I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

i miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_South_Vietnam.svg.png (1200x800, 938)

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Why? Got nobody to share your American master's cum with?

they might be first world right now if they survived no?
it would have strong economic ties with taiwan, korea, japan, singapore and the US would keep pumping money into it to fuck with the chinese and russians

yeah :(
we need Cộng hòa in vietnam once again

Imagine how it could be..

I associate that flag with in political incompetence, corruption, and evil

Attached: images - 2020-05-20T220026.283.jpg (392x781, 66.83K)

>tfw you could have stopped it

Attached: 220px-Nguyen_Cao_Ky_1967.jpg (220x293, 10.6K)

da dung roi, may o dau?

and i associate this man with concepts like hypocrisy, chauvinistic communism, and the economic pitfall of the left

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Serious question - is there any appetite for political reform in Vietnam? It does seem a little strange that you still have an ostensibly communist party in charge

You're clearly not well read on the matter

you think the current xa hoi den cong san is tot hon? how many nguioi nam had to die for the current china-paid gangsters to get their power? and how long until they let china walk right in and take over while cong san viet nam big boys all flee to their mansions in guangzhou?

well, they seemed to be one of the best at covid response despite being a relatively poor country, so certainly not for now

>Korean says retarded shit
>nobody is surprised

bac ho is irrelevant to the discussion. well, he did sell out competing nationalists to the french, and he did slaughter the competing faction of the communist party.... but he was long dead by the time real shit started going down.

dude, last year (or the year before?) a bunch of party bigshots signed a petition saying they want reform and a democratic multi-party system, and resigned from the party in protest. of course didn't make the news in vietnam but big news everywhere else.

People here don't blame their problems on the government. The Vietnamese government has done economic reforms in the past, the only people who want a drastic change like a revolution or a new government would be the diaspora community. Funnily enough there has been coup attempts in the past few years.

Good riddance, it was a shithole colony of American imperialism, hopefully one day south Korea will also go the same way and be integrated into the DPRK, likewise the Taiwan province into the PRC.

No, it would basically be Indonesia
Interested to hear too, are Vietnamese interested in multiparty elections within the socialist state?

Indonesia doesn't have an existential communist neighbor trying to absorb it like South Vietnam would in the same vain as South Korea.

Its demise was a great victory over the forces of American imperialism.


Attached: 다운로드 (10).jpg (600x422, 146.37K)

>colonial thug puppets

It did before Suharto's genocide

God you guys are just retarded as Jap nationalists, I'm not a retarded leftist but I can't imagine idealizing a puppet police state with no civil liberties

commies don't have civil rights. the only rights they have is right blows. seriously, every time a commie starts a 'revolution' in his country he always takes advantage of liberty. every god damn time
virtue signaling western firstie who doesn't care about the actual development of thirdie countries also deserves a smash in his skull too
>muh evil colonialism muh sovereignty muh evil intervention
fuck you

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Are you seriously claiming that your pre-1987 South Korea respected civil rights?

>had to google this to make sure it's not some new catalan flag
good read tho

no because we had one too many commie partisans and underground groups to deal with at that time
plus building large industries in an once-congo tier shithole was a no joke. actually, the south korean 'democratic' civil activists in the opposing party in the 60s and 70s vigorously criticized establishing heavy industries and pioneering the first korean highway from seoul to busan. with these fucking retards in the system and civil rights, south korea would have ended up like other failed cia investments during cold war

technocratic fascism works. and we were lucky to have those fascist leaders dead or out of charge before they got out of their control, while letting liberals in the blue house just in the right time.

You deserved worse

south Korea isn't a country, it's the southern half of the DPRK under American occupation. It's just as much of a colony of south Vietnam was, a shithole totally at the mercy of the USA where people kill themselves en masse.

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btw, lefties have a thing that they always identify them as a centrist. just what i observed over the few years

poor you
so butthurt that you use the China boogeyman for your own agenda

kind of funny that even our own neighbour countries think we're not pro China
but somehow some randoms from distant lands assume otherwise, as if they had exclusive insider info
this is how I know you're a butthurt South Vietnam diaspora

>t. nork psyop officer infiltrating in MI6