How can a country that borders an Africa-tier shithole like Brazil be so successful?

How can a country that borders an Africa-tier shithole like Brazil be so successful?

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I've never saw a good question from americans



because they love the US


Uruguay is not a real country.

If they were really good we would flood them in 2 years and it would become a shit country again.
Uruguay can't run they can only be a good country if Brazil turns to be a good country too this is their destiny.

Brazil is a great country with bad Presidents

Brazil isn't that bad.

The only Uruguayan I like is the guy that posted Lucky Star porn

How to find love in Uruguay?

The answer is responsible anal sex

Speaking Spanish would be a start.

u are crazy dude


not really


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>t. Paolo da Silva

Why? Brazil could be a top tier country

Thanks platebro

Brazil is ran by a bunch of Ameriboos though

Even If Brazil was africa tier, what would change at Uruguay?
Shut up fatass, that's a typical Spanish name.

Legal weed and a chill president my dude

Is this some kind of fake positive reinforcement tactic that Uruguayans use to keep Brazilians from moving to Uruguay in droves?

Something like, "Haha, Brazil is totally not a shithole. It totally has a lot of potential and you should stay there and nor move here."

Nah you are just retarded. Uruguay and the state that borders them are very similar

>chill president

This is what confuses me. The few Uruguayan politicians I have heard of seem like the kind who would absolutely let Africans and Brazilians move to Uruguay en masse. How has that not happened?

>africa tier
Did you know thar Brazil is bigger than Rio de Janeiro, right?

Kek, not at all

>how do he stop people that aren't doing a thing from doing a thing

South brazil is not africa tier though

Has more uruguayans in Brazil.

I know South Brazil is generally a pretty nice place, but how would that stop favela-dwelling macacos from hopping on the first plane to Montevideo and staying there?


Uruguay is a very expensive country and have third world services, so that

he isn't wrong tho, your country is huge and yet you ain't doing shit the right way.

The worst places in Brazil aren't sharing any border, that's good
Stop thinking every people in Earth are crazy for crossing illegally borders as central americans do

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Also funny how people shit on Rio de Janeiro yet they aren't that bad, just extremely unequal, perhaps the most unequal city of the country

Unfortunately Uruguay is nowhere near as relevant as states like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Paraná and Santa Catarina, and we have nearly 5x more Uruguayans living in Brazil than Brazilians living in Uruguay, despite our population being 60x larger.

I wish we could genocide Uruguayans by killing the men and breeding the women as we did in Paraguay and as blacks and Hispanics are doing in the USA, but Uruguay is simply too irrelevant and there is nothing of much value for us there.

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Why did you seethe at the end though

>worse than India
>worse than Mexico
>"not that bad"

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Because despite having a somewhat decent standard of living and all that shit we are an unknown tier country, literally no one cares about us.


Why the seething at the end?

Lucky for me, I am not American and just live here temporarily.

Keep seething.

They hate us cause they ain't us

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Uruguay is not successful, it's just good in latin america tier


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What the print has to do with my post though? I talked about a city in general, you post a stat about the country. Are you retarded?

Who hates Uruguay other than maybe Argentina?

I always imagine every Uruguayan male either looks like Forlan or Suarez

You're so irrelevant not even our brothers in Paraguay are interested in conquering you. They're taking over Argentina by storm but didn't seem to have any interest whatsoever in you. Why can't Uruguay be more attractive?

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this guy

How do I find love in Brazil, Uruguay, or Paraguay as a black american who can speak passable Portuguese?


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Why would we hate Uruguay? They do hate us but no one hates uruguayans tbqh

Fucking retard, I was talking about Rio de Janeiro alone.

>Fucking retard, I was talking about Rio de Janeiro alone.

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There's a direct correlation between testosterone and murder rates. You can't have a population of testosterone fueled hypersexual bull-men without high murder rates. That's also the main reason why whites are going extinct in Brazil, as well as in America.

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>the paulistranny is spreading hate against the people he doesn't like again