and a lot of English music but I hardly like anything they made in the last 20 years. Especially pop rock bands from the 2000s like the wombats are particularly bad

Don’t worry lad, most brits would agree with you

>best music (pretty much all the house and electro comes from there)
>best accent
>best films and tv shows
yeah I'm thinking I love britbongs too