Can Spaniards spot Latino immigrants or do they blend in perfectly?

Can Spaniards spot Latino immigrants or do they blend in perfectly?

Attached: spain population.png (331x1001, 35.52K)

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Depends if they're white or not.

There are tons of Venezuelans running around Madrid. I'm sure they're easy to spot.

We can spot them because they're whiter than us

In most of cases yes, since they're normally mutts or indigenous.

Colombian posters on Zig Forums say their mutts can pass as Spanish since a lot pure Spanish look Mestizo

>225 000

Latinos are a different race to Castellleonese, Casteleonse race has pink skin and long skull while being wide.

Attached: Screenshot_20200519-120122.png (1080x2160, 1.61M)

No idea what the OP's pic is depicting

They are lying,you can clearly spot them