It's unironically a dream of mine to live there

Just imagine it. Being outside with your good friends hunting. Everyone has their dog with them and a lot of booze and you can just be free. And ofc don't forget about the arsenal of guns you have with you. I of course would take either a Lebel 1886 or a Springfield Trapdoor with me. One can only dream boys

Attached: Montana.jpg (1500x1001, 353.89K)

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This is my dream too, but in the Alps

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Remove Colorado and Nevada though.

You would like it for about two days and then get bored

Move there then.

Arsenal of guns? What? Guns are illegal in Canada, mein freunde.

Where in Montana would you like to move?

Where in the Alps would you like to live?

Germany itself isn't so bad

Attached: 0ab9608910eea4a9916cc3182f38a9d1.jpg (2080x1544, 509.38K)

Probably eastern Switzerland or Bavarian alps

I am living an hour or so away and It's not in the same league as the mountain states.
I can see why Nevada but why Colorado?
My problem there would be that I am autistic and therefore it's kinda hard for me to find new friends in a new environment.
It's hard to move there because firstly I have to find a job and secondly I have to get the american citizenship to own guns
Probably near a bigger city so I don't have to commute that much and still can enjoy the perks of living near the wilderness.
It's absolutely overpopulated and I hate the robots who live here.

OP's image is Montana.

This is Canada.

Attached: Moraine_Lake.jpg (1280x684, 293.81K)

Lebel 1886s and Springfield trap doors are still good to go in leafland

Really nice. My only problem with NA in general but Canada specifically is bears. I fucking hate bears. I know they are in Europe too, but not as many and they tend to stay away from populated areas.

They aren't too big of a problem. Black bears aren't usually too aggressive to humans. Grizzly bears are more aggressive but as long as you are careful about your food, or bring a shotgun, it shouldn't be a problem. You're more justified to fear humans than bears.

I watched Grizzly man documentary and read all these horror stories of bear attacks. Bears are literal killing machines. Just because you shoot them doesn't mean they will stop coming at you either. They can run significantly faster than you can, and they can climb trees too. I really wish everyone hunted them to extinction like we did in Britain hundreds of years ago

Have you ever shot a bear?

i don't like black bears, when they're skinned they look like little pink fat midgets

ok Joe Rogan

>I can see why Nevada but why Colorado?
They’re still okay but overrun with Mexicans, Californians, obnoxious weed bro white liberals. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and to a slightly lesser degree, Utah are the best states. Unfortunately, all three are spreading everywhere though.

Do cum loads shot into a bear's butthole count?
Black bears are indeed disgusting

you can hunt without citizenship if you have a guide, foreigners do it all the time

No. I've done plenty of wilderness camping and have yet to actually see a bear except for one black bear that ran away when I drove past it. This was in the south, outside of grizzly territory.

Bears are just as bullet proof as you and I. They are big and heavy, but a hit with a 12 gauge slug won't feel very good even for the largest of bears. I know someone who legally hunted a black bear with a 8mm mauser rifle, and made some good sausages out of it
Vid related is some guy in BC shooting a charging grizzly with only birdshot, which didn't kill it, but sure stopped it.

>near a bigger city
You don't understand American small towns or even rural areas in flyover states. Everything within a 50 mile radius of a city is the sprawling suburban garbage that Zig Forums likes to make fun of us for.

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I used to go to summer camp in Montana, it’s cool for the first 2 weeks than it’s hell, there’s absolutely nothing to do, everything is gonna take you at least 4 hours to get to, even if you’re in Billings there’s absolutely nothing to do

>It's hard to move there because firstly I have to find a job and secondly I have to get the american citizenship to own guns
I often forget that it’s difficult for Europeans to come here. You’d increase your odds if you worked in tech. Usually visa holders can purchase hunting permits, guides, and hunting guns though.

ye, in reality everyone kicking it out doors around those parts are 300 pound yeehaw yokels or cracked out meth heads. wilderness here ain't exactly red dead 2

You can just have a green card and own guns, you just have to have a permanent visa

Are you being serious? I live somewhere with a lot of bears and have hunted them. I honestly don’t agree with what you’re saying here.

I’ll marry you to give citizenship for 20 k

same but i don't have enough money

This is not true. There’s a ton of Western cities that can have you in the mountains in 30 minutes.

Also not true. Bozeman is more like Portland than Cheyenne anymore.

suburbs are comfy nigga, especially in the south where you still have wooded roads and such but there's towns everywhere

You can move here and be my autistic friend. Not a mountain state but you can still shoot my funs and get lost in the wilderness.