/brit /

the west fears the Russian bear edition

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just want to go back to being at uni in the mid '10s lads

USSR was based. Sure you didn't have 19 brands of deodorant or 6 different fast food restaurants, but you had guaranteed employment, housing, public services free at the point of use.

Post Norf FC memes please lads

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Guaranteed radiation


although I don't like the bloke the Alex Zane fake quiz was brilliant
also bunny boiler

Give about two hours, every day, to exercise; for health must not be sacrificed to learning. A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body, and stamp no character on the mind.

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fuck off yank, doubt you even lift

jokes on you fucks, this lad got a gf

lifting is mega gay

she is dead

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>we're all valuable and equal as human beings.
based on what?

“What kind of world is it we are creating?”, asks O’Brien as Winston is ground in the bowels of the Ministry of Love. “It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined.”

He is telling the truth, of course. O’Brien never lies. But the opposite of a stupid utopia is not dystopia.

1984 hit the headlines this week, topping the bestseller charts at not-at-all-dystopic retail behemoth Amazon. Appalled by the Newspeak of the Trump administration, consumers are snapping up Orwell’s pocket-sized guide to totalitarianism and post-truth politics.

But an alternative-factual reading reveals Orwell’s message has been badly misunderstood for all these years. In fact, the Britain of 1984 is a socialist enclave, doing what it can to feed and care for its citizens though it is reeling from atomic war, surrounded by rogue states and beset by an extremist insurgency.

All chakras in alignment and fully operational, sir.
Systems standing ready to begin Operation: Pineal Decalcification posthaste.

Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. Never think of taking a book with you. The object of walking is to relax the mind. You should therefore not permit yourself even to think while you walk; but divert your attention by the objects surrounding you. Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. The Europeans value themselves on having subdued the horse to the uses of man; but I doubt whether we have not lost more than we have gained, by the use of this animal. No one has occasioned so much, the degeneracy of the human body. An Indian goes on foot nearly as far in a day, for a long journey, as an enfeebled white does on his horse. There is no habit you will value so much as that of walking far without fatigue.

1984 is complete crap

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Mental how he's dead desu



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Close friends of Dominic Cummings said: “He isn’t remotely bothered by this story, it’s more fake news from the Guardian. There is zero chance of him resigning.”


Though the narrator is omniscient, we effectively view Britain through Winston’s jaundiced, petty-bourgeoisie eyes. He clearly loathes the proletarians, hearing their voices as cockney blather, viewing them as a mass of “cattle”, dismissing them as “small, dark and ill-favoured”. But is life so bad for the proles who make up 83 per cent of the population? They are allowed to drink, gamble, and fuck, and live with relative freedom.

Winston asks: “Why should one feel it to be intolerable unless one had some kind of ancestral memory that things had once been different?” This is reactionary. Winston is part of that privileged, middle-class minority which works for the government, the “hands” of the “brain” of the body politic. He longs for a capitalist past of small government and opportunities for personal financial advancement, a utopia for the petty-bourgeoisie but not for the working classes.

Perhaps this is unfair. Winston is clearly unwell — so unwell he will eventually be provided with electroconvulsive therapy free of charge on the NHS. He lives in a war zone, after all, and maybe he is suffering from PTSD in the aftermath of a bomb rocket explosion. Near the start of the novel, he remains self-aware enough to realize his thoughts are a “stream of rubbish”.

He is an inverse Quixote, in his delusion re-imagining his vital clerical contribution to the war-effort as a record-keeper as something less noble. Of course, Winston is subject to background checks and review by his superiors, but any government employee handling sensitive material should expect the same level of scrutiny.

It is his paranoia which magnifies these checks and balances into something sinister. The proles themselves do not face the same level of scrutiny — this is why Winston and Julia meet for their trysts in a proletarian area.

whichi s your favourite canonical gospel?


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why do brits go for this stupid ass bimbo look?

started googling thought you meant chief keef lol x

Yay I will have a guaranteed job and still be pisspoor :DDDDD
Gommunism so based :DD

made me check to see if chief keef was dead lol



did a post however it didnt go through

don't believe a word Duffy says

thought you were on about chief keef for a sec there lad

miss it lads

high test

that will be a sad day

Just as he hates the working classes, Winston “disliked nearly all women, and specially the young and pretty ones.” The psychosexual complex which makes him fantasize about raping Julia and “smashing [her] head in with a cobblestone” is further proof that Winston is a very sick man, who again is helped through some tough but effective talking therapy provided free of charge by the state.

His misogyny dovetails with his lust for capitalist individualism. Looking at Julia after she puts on proletarian make-up, he ruminates: “With just a few dabs of color in the right places she had become not only very much prettier, but, above all, far more feminine.” He wants to see her in “silk stockings and high-heeled shoes”, as “a woman, not a Party comrade.” She embodies his counter-revolutionary fantasies.

Winston, it has been shown, cannot be trusted. So what’s really going on in Airstrip One? O’Brien and avowed enemy of the state Emmanuel Goldstein, whose subversive diatribes seduce Winston, do not agree on many things. But there is no doubt Winston is living in the aftermath of an atomic war.

Even a totalitarian entity with the power and resources of the Party would struggle to false-flag such an immense catastrophe. Winston and Julia fuck in the “belfry of a ruinous church in an almost-deserted stretch of country where an atomic bomb had fallen thirty years earlier”, hedonistically copulating on Ground Zero of a war which must have killed their neighbors and loved ones.

This is what Winston forgets, or selfishly pushes from his mind. The Party was and is at war, and though it has maturely reached an accord with its rivals and no longer threatens the earth with nuclear holocaust, all its citizens are united in this struggle.

the pinnacle

Saw them live this year

>All humans are equal
This is observably not the case. Strength, health, intellect, can vary hugely amongst humans.
Why is it offensive to leftists to point this out?
I'm not saying the dumb or disabled have no worth either, they can achieve great things.
But there will always be people who are just objectively better than them in certain objectively measurable metrics.

*approaches mic*
*clears throat* ahem...


My mansion sits on 20 acres, who the neighbors?
Kobe Bryant from the Lakers, now that's paper

The Party’s ideology is actually a simple one: communal solidarity in the face of terror and war. What we are looking at is something analogous to the USSR at the time it was defeating Hitler on the Eastern Front.

It is pointless to speculate on the exact nature of the mysterious religio-political system which dominates the Eastasian bloc, but it is clearly regressive, perhaps an Isis-style theocracy. Goldstein translates it — in terms admittedly tinged with Orientalist xenophobia — as “Death-Worship” or “Obliteration of the Self”.

In the face of these challenges, the Party is trying to build a progressive socialism. This encompasses both the equitable distribution of resources (again, any disparity favoring party members is seen through Winston’s jealous eye) and, more radically, the democratization of knowledge among the commons through Newspeak.

think marilyn manson did this once

are you dumb? stupid or dumb?

probably cause we’ve got no culture here

lads it's finally happened
the mrs has had some hair clippers delivered
wish my barnet luck

genuinely embarrassing
take a look at yourselves

some kind of gay thing? you lot are strange

wanking to trannies

they can't admit that any hierarchy occurs naturally. for them it must be the result of an oppressive power structure.

should i buy 7g of weed or
14g? im relatively new to it and only smoke a couple times a week but also only have 1 dealer

horrible normie best off dead

hey come on man, I liek your ahmad tea

do you reckon this is why you're prematurely balding

Generally catchy song desu


sometimes wonder what life would be like if i didnt have aspergers
and by sometimes i mean like all day every day 247

Crazy how the same people who jerk off to trannies wish to strip them of their human rights and harass and attack them irl.

such a doopin epic random lyric haha

you say youre on your period?
i aint hearin it
put a rubber on, juicy j aint fearin it

anything based?
or are you trying to avoid from the fact that you are gay?

It's sad that a vast majority that makes up the working class are either low self esteem body builders with really fat lasses or Deanos

won't be normie for long if I'm to face the public at Tesco looking like a monk trying to be Tommy Shelby, will I


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think thats jakarta

Why is it sad

which people?
have some names or examples ?
chattin out your arse you mentally ill freak

wtf where in london is that

If racism is so bad, why don't the government just make it illegal?

No they are not the vast majority.


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anyone else got their knob out?