>1 year since uni graduation
>Still unemployed
>Economy worst is has been in a century
Does this happen in your cunt?
1 year since uni graduation
Other urls found in this thread:
year since uni graduation
>>Still unemployed
>>Economy worst is has been in a century
Looking back I am so glad that I failed those classes that set me back a year. Although I'm still gonna be graduating to a shitty economy it won't ever be as bad as you guys have it
pls do not laugh
people can employed before grad.
i thought that only happens with straight A students or rich political senpaitachi?
What was your degree?
Electrical Engineering
NEETdom will become socially acceptable and universal NEETbux will be the law, you should be happy
Not in America, maybe in yurop
if you're not gonna use your guns now, what's the point in having them?