Has a girl ever said something mean to you?

Has a girl ever said something mean to you?

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A girl once told me that I'm hot and exactly the type of guy she'd marry if I was a couple of inches taller.
Why are they so mean, bros? I hate being a manlet. I didn't choose this.

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A girl called me an asshole because I wouldn't buy her a drink. Not interested in used goods honey.

>girls talking to you

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A girl made fun of my face once
I was too much of a pussy to answer

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girls have been the nicest to me by far, much more kind than any male

Yes, I've been called heartless, selfish, autistic, coward, liar, idiot, and some other stuff too.

Behind my back

My ex said a lot of mean things to me here's some highlights
"I can't believe I wanted to have kids with you, your children will just turn out to be whore obsessed pricks just like you"

"You're the first person I like only physically but despise emotionally"

"Go drink yourself to death you piece of shit"
She was borderline personality so she'd go from being the sweetest person to an absolutely crazy cunt

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plenty of times but I always remember what Billy said: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

don't hate yourself for that that girl didn't deserve you anyway bro so keep your head up high and never let another broad bum you out :)

what was she right about?

>are you gay user?

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Yes, that I'm selfish and possessive and that I'll never change. And also that our 5 year long relationship made her cringe

a girl even once beat me up

Not "said" but I was having a bad day at school to the point of crying and the popular girl just looked at me, laughed then walked away.

My girlfriend says mean things to me every day. And I say her to fuck herself and that she's a fat ugly bitch. We're such a nice couple.

They were right about autistic. I'm not a bad guy. I just can't handle relationships well and I lose interest quickly.

I once got punched in my nuts by some crazy bitch that had steel plated boots. Wasn't hot.

A girl called me a social retard like 3 years ago within 2 minutes of meeting me.


Oh, then she was a bit of a cunt, I take it.

My brother's gf called me a lazy fucker, fuck that bitch

>sitting in class talking with crush in middle school
>so do you have any friends?
>I dunno
>You don't know if you have any friends? That's sad
Broke my heart.

It's several girls. None were cunts, at least not towards me. I was a cunt.

>I love being around you. Let's go out again.

Haha, guess what happened next.

>In college
>Group of mutual friends, maybe 6-8 people
>One girl randomly says to me, "user you look like a little boy"


I see. Were you in actual relationship with them or were y'all merely friends/acquaintances?

In one occasion a girl in middle school hated me because of a dispute over a basketball or something. I never really played basketball but I would hog the balls for the lols so she attacked me by punching my stomach. Was pretty hot desu they were soft little punches.

On another occasion I walked over sand and an Assyrian girl chased me with a fire extinguisher. She stated that the sand belonged to her father and I had no right to walk on it. I was able to run away swiftly and dodge the fire extinguisher

Actual relationships.

My ex would get in my face and scream "FUCKING HIT ME YOU PUSSY", which sounds kind of hot but I really don't want to hit girls

Two of my ex-gfs have called me a psychopath

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In elementary school, someone told me I look like a rat when I smile.

Being told I was gay. Not asked, told. We were drinking at a bar, me, a guy friend, and this girl I used to know.

She just straight up told me "you're gay" and said it's just a matter of time until I come out of the closet.

I was so hurt, because I was never good with women. I was about 21 at the time. I was always rejected and felt like I wasn't good enough. I felt not being good enough, I felt it under my skin. And she just said to my face "you're gay". I was so upset, I got up and left.

I was never great friends with the girl, but I never talked to her again.

My ex-gf used to send me letters and postcards every couple of months telling me how much she hated me, I moved out of that apartment though so it must be really confusing for the new tenants if she's still doing it.

one called me ugly once
but she looked like a horse so whatever i guess

kek it completely took me of guard, girls are mostly neutral towards me but there is this bitch just going on the offense from the get go
tbqh I just think that she liked me, only saw her that night (went to a party with friends and she was there) and she pretty much kept insulting or mocking me for 2 hours

Couldn't you just have kept the letters and sued her for harassment?

I would have cracked her brittle little face like an egg, a lot of women underestimate the strength between them and men. She was just moody

Yeah, one told me I was a slut

On the other hand women are really fucking weird, they start hating people for really weird reasons.

Not worth the hassle, and it was kind of amusing even if it was hurtful.

>be at some punk festival with a friend
>wear a creepy rabbit mask
>chat a lot with a cutie drunk girl for like 30 minutes
>we are getting well together, she starts to get physical
>she take off my mask while laughing
> she see my face
>says "ewwwww" and got away
It was maybe like 10 years ago and it still haunts me sometimes.

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no :)

No, since i havent really interacted with them

IKTF bro.

She's probably hit the wall right now and probably gets turned down a lot now.

one told me I scared her
It was in highschool and I was kinda autistic and she just kinda said it out of nowhere when a bunch of us were sitting outside having lunch
It made me cry a lot

>I hate being a manlet.
Then stop being a manlet.
The defining characteristic of a manlet is not a height, it's being an insecure manlet.

A girl told me in 11th grade I had a pedo stash

>The defining characteristic of a manlet is not a height, it's being an insecure manlet.
She's the one that brought it up.
I had never even thought about it.

Everyone fears the unknown, she had just never encountered greatness yet