West Slavs suffer from balding the most of all races

West Slavs suffer from balding the most of all races

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Dutch are Sea-Slavs then

I was born bald...

Balding just means that your big brain needs more oxygen.

t. born in Pripyat

Why yes
I'm also used to wear a gas mask to cover up my calvity

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>suffering from balding
man up you little sissy

I know that feel.
I'm 50% kurwa and my hairline is fucking terrible

Every male in my family has tons of hair even past 60 years of age
You just have shit genes, incel

i'm bald but i don't suffer because of it.
although i do suffer.

>friend with slav heritage has a receding hairline and a bald spot already at 35

Attached: laughingmobs.png (512x435, 120.66K)

>thickest hair out of all people at 18
>mature hairline at 19
>just turned 20
It will stop now, right?

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literally 95% of people here over 30 are bald
always thought we have the worst hair genetics

you probably have tatar genes

No I don't, I did a 23&me

>already at 35

dude i'm 24 and i'm balding


does balding even exist outside of the aryan races ?

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how do you differentiate between balding and mature hairline? mature hairline is a straight diagonal line and balding is like a horseshoe/curved?

tfw started balding around 20 y.o.

>tfw 27 and still not balding eventho I'm a coomer

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East Africans and whatever the Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mauritania region is called. Probably because of Arab admixture.

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43% of men in Czech Republic are bald

They aren't the worst.


can confirm
although my hair is very thick and dense im afraid of losing it

how tf, im 27 and have no signs of balding. quite the contrary, i have too much hair

>had a bald patch since high school
>went to army
>shaved my head
>got back
>mfw I like it shaved, and gf likes it too
>hair grew back, although it is still thinning at the top I know I'll be looking good when bald

just bee urself anonku

>t. balding for a decade and counting