International gaming

what games are you playing this weekend?

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Victoria 2

Civ 6 but the new pass is so damn expensive
fuck this gay earth

I haven't played a game in half a year by now.


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I got this 4free today, so far disappointing

>but the new pass is so damn expensive
the base game is free now on Epic Games Launcher and the complete DLC collection pack is 50% off

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playing world in conflict and 40k roleplaying tabletop games

oh my bad, you mean this

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Started rdurrdurrdurr 2 again

Likewise, they managed to truncate the tech tree even further from what Civ V already was.

thinking too much about starting a colonizing ethiopia run on eu4

the overall game has more depth and complexity though in certain aspects

Do I need DLC for this depth? I played a bit earlier today, will revisit to give it another chance - it was free.

>Do I need DLC for this depth
no, but they are worth it

More CSGO and TW Warhammer II, like I have been for the past 6 months because new releases have been disappointing this year.

league of legends and dark souls 3

but in civ 6 culture matters, unlike in 5

already got if for free off rutracker

im going to hang out with friends today and than play terraria tommorow :))

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I'm strongly hesitating to download terraria because of the new update but idk, other that that I play graviteam tactics operation hooper


based female or twink can I see your butt ?

You should stay the fuck away from me.


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show bobs and vagene

I’m on Dreams these days.


Harvest moon back to nature.
And I’m not even joking!

and some HotS

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Nothing on the chink game store, that's for sure.

Luck literally ruined the game, 1.4 is the worst update in that games history by far. They also nerfed the living shit out of magic and ranged in general.