Their countries is under control by a fem*id

>their countries is under control by a fem*id

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>Have a female President/PM
Cringe af

Stop, Mexico, you'll trigger the femcels.

anglos btfo

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more like Argentines BTFO

I don't even know the political leader of Mexico, probably some drug lord

Maybe mexico would be better of it you cared more about a politicians stability and competence and less about whats between their legs.

>His country's leader changes every few years
>People in his country don't refer to their leader as mommy/daddy

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AMLO saved Mexico from wasting billions on an unneeded airport, Germs should learn from him.

Lord, I love to hear her when she calls me sweet daddy
Such a beautiful dream
I hate to think it all over, I've lost my heart it seems
I've grown so used to you somehow
Well, I'm nobody's sugar daddy now
And I'm lonesome, I got the lovesick blues

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>tfw we had 3 female PMs

>i don't even know the political leader of Mexico, probably some drug lord

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i wish

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female leaders arent stylish anymore, jewish leaders are hip now

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make America Milf again

Sarah Palin for President.

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vote NO for batshit wh*Te w*men
vote YES for sexy milf hawaiians

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I'd rather vote for Nikki Haley

Vote for a Real MILF.

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fuck you spic

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be careful you probably will go to the jail for saying that, whiteboi

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suck my dick you fat smelly olmec manlet


Fitting, the future of Germany is muttdom

Not only we never had a female president but we never had a female candidate or party leader in an election

Climate change is going to turn us brown anyway. No big deal.


pick one for us Zig Forums

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far right or middle left

far right