Do you like russia? I like russia

do you like russia? I like russia

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I kinda feel sorry for them, but they don't need my pity. They're resilient people

It's a source of endless fascination

Not really, no.

What's it like living in a commieblock?

I like them here

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Not great, not terrible

Russia is a social construct. I live in my head. If you say I live in Russia, okay. But it's just a word.

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Aren't those Khrushchev era commieblocks still the best quality? I mean like having actual walls etc. I live in a commieblock also built in 90s I think. I can hear my neighbor watching tv

No, the best are stalinki - see pic related (1950s). They are really good. Enormously high ceilings, sound isolation, great quality overall no memeing. Then come the modern commieblocks.
The worst are ones that were built during 90s

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These don't really count as commieblocks

I don't like Russia at all.

What do you mean? They do.

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I've travelled to Russia
Good people never knew people were Interested in Bollywood of all things there!
Very friendly in giving directions
btw I was in Moscow.

No, I like pic related though

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Now this looks more like commieblock.

They don't like me therefore I don't like them

I think it's amazing that Moscow looks western and 1st world while the 3rd biggest city (and each one after it) looks like a village in Ukraine

Attached: novosibirsk.png (1867x826, 3.49M)

It's a chastnii sector you baboon. Novosibirsk is OK especially if you live in the center.

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private sector? is this what russians call plots where you can build your own stuff?

He бaмпaй этoт гoвнoтpeд. Oни cпeциaльнo дeлaютcя pycoфoбaми. He oтвeчaй здecь, a ecли oтвeчaeшь тo oбязaтeльнo cтaвь caжy.

wow this is too deep

All the Russians I have met irl have been super based. I walked a mountain trail with a man name Halik(sp?) He told me about the similarities in land scape between Canada and Russia. I have a Russian flag on my wall because of him.

Because they don't have asphalt streets? Many suburb neighborhoods here also has dirt roads. If they you take out that volvo parked in the grass and trim some lawns, maybe better fences. It could be a suburb in Finland

Come again, bro, after corona is over.

It's kino

It's like a small village inside the city. You can buy some land and built a house. They are often poorly maintained, I have no idea why.

>Because they don't have asphalt streets?
did you quote the wrong post?
>It could be a suburb in Finland
lol I doub it, you would have to search really hard to find something like this in Poland and the pic isn't even cherrypicked, you'll find plenty of places like that

That's just where people build their own dachas in the suburbs.

Yes, I also respect them. They love their country. When shit gets bad? every single other European flees to greener pastures. Southrons, Poles, Balkanites, even Scandinavians, Germans and Britbongs once upon a time ago hence their current diaspora numbers around the world. Russians barely flee their country and have barely done so throughout history. True pride and strength.

I think normal Russians are very cool people but I do wish they'd stop murdering people with dangerous substances in our country. Just shoot them if you have to.

Sorry for the inconvenience bro

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>did you quote the wrong post?
Yeah I did, sorry about that
But I lived in a suburb with dirt roads. But like I said if you
> If they you take out that volvo parked in the grass and trim some lawns, maybe better fences.
Do that looks much better

For not being mega faggots like finns?

If you want to put it that way. We're the country where the whites won the civil war

>> If they you take out that volvo parked in the grass and trim some lawns, maybe better fences.
>if you improve things they look better
lol no shit, I'm talking about the current state
if we fixed parking on the sidewalk, fixed all potholes and got rid of illegal ads we would also look better, but so far we didn't

Novosibirsk has normal neighborhoods too, that's either dachas or where pensioners live. Every place in Russia is like this, there is the commieblocks, the dacha area and some residential neighborhood with middle class houses like pic related.

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