*gets CIA'd*

*gets CIA'd*

Attached: cia.png (510x620, 153.75K)

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one day the americans will pay for their crimes against humanity and god

Stoping the spread of communism is a mandate by God, fren.

>Stoping the spread of communism is a mandate by God
god is a communist

Its going to be like sacking of rome multiple times

their empire of evil is already crumbling and probably won't live to see the end of this century

as recently as last year in Bolivia
Monroe Doctrine does not mean you can use LatAm as your playground, Amerishits

We got CIA'd once

What has been worse: Latin America under US influence or Eastern Europe under russian influence?

baseless conspiracy theory

>American military presence in SA
user, I....

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What's the story here?

Latin America under US influence how is this a question look where stand economically and culturally

The CIA is gay. America was better off before we had the CIA or the Federal reserve.

Meant to reply to

The US took Puerto Rico from Spain in order to create Reggaeton, CIA's first foray into music.

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Americans and spics are trying to invade us or something?

The climax of the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis. It was once believed that the CIA was involved in the decision of our Governor-General to dismiss the Prime Minister (Gough Whitlam). There was no evidence to sustain this though when it was investigated. It was believed primarily because apparently Whitlam attempted to close a few American military bases and the pine gap JDF.


Não, mas eles tem bases em quase todos os países aqui da América do Sul, antes eles tinha espiões na embaixadas so Brail mas aparentemente não tem mais depois de um incidente em que seguiram agentes da Abin ou da Aereonautica não lembro ao certo a história, só sei que iss deu uma confusão diplomática, e hoje eles só tem o “corpo diplomático” no país.

this continent had no chance ever since spaniards discovered it

Survival of the fittest.

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Morales deserved it

That's rich coming from a United Statean

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Killing commies is not a crime

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It wasn't always about "commmunism". They just label commies to anything they don't like.


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this you have no idea what the americans did here you would be pissed if a foreign gorverment interfered in your contry

Who didn't anyway