Are you from a white country?

Are you from a white country?


Attached: Racial Map.png (6460x3480, 2.25M)

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Fucking indians are white now lol

95% of these countries arent white

This map cleared up so much for me and my family OP, thanks


Define white
They're aryans

2/10 b8, made me respond

generally of Caucasian descent?


Attached: D60B1D79-6455-43C9-A6D6-50BAD82923A3.jpg (1278x990, 23.8K)

>Ethiopia Literally descended from the house of Solomon and the ancient Israelis, about as white as it gets

Spent the last few centuries interbreeding with Arabs making them white

pic related, as Aryan as the Fuhrer

Attached: 320px-Major_Indo-Aryan_languages.png (320x335, 111.87K)

That blue stripe

Are you fucking color blind?

Attached: C924537A-DB2A-4B76-8F57-E2AB024BEFBF.jpg (700x400, 16.59K)

That man is my Aryan brother and I will be proud to fight alongside him in the coming race war.

kazakhs, uzbeks, and Kyrgyz are white now.

Attached: soviet soldier.jpg (800x1169, 82.01K)

so African Americans should be considered white now because they speak English which is an indo-European language.

No :(

Lol if that guy is white I’m fucking transparent

The average African-American is 25% white and more likely to be descended from a slave owner than a white American, so yes.

wtf I love Brazil now.

Dude you can’t tell me my PortugueseBros aren’t white and that freakin Indian dude is

so Americans of any race are white now, because they speak english???


Attached: Smart Chad.jpg (1636x1940, 492.96K)

So if they are white can they still use the N word?

Attached: 4A58F66F-22FD-4916-AC71-7BE363F59FB4.jpg (1200x800, 88.03K)

If everyone in America is white who will stop them?

Wtf, I'm not wh*te

The honorary whites, whatever that means lol


Indian dude? You mean our prime minister?

Yes you are.

I met your president. (No joke) I would post a picture but I don’t want to be doxxed or anything, he was in a beach in Cascais and we saw a bunch of people taking pictures with him, so I asked who he was and this girl told me he was your president lol

You can just blur out your face.