He has been dropping subtle redpills again lately. When will he go full fascist?

He has been dropping subtle redpills again lately. When will he go full fascist?

Attached: pewdiepie_6062642.jpg (617x347, 26.59K)

>watching this littal manchild

name 5

He’s 30 and hated video games now

He’d love key love to be canceled to get out of the dumb contracts he’s in


His wife is just like the women he makes fun of.

Pseudo intellectual literal man child r*dditman with mostly underaged fans.

>watching pewdiepie in 2020

Bro, this image brings me back memories, I used to watch this guy when I was 14 years old, 8 years ago.

i watched him when i was 19 8 years ago

Hello 15 year old

he posts here and used to on pol.as an anglo flag.it was Zig Forums that pushed him to get married

this guy was clearly a virgin before meeting his bimbo gf and I remember he treated her like garbage in his videos

well she is dumb as fuck and a women

Is it rough seeing successful whites conquor and thrive?

which is why they stay together, she's probably his first and only gf and she's probably too insecure and dependent to leave him
pretty toxic relationship

you need to go back

>Lives in Queendom, Brighton
>SIMP for Marzia

Are you ok, swisscheese?

he's gonna le racemix tho

Attached: pepe.jpg (400x400, 17.16K)

hes a fucking retard.

just a few moments ago i was looking at some video about markiplier and some other dude who launched "gamer clothes" and that shit was expensive, apparently they got heat for advertising expensive trash to gulliable kids, but pewdiepie came to the rescue defending them.
So i started looking at pewdiepies clothing shop out of curiosity and wtf, its even more expenive, even more than my Zara clothes.
A plain shirt costs like 40$ lmao
an ugly hoodie with some dumb drawing costs like 100$ whereas my bad ass Zara double faced faux leather jacket cost me like 80$.

these dumb youtubers are running some kind of money laundry scheme.

ridiculous how this shit is targetted to kids.
imagine having a kid throwing tantrum because he wants a 200$ hoodie from his dumb favorite eceleb.

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Does he still make films from his cuckshed?

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>even more expenive, even more than my Zara clothes.
Zara clothes are cheap though.
>A plain shirt costs like 40$ lmao
>an ugly hoodie with some dumb drawing costs like 100$ whereas my bad ass Zara double faced faux leather jacket cost me like 80$.
Cheap faux leather jackets are garbage.

these are the new age influencers, your kids will eat their trash.

>hese dumb youtubers are running some kind of money laundry scheme.
How? By selling expensive clothes and then have bogus orders that won't get delivered. Makes sense. But a part of the money will be taxed anyway.

Always hated him, never watched a single video. It's as reddit as Minecraft. Take your vapid hypeshit off my board.

>your kids
this bloodline dies with me, alberto

lol afair he jumped out of the boat as soon as he was associated with any right wing groups like pol.

hes a coward
pol was crying about it lmfao

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wow, you're poor if you think zara is a good or expensive brand, also buy real leather like a man

>Zara zara zara
WTF is with this lady's fashion brand scam???

>He has been dropping subtle redpills again lately.
examples pls??

go look up his store, i bet you find much cheaper stuff from your favorite brand.

its not kust him. ive looked up some twitch streamers who also sell t shirt (i really dont get this business and who buys it) and most stuff is expensive.

Zara, maybe not the best, is definetly good quality brand

it s a flng that has been dragging on far too long. it's overdue

>child-friendly celebrity becomes edgy to stay relevant as his fans grow older and lost interest

>Zig Forums contrarians pretend to hate pewds to get back at evil Zig Forums who don't even know they exist

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>mocking niggers and jews is edgy
only in your redditbrain

>he's gonna le racemix tho
No he isn't retard. She is North Italian, so white.

memes aside this retard got rich, famous and got an attractive gf all too suddenly and didn't really have to mature or work hard for his success which is why I wouldn't be surprised if he's still a gullible retarded manchild that browses Zig Forums


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You must be 18 to post here

>memes aside this retard got rich, famous and got an attractive gf all too suddenly
He got that gf long before he was famous you absolute mong.

>(((MSM))) invests billions in their alt left anti-white propaganda brainwashing aimed at millennials and zoomers
>meanwhile pewdiepie can build up far more clout and influence with younger generations simply making low effort videos in his bedroom
they fucking hate him for it. he's based as fuck


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Wrong, she contacted him when his channel was exploding and yes I know this because I used to watch this faggot

>drops redpills
>lives in Japan

That fucking faggot is alive yet?

my fav brand is Rolex and ASUS computers, user.

Why no Gygabyite?
Both are from Taiwan