Do foreners wish they had suburbs like America in their country?

Do foreners wish they had suburbs like America in their country?

What country has suburbs most similar to America to begin with anyways? Other than Canada.

Attached: american suburbs.jpg (1024x681, 510.21K)

No, it's horrible, I like to be able to find my house

That looks like hell

Are you too stupid to navigate? Or perhaps read a map?

It looks very dry.
I wish there were, but only on the border strip, not in the rest of the country.

That looks horrible but I like the idea

>What country has suburbs most similar to America to begin with anyways?
Australia I guess, similar average house size

It's just boring and depressive, embrace variety, that's basically the reason why so many Italian cities are unique

looks unconvenient as fuck
where do i go if I run out of cigs at the middle of the night?

Who here actually lives in suburbs like these? What's it like?

It's honestly not a big surprise serial killers are so common in the US. I'd want to kidnap and murder children too if I lived in a place like that.

I live in suburbs but they don't look like this. The topography is diverse and so are the houses. A relative lives in an area like this where all the houses are the same. Its a gated community and people pay extra to live in those houses. Anyway, it's a shithole. Everything is too far away. Every local business is some shithole business that nobody cares about. Lease prices are too high so nothing new ever opens here. You have to drive away for almost everything.

To the 24 hour gas station 5 minutes away.

I dont see any gas station nearby tho

To the gas station like

That frame doesn't cover the diameter of a

They build a lot of areas like that here

A house is for living, not entertainment. If you want that, go to the opera or something.

What's their crime?

Only if it comes with suburbian Americans :)

Attached: SAFS_50_Poster.jpg (1000x750, 196.95K)

Grew up in burbs like this. Was comfy 10/10 would like to get married and buy a house in a similar burb one day.

Attached: housing-in-florida.jpg (728x348, 264.41K)

imagine the mosquitoes. imagine the humidity. seems like hell on earth desu.

As with most climates you grow up in, you get somewhat acclimated to it. That said, since all of our houses and public buildings have top-grade AC, it's perfectly livable.

lots are way too small. the point of single family housing is to have fuckin privacy so you don't have to see your faggot neighbors or listen to them taking a piss at 2AM. those houses are so close together, might as well be sharing walls.

Only poor people get mosquitoes.

Half of the Netherlands is houses, grass, canals, cows.

I think you're underestimating the sound insulation in those houses. I've literally never heard what goes on in any of my houses. Maybe if a husband and wife were having a shouting match but the idea of hearing your neighbor take a piss in one of those houses in a laugh.

I wish to not pay rent and not live in a poorly constructed house that is not cold and full of cockroaches.

looks genuinely claustrophobic and as anti-natural as your average concrete prison

We do have suburbs, have had since the 1970s, only they're quite small like the rest of the country.

Attached: Murgle.jpg (851x570, 233.19K)

It just needs brighter grass and maybe a tree per yard.

towns are much better
that way your house is very close to shops and other things
It must be really annoying to go on long drives to get anything or do anything

I guess its really to keep away from niggers and spics though

yes also it seems like a purgatory hell scape prison

Kinda, I don't like how Americans houses look but I wish we had more space like you do

In the Netherlands its just endless terraced housing.

Attached: I0000akDb4JHJwkw.jpg (1000x667, 699.55K)

Your canals don't have gators in them like Florida