Why are they so religious? Is it abbo IQ?

Why are they so religious? Is it abbo IQ?

Attached: images - 2020-05-23T201130.167.jpg (573x535, 57.24K)

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>Being religious means low IQ.


lol abbos are australian

Vietnam isn't that religious, a bit of daoist type spirtualism and ancestor worship but not anything fundie tier like the malays, flips, or even buddhist neighbors

>Why are they so religious
Because we are spiritually enlighten unlike most of the world.


>Communist country isn't that religious
Hmm... I wonder why

>spiritually enlighten
he says while seamonkeys eat up wahabism and start abandoning syncretism with ancient beliefs

>Indonesians are of the same descent as aborigines
This is the same level of iq as people who think Madagascans come from Africa

The austronesians mixed with africans you retard

How is life in Indonesia? I have only been to Bali

Mediocre, but everything's cheap compared to the west, except internet connection.

Vietnamese Catholics are hardcore (and therefore based)

Vietnam is just South China extended. Not really Southeast Asia

>muh african
retarded Zig Forumscels, everyone

>inb4 muh haplogroup

then why do they hate the chinese so much?
seems pretty sea to me

Japan is just East China extended.

in mean in madagascar only

the comfiest parts of the country is occupied with worst subhumans as possible

because spanish killed anyone who isnt catholic, passed that down to generations of generations then here is it

East Asians hate China more than SEA
Yeah flips hate China, and indons/malays sorta do, but mainland ASEAN besides Vietnam sucks chink dick

Laowhy and Serpentza are vlogging in in Vietnam and they say it's exactly the same as South China except everything is written in Latin

They hate China because they are similar

Attached: images - 2020-05-23T204343.340.jpg (640x480, 69.45K)

Low IQ
>inb4 IQ is a meme
The most irreligious parts of SEA (Vietnam and Singapore) have the higher IQ

Why its always Japan who obsessed with religion in Asean? Haven't they own problems like their birthrates?

maybe its some continental diaspofag

yeah but we have ASEAN BBC gene

>Because we are spiritually enlighten unlike most of the world.
kindest regards,
t. wahhabist

hes a mutt chink

Viets looks exactly the same as Cantonese wtf are you talking about

More like Cantonese look like Viets, because they are Nanyue Viets that got assimilated by the Han borg