How would Vietnam fare in a war against China in the modern era?

How would Vietnam fare in a war against China in the modern era?

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Pretty well. They beat China before.

Just read about 1979 war. Vietnam btfo chinks when most of their forces were fighting in Cambodia

In 2020

>Hanoi 10 seconds after Vietnam declares war

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China can't afford a war against vietnam in 2020, stupid question.

China had nukes in the last war against Vietnam, and didn't use them then. Hell, America didn't even use nukes against Vietnam. Why do you think this would happen?

Probably like Afghanistan and US. China would roll in easily but would find stiff resistance and get stuck in an unwinnable quagmire

vietnigs would just let the chinese roll in while sucking corona cock like they usually do

>vietnigs would just let the chinese roll in while sucking corona cock like they usually do

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still would win. remember that china chickened out the last time even though vietcongs had worse equips and far less numbers. china army are pussies.

Yes, China can't even focus in a enemy since all neighbors but Best Korea have territorial disputes and tensions with them.

>*slurp slurp*

Gook you can just be nuked by them in a total war. Chinks don't give a fuck about human rights.

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Coming from the cock-sucking master themselves

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where did this meme come from? read up on the conflict on wiki. in the end both sides lost a moderate mount of people but china got land concessions in the end.

>implying only one group of prostitutes are good at an activity all prostitutes (worldwide) should know
>using prostitution as example of a country sucking dick, as if implying prostitutes aren't whores by default
Are you, by any chance, retarded?

I'm referring to the Hue monkey. I guess i should have clarify that

>Hue monkey
What about the imperial city? Stop being disrespectful to your countryman.

Yes. I am referring to (You)r implication that a country (in this case BR) sucks dick because its prostitutes suck dicks. Any prostitute, anywhere, sucks dicks. Imagine being so brainlet that you cannot discern between a national display of submission and an individual display of false submission lmao. You retard.

Nuking Hanoi is retarded because that's asking for the rest of the world to nuke China.

Didn't you watch the webmd? I'm referring to the Brazilian obsession with trannies. You know, the guy trying to suck the prostitute dick is the average Brazilian

The imperial capital of Vietnam is called Hue and sits on the Perfume River

Lmao you are dick-less retards

>Vietnam HDI: 0,694 (115th in the world)
>Vietnam PIB Per capita; 2.566,60 USD
Lmao these guys want to call me poor

Coping from the Vietnam War probably.

why does vietnam look like a poopoo coming from a chicken's ass?

It's because people can't seem to agree what China's real motive was.

If it was to free Cambodia then they failed (although things worked out in the end 12 years later)

It it was to taunt ussr that they couldn't help their allies, get more positive rep from the west and prevent Vietnam from becoming mini china by swallowing up Laos/Cambodia/Burma permanently then it's different.

However it should be known Vietnam momentum back then was an all time high since they dabbed on both france and china. Given past historical data back when it was a dynasty, Vietnam would easily conquer it's south east Asian neighbours. So I guess even if they lost the war, China stopping Vietnam's momentum from expanding further in long term was worth it.

>by swallowing up Laos/Cambodia/Burma permanently then it's different.
that would've been cool

I love Vietnam because my wife’s parents are from there, but I know China would steamroll Vietnam within days. The only way this would be a fair fight is if America or Russia was taking Vietnam’s side.

Today, Vietnam's one of the most "pro-American" countries on Earth.

I forgot to mention Thailand. Back in the day, Vietnam was dabbing on Thailand pretty bad.

Luckily France stopped Vietnam from going further otherwise you will have no country to fuck ladyboys anymore.

regardless of what the motive were, we cannot ascertain the true inner workings of the PRC, what we can see is that Vietnam gave land concessions. so that in itself is a victory even if minor.