I heard that american tourists freak out when they see cops armed with assault rifles/submachine guns just chilling in...

I heard that american tourists freak out when they see cops armed with assault rifles/submachine guns just chilling in the major public areas in Europe.
Like in Germany you sometimes see the cops walking around with mp5's (at least in Frankfurt), in Italy and France it's also pretty common to see some guys armed with rifles too, same in Russia.
But apparently in the US it's not a thing at all, what gives?

Attached: depositphotos_166944570-stock-photo-rome-italy-november-17-2016.jpg (1600x1167, 274.24K)

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the guys in the pic look tiny
like little plastic army men

tfw no heavily armed police gf

Attached: police.jpg (1280x1808, 224.86K)

>American tourists
Seeing people armed with machine guns patrolling stuff is something I also notice a lot when traveling. For example on Schiphol airport or at Downing Street.

Lmao I probably going to ask what's happening if I saw polices armed with guns other then handgun. Totally not normal here in my country, citizens probably freak out and start taking vid or pic and it would be a huge talk in the media.

It used to not be a thing in Europe. It's not a thing in the US because they have jihadis roaming free.


These police were never standard in Europe until 2015 when terrorist attacks began. Before that they were exclusively used to guard airports, embassies and parliaments.
However after 2015 especially in France and Belgium they are everywhere.

r those

idk why they accept this

That's pretty weird considering you're way more likely to get shot by cops in the states than actual criminals. Cops over there are way more trigger happy and happy to murder for no reason other than to flex

It was definitely a shock the first time I saw it when I went to the UK and I saw cops with rifles on patrol. That said, most squad cars now have some type of AR-15 in them. They use to shotguns but most police forces seem to have moved away from that.
t. American

It doesn’t phase me but maybe I’m used to it
>But apparently in the US it's not a thing at all
I used to see it in Boston at train and subway stations somewhat regularly when I lived there

Not even remotely true, now please stop controlling my country

I kind of freaked out when I saw them in France as well. I dont see them much here.

its the price of cultural enrichment

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You are not supposed to see shit like this strolling through the first world

Attached: welcome to Belgium.jpg (1200x628, 160.99K)

The worst part about all this are the metal detectors in some of the larger shopping centers.
I don't know if that's still a thing in Paris, i know they used to check everyone at the entrance a few years ago.
In Moscow it's everywhere even in metro and it barely does anything IMO, only creates bottlenecks for the larger crowds of people and they don't even check most of them.
Obviously now due to corona it's less crowded but still.

They were in Disneyland Paris when I went, this was in 2011 before the terror attacks started happening as well.

Why are they walking around with military grade weapons? Do first worlders really..

we imported way too much third world to still be considered first world

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I never see this outside of airports

Netherlands has like a civilian Military police, wtf goes on over there?

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They are gendarmes, basically paramilitary police. They have been around for decades but their presence has been upped since the mass influx of Muslims.

It’s very rare in France outside of Paris.

It's based tbf, knowing the number of jihadis we have walking around here i feel better with soldiers in the streets
it's sad that we have come to the point where we need this but it is how it is

Pic rel
This was after 2016 Belgium attack
Generally after a European or American happening, I would see this kind of thing in Boston

>In Moscow it's everywhere even in metro
I visited Moscow last year and in the metro with my big suitcase the armed police pulled me aside into a little room to look at my passport and make a phone call. It didn’t bother me but it was unusual.

Like France and many other countries it's nothing special

Every zoom zoom I've encountered in the states would go about YA YA FUCK DA PO PO until he gets pulled over and gets all silent and nervous like a little bitch. Cops in the states are pretty much legislatively superior to other Americans. They can get away with corruption, theft of evidence, erosion of basic constitutional rights, and even murder in some cases. The worst part is the army of Karens who would lick their boots incessantly.
The police is essentially the biggest gang in America, the worst part is, it is state enforced and cannot be defeated

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>Meanwhile in America

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Fuck, actually pic rel

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i wish, we're still completely overused by the sentinelle mission, you'll see us in any major rail station airport and city center
it's not based we're practically useless, we have less rights than the police, the only times we can do anything is when someone is clearly killing someone or attacking us, which happened only a few times in years, push for the right for civilians to bear arms if you want to feel better, it will do infinitely more than we can

Wrong, our cops take kids shopping and serve the community

Attached: lincoln cops.jpg (1024x682, 81.92K)

We have those too, but I don't see them walking around with assault rifles
Security is an illusion.

We have them too in Basel and Zürich.

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of course it would be better if we had the right to bear arms but i think we all know it's never gonna happen
at least with this there's a little security, i think soldiers have already stopped multiple mad muslims with knives and shit

We have the militarized police presence because of “diverse, vibrant” individuals. Does Israel, of all places, not have a militarized police?

I was wondering, how come there are no homeless near Zürich Hbf? It's the cleanest main station i've seen like ever.

>wtf goes on there
They're an ancient branche of our military. They are tasked with protecting the airports, the borders, parliament, royal palaces and other strategic points.
They don't do actual policework unless they are in the neighborhood and assistance is required.

Europe's baseline security needs are equivalent to the LA race riots?

Italians really look Levantine, this people could easily be Jordanian

more suicides happened from the stress caused by the operation than it saved lives, i can guarantee it


Here is them stopping a man with knife

>they don't even check most of them.
of course they dont, why bother checking anyone who is not a muzzy?

Here is another man with knife in the same airport but he is shot

coming from one of the few places in the world where police doesnt carry on daily basis it kind of shocked me as well. not in a bad way, it was just unusuall. also the camo, are they police? military? a mix?


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I have never seen an armed policeman in my country, is this based or cringe?

Sending out armed forces to patrol the streets is the most useless decision made to stop terrorism. It's purely there as a show of force towards the civilians to have them know who has the bigger dick.

there are actually plenty homeless, but there are shelters provided for them everywhere.

Europe is genuinely a scary place

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chad puffer jacket guy just standing there at 0:02

The one of the left looks like an identical copy of someone I know

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Those are people armed with a knife starting to shout right in the main hall of the biggest airport in the country. They're not out there to do actual terrorism but are clearly nutjobs.

These where the only two and both where mentally ill men

It seems like you don't need cops or armies for some reason, just innately peaceful like your diaspora here

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the fuck am I seeing itt? and statistically WE are less safe than cunts that need to have armed to the teeth soldiers patrolling the streets

Wasn't always like this.

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