Your cunt

>your cunt
>your cofe

corretto, con grappa

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Coffee is bad for you, I don't use drugs

No I only like to drink I nice cold unsweetened ice tea

doppio obviously


Black, don't have time for any other fancy shit

I'm a pansy, beta pushover bitch so I like cappuccinos the most

I like my coffee like I like men: STRONG and BLACK.

I exclusively drink robusta coffee

Earl Grey

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Flat whites if they can do it right if not a latte is my go to. If I make it myself I'll make my latte a little more dry but not quite as much as a cappuccino.

a fogato

Au lait, it is.


Black, lungo, o affogato (with more gelato tho.)

anything other than black without sugar is gay


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I’m trying out a new Rwandan coffee. Not my first choice, I like Latin American coffee better generally but this is a special batch that I roasted just for myself. Gonna try to see how it does iced

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Do you have a sample roaster at home?

>no one puts rum in their sweetened coffee
seriously try it sometime, licor 43 is great too if you don't have access to caribbean rum

UPDATE: the bloom is going well.
Non. This is from my work. It’s a new single origin we’re trying but this is from an experiment where I roasted it a little longer than usual.

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black, and then i eat the zest

And the end result. Kind of got a meaty undertone. Weird but enjoyable.
Can confirm. Rum + Coffee is a good mix. Do you have a particular brand of rum you like?

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Black when i'm home.
Americano when i'm at university, because it's the only shit they sell with a decent taste.

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>Americano is the best thing on the menu
Christ user, what kind of coffee shop do you go to?

Freddo espresso, seriously try it out, every Italian I've talked to that has been in Greece loved it

Ron del Barrilito is the best I've had, for mixing with coffee white Bacardí

café de olla, of course

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Flat White. Thanks ‘Straya

must be a campus/campi cafeteria

based and dixie pilled

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espresso and doppio
