Do many girls post in Zig Forums? What's their experience with the board?

Do many girls post in Zig Forums? What's their experience with the board?
I want to make sure everyone here feels welcome

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No, there's just me and another 3

I just pretend to be a boy



I pretend to be a homo and I sexually harass white boys!

No girls post here besides a couple of girls(male)


hi yes sex sex sex

I presume every girl here has a dick.

Dont know about others countries but im sure im the only chilean girl here

Probably a quarter of the board

The entire board's just me and you bro. I use a fuck ton of proxies. Sorry to have been leading you on for so long, but it's been fun whenever you'd stop by :)

Where are you from in brazil?

Ok rape you next week

yes but its not like it matters, everyone here is anonymous.

I just pretend to be a male to avoid snarky replies.

I am a cute girl :3

I'll defend my brazilian waifu from street shitters like you

Unless you say you're a girl everyone is going to assume that. That's easy.
But we should do better and not assume the gender of other posters instead of treating every topic from a male-centric perspective.

You know the rule, the one sacred rule that preserves this board

who doesn't?

If they don't post their tits I will have to post by thick, veiny, large, solid, thight, humongous, gigantic, enormous, white, cock

this is, unfortunately, ideal. we're all anonymous regardless and gender is usually never a prominent issue however when i attempt to post from a womans perspective (like this matters in the first place, many of us go through the same issues mentally) i am berated; this never really happens with males when they post from a male perspective. its unfortunate, but whatever.

Pajeet at it again

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>I am a woman and my opinion is blllpppppppthththththththththhhhhhhh


yeah this is true, apologies. i'm only saying this when its gender-specific, something i shouldve clarified in-post

What do you gals think of the coomer threads? Funny, depressing, what? Also like feetposting and brapposting

They're the most racist ones and they're posting racebaiting garbage most of the time.