35 million Americans are unemployed

>35 million Americans are unemployed
>effectively 30% of their work force are out of a job
>they're not insured through their employer and their family isn't covered
>they have no source of income
>if anyone catches the American Flu they would be financially crippled, go bankrupt, and go into medical debt they have no way of getting out of

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Didn't read
Rent free


That's definitely something to laugh about, and is not at all a serious matter when you see soulless twats like Bezos garnering all that wealth and having his profits skyrocket.

shut up, discount usa

Yeah there's no way we're not getting at least a federal healthcare option after this election. It would be political suicide outside of solid right wing states.

Out of touch zoomer. Boomers already have social security/Medicare so they don't care about you. They will never vote for healthcare because they already have it. You don't and you never will.

Russian situation is way worse (corona crisis). Some people literally don't have money for food. Putin gives nothing,

we'll have to go north across the border for medical attention. it'd be an awful shame if i coofed all over during my stay

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he cute tho

Corona virus treatment is paid for by the government (allegedly).

>>they're not insured through their employer and their family isn't covered
>>they have no source of income
I see you know 0 about our social programs like unemployment insurance, Medicaid, subsidized food, etc.

I just hope they wake up to their fucked up system and manage to do something about it

They don't count people that have given up searching. It's probably about 50% of working age population.
The funny thing is if someone comes along and pitches the idea or universal healthcare they will lose. Americans are masochistic and love having the boot on their face.

>Putin gives nothing

Eh? Didn't Putin give $300 per child or per household or something? I recall watching him say something right when the "holiday" lockdown was lifted.

Millennial (32) here
If Biden doesn’t shit the bed and Trump, well, keeps doing exactly what he’s been doing since the new year... Biden could win Republicans could lose their razor-thin Senate majority. Idk stranger things have happened

>lmao no way libtard remember that time all the polls were wrong that one time in 2016
They were dead right until Comey spoiled the election by being autistic

People without kids are not people ? And he gives 150$ only. It's fucking nothing here. 50% of this cunt works unofficialy so no money for them. Small business companies bankruptcy everyday.

The government doesn't owe you anything you fucking commie. Find a job or something. Also stop overdramatizing like a woman

>balding manlet

Yeah Rep*blicans have gutted food stamps tho. I wouldn’t count on “big gummit handouts.”
>source: dad was chief accountant of DOA FNS
This is what happens when you demonize basic charity and human compassion

Give it 10-20 years until the boomers are gone. Things will change someday (hopefully before the Chinese fuck us repeatedly in every single hole)

Putin gave fuck all.
>t. Russian wife

Извини пpoгpaммиcт 300к/нaнoceк, eщe cкaжи чтo пыня мoлoдeц пoлитики лидep и бoeц. Tы нe видишь, чтo cтpaнa в пpoпacть движeтcя и гaйки зaкpyчивaютcя вce cильнee ? Любoй, дaжe дaлeкий oт пoлитики чeлoвeк этo пoнимaeт,

>t. third-world and proud!!!1
Yeah I also love it when the government taxes the money that I pay in taxes and siphons it off to thieves and oligarchs
Wake up Ivan. Scandis are the happiest people in the world because they don’t have to worry about so much shit that is a constant terrifying fear of thirdies. Homos is a small price to pay for prosperity and a bright future

I need another check honestly.

>takes the money*** I pay in taxes

Пycть вce бyдyт пpoгpaммиcтaми и бyдyт дeньги зapaбaтывaть, нe нaдo из нac кoзлa oтпyщeния дeлaть.

Ho кaждый дyмaeт кaк бы пoмeньшe нaлoгa зaплaтить и кaк бы нaeбaть гoc-вo в любoм вoпpoce, a пoтoм yдивляютcя, пoчeмy им нe плaтят дeнeг

It's honestly not that bad. Us poor people should all die and then the rich would have nobody to exploit.

I have a job with healthcare you retarded doomer

They'll just import poor people from Africa or South America.

Ah, nothing like the smell of fresh shoe polish early in the morning.

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That's dark. Capitalism was a mistake.

>I wouldn’t count on “big gummit handouts.”
I live in NYC and our project dwellers are fat as fuck, have new smart phones, cars, etc. Unemployed here is what 2nd worlders dream about.

tens of millions of americans were already unemployed before this bullshit they are just fudging the numbers as if they were chinese

I'd be impressed if you actually believed that shite.

learn to differentiate consumer products and irl assets

>He thinks Biden/Democrats want publicly funded healthcare
Sorry Cornpop but that's pie in the sky.

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Whatever Chang