Sorry you need daddy government to do your negotiation for you. Get a better job if you don't like where you're at...

>Sorry you need daddy government to do your negotiation for you. Get a better job if you don't like where you're at, any good one guarantees you paid days off.
Do they really

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Yes, you don't deserve anything just for existing.

The founding fathers would disagree with you. That's how detached modern Americans are from their roots.

Hol up
Burgers dont get paid vacations?

Literally thats like the entire constitution

In theory, they must negotiate for them with their boss.

In practice, most don't, unless they are working a high demand and low supply job .

What the fuck

Many of us work like dogs to keep the jobs we struggle to get. If you ever negotiate with your boss, you will be the first person to be fired when the time comes.

>China gets 10 more paid days than Americans do

This is the price of Freedom?

Tell me how being forced to take days off is freedom

What about paid maternity leave?

I get 22 days! Plus more if I work over and a flexible schedule (which is even more flexible now with the virus) that lets me take fridays off early. It's pretty comfy honestly.

Oh and people here for 10 years get 28 days off (at 15 that goes up to 34!)

Most women (or men I guess) who have children are allowed to go to part-time work and maintain benefits too!

It exists, but it is very short compared to other countries. I believe the standard is around 3months? I was baffled when I heard that other countries will give YEARS of maternity leave.

Mr. Goldenbaum took my promised August vacation days away because "you already got your days off for 2020 due to this virus."

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>forced to take a break
god, you sound like a slave.
do you have anything to look forward to besides work, like a family to raise?

if they they have private-funded health care won't they just pay the doctors to prescribe them a health-problems' vacations? Do americans have any limits on how often they can take health vacations?

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nah bro, you are only allowed to have health vacations if your insurance company/boss says so.

Japan is weird. We have mandatory minimum vacation days but people choose not to take them

Yes, you have limited sick days. There was a teacher here that had cancer and all her co-workers had to donate their sick leave to her in order for her to not get fired and lose her health insurance.

I think its like 140 days for pregnancy and post pregnancy paid leave. And then ~430 something days you get gubment bucks for having a kid.
Regular vacation is 28 days. Plus if you are an adult and enroll in school you get 30 extra days, 20 days paid, 10 not paid. And theres extra shit when you are taking care of someone and so on.

Maybe if you stopped following obsolete rules and doing things by the manual your society would change. But defying authority is something you can't or will ever do.

That's absolutely retarded. In other cunts you would get some paid leave at least.

we are fucking slaves

>non Americans beleive this
Never had a job that didn't provide paid vacation.

They get them but they're not required by law. I'll try to simplify it as much as I can

Imagine a society. A society full of simps and women who take advantage of them. There are 5 men chasing every woman. Every woman demands that their boyfriend buys them a $12000 ring with a $60000 wedding. Don't want to do this? Cool, there are 10 guys lined up outside ready to take your place for that monthly missionary. Obviously there are Chads in society who are in high demand and not as replaceable who do not have to take that shit. Its the same with employment here. Most people are supposed to negotiate stuff like that. Your employer doesn't want to pay for your vacation and only gives you 5 minutes of free time a day? Cool, just go to there competitor who will get your talent. The problem is that most of the workers are extremely replaceable. If you leave your job to go to a competitor who will give you the same shit. There are obviously highly skilled people who negotiate better salaries because their skills are not replaceable. Companies beg these people to work for them the way Lindas beg Chad to lay with them.

To answer your question. Yes, they do get paid vacations but only the ones on government jobs or the ones who are not replaceable. The more replaceable you are the more shit you have to take since there's 10 guys lined up outside ready to take your shit job because the alternative is no job. The same way a Timothy begging Linda to marry him has to put up with her shit because the alternative is his left hand

I know people like that at my job. It's super weird. Normally they donate their leave to those with special circumstances like a disease or new hires, but it's so weird to me.

it used to be the same in Poland, becasue people could sell their free days. F.e. someone had 10 days of paid vacations, so he would take that vacations, but still come to work, what counted as extra hours (200% of payment). Now it is illegal, but people practice it anyway. There was also a problem with people working constantly with no free days for the entire months - they went to work on saturdays and sundays in order to gain extra money. Now it is illegal to work every sunday and people are forced to not go to work on at least 1 sunday/month.

Lmao I heard a story of a woman in Sweden who studied to be a doctor. Obviously education is paid by the taxpayer so she didn't have to pay for it. She wanted to work a few years, marry, have a kid, take a year off and become a housewife. Over there society pays women to be doctors and after they have a baby they get paid to not be doctors

what's wrong with that?

You are literally paying to raise another man's child. Imagine if your wife gave birth to a black baby? Are you just gonna sit there and take it?

Its ridiculous. She took the place of someone who could be a lifelong doctor while she'll stop being one once she find a dude rich enough so she doesn't have to work anymore. All that money invested in her could be invested in someone who would work for longer

Actually clears things up. Cheers

Why do you always have to bring up black people

what the fuck is this comparison? I can't see any logical connections here. Did you literally wrote that pretending as if you've been talking to me, but in fact what you did was mentioning a one's wife's bastard black baby?