Japanese humors are not funny at all

>Someone goes to a famous restaurant, and eats a dish that tastes horrid. He complains to the cook who made the dish, and the chef said,
>"I gave a lot of bribes to become the master chef I yearned for. Now that I'm master chef, I will do my ganbette! "

That is a japanese joke. Pic unrelated.

Attached: corpse is dead_monogataris.gif (250x141, 162.67K)

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It's funny because a famous master chef wouldn't actually bribe people

Haha, I got it

Japanete humour is best

they do. they bribe Yelp .

I don't get it.

that's not humor. it's fact that murikans are that retarded and foul.

Japanese humor is largely puns and slapstick/exaggerated reactions

japanese joke

that is how we actually act

I think it's because Japanese people have a very low tolerance towards any humor that could be perceived as rude or socially unacceptable

My favourite joke is when some Japanese person says something. Then it goes quiet. And then the camera pans to the sky and the group goes "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?"

i thought that's a black sitcom made in hollywood though.

is that a good or bad thing?

so why Japanese anime meme is another level?
wersten JoJo meme is too boring.

Depends on whether you value rude humor or social harmony more

I have a friend who's an artist on Twitter. He made one of those "delete this" meme pics and posted it as a reply to a mangaka.

Then all the Japs started discussing about how this is the utmost capital offense and they all blocked him with one of them telling him he should apologize and delete his account. Guy tried to apologize and said it was just a meme/joke, but the Japanese people were having none of it. He lost a ton of Japanese followers, and I think only like 10% of his Japanese followers remain.

Kinda sucks.

Thsi is based but it's gonna give me a seizure

japs are as dumb and brainwashed as americans

I was reading some japanese book and how their language lacks sarcasm

I think they just perceive all sarcasm directed towards a particular person as rude. I could be wrong but in Japan I think sarcasm is really only used like that if you're singling someone out for a real offense.

MAD videos are the nihongo webz' underground. it's not mainstream. sort of like Zig Forums's Zig Forums posting.

I think they're too reactionary. Even here they freak out over the most minuscule criticism. They take every comment as an attack and they will attack back. Your post could be like 99% "Oh, I really love Japan, it's really cool" and you have 1% "but..." and they will freak out on you. They really love being praised.

Another thing with my artist friend is that you can NOT offer constructive criticism on most Japanese artists. You can't say "the angle looks off" or "the wrist doesn't really twist that way". I personally follow a Japanese streamer and he'd block/ban you if you offer any criticism on his art that's not praise.

Might have to do with their work culture as well. You can't talk back to your boss or disagree with them. Always respect the chain of command.

You retarded or what? If anything we fuck with our bosses the most, get a job, it’s the same for you guys

I was talking about the Japanese.

Japanese cultural differences are probably the strongest with criticism. In high school, especially before exams, it is basically considered a sin for parents to insult their child or demoralize them in any way with regard to school.

If you look at the Japanese Wikipedia article for "sarcasm", they classify it as a form of bullying. If any criticism needs to be made, it has to be done extremely politely and indirectly.

It's definitely different, but I kind of like it, the Japanese do a good straight man desu.

There seems to be some complexity behind it. I wish I completely understood it.

okay user show us humor from shingapore

Did he mean that he was busy with giving bribes that he has no time to learn how to cook good? And now after tast becoming chief is solved he's gonna "ganbette", do his best at learning how to cook good?

>it is basically considered a sin for parents to insult their child or demoralize them in any way with regard to school.
That isn’t true at all. My friend’s parents would call him a disgrace and beat him with a meterstick if he was below average

>Haha i nosebleed because there's pretty woman

Attached: 430302_153269924789412_206828603_n.jpg (679x422, 43.05K)

okay. classic singapoor humor starring MURIKA FUCK YEAH!

There was a “canadian” saying like this yesterday and I criticized him and then he had a meltdown. Isn't that so ironic?

I can help but feel people tend to be overconfident about their opinions on Japan