Do you think the abolishment of the ACTs and the SATs is a good thing?

Do you think the abolishment of the ACTs and the SATs is a good thing?

Does your country have standardized tests for university eligibility?

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Yeah. Many actually. Although I'm sure they only filter the trash.

Don't "poor, black, and Hispanic" students get pity admissions anyway? Who cares what scores they get?

i predict an influx in ucla and berkely admissions.

nothing else will change for the ohter satellite branches.

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>unfair to poor black and hispanic students
more like unfair to poor students in general

Free education 4 all based, education is a right not business

>Does your country have standardized tests for university eligibility?
No. Our universities require you've completed an Atheneum or Gymnasium highschool with both a 5.5+ on your central exam and on your general school grades. But the score itself is not relevant.

What will they use instead? Entrance exams or the money test?

Affirmative Action is not allowed in California since Proposition 209.

>Entrance exams

>Does your country have standardized tests for university eligibility?
yes, but they aren't a disqualifying factor at most universities except for certain careers. those tests are national, not done by unis. Unis have their own admission tests/exams/interviews

wrong. education is your duty, not a right

No, all admissions are based on grade averages from high school.

This is a good thing. Too many Asian people were getting into top universities. So then they made it into tiers. If you cannot get perfect scores, you are not eligible. Then they got perfect anyways, so they now have to have good extra curricular on top of that. They're still meeting both requirements. Now with testings scrapped, blacks and latinos would have an even playing field, and Chinese students can go back home.

They did it because Asians were getting too many
Not for blacks or Hispanics

Also increasing admission rate of blacks and Hispanics would just lower their graduation rate...

this is killing

why punish intellect?

Seems like an anti-Semitic action to me

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shit, chinks will have to cheat to come up with a personality now

are jews something like zuckerberg? if so, he's white to 99% of people. only wasps will deny he's white

Because whites are no longer at the top of the foodchain

So basically you’re threatened by Chinese and consider Blacks and Hispanics as your docile monkey pets

Because it's unfair. Asians make up barely 6% of the population, but they make up 30% of the top Ivy League universities, if you include foreign students. Meanwhile, Mexicans make up 23% of the population and Blacks make up 13%, but they both make up 8% each, and that's with lowered requirements (getting average scores on ACTs/SATs) and requirement quotas.

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Nobody gave a shit before Asians started outperforming a certain very fragile ethnic group lmao

They think that will change anything? Or are they gonna give you more points the darker your skin is?

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so what? you prefer a system where they have a diversity quota and only take in a limited number of miniority student?

>it's unfair
nothing in life is fair, why punish a more intellectual group of people so others don't feel bad?

Fuck do I know, my guess is just that they argue the SAT can be influenced by personal trainers (which actually happen) and lower stress levels etc so a more equal university entrance exam might be fair.

Then why dont white countries give a shit and why do only black and mexican people cry about it in america

In Berkeley, it's even worse. Asians are 6% of the population, but 36% of the university. Meanwhile, whites are 53% of the population, but only 26% (less than half) the population.

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What ethnic group do you think is the angriest about Asians being overrepresented in academia? Blacks who never had a chance anyway? Spics that got told affirmative action is for the weak?

look here these are very pale, thin, hairless wh*ite hands typing

Holy fucking shit

If you can not get at least a 25

Realistically at least a 30

You do NOT belong in college

yes quality of education and life in general should be dragged down to accommodate subhuman brainlets

Also they know blacks and Hispanics graduation rate would be lower.
So they just need to increase Hispanics and blacks admission rate while lowering Asian one to increase the overall white/not-white graduation rate.

They always gave a shit
Affirmative actions are just to fix it.
Because these are mainly rich kids from China
And nope it’s not fair.

They wanted to remove affirmative actions in Cali when whites got lower to avoid filling universities with blacks and Hispanics

Now they are filled with Asians and they need a way to fix it.

Also these are not real "white" probably.

>only black and mexican people cry about it in america

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The personal trainers will just switch to teaching people to prepare for the entrance exams like here. But it’s still a better option than some stupid grade average or general test like SAT I guess

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But the introduction of the "matura exam" (non-obligatory exam at the end of high-school) as the only quailifying factor when enrolling into a university was a counter-corruption measure, nothing else
Previosly each university had an enrollment exam. But because those were controlled by the university institution itself we were plagued by wealthy, priviledged families from certain trades (medical fields, law) getting their children enrolled into classes. Now a child of such family while still having better chances because of financial situation has to exercise a modecum of effort to achieve the desired result

>They always gave a shit
May I remind you as someone who spend his late teens being Zig Forums/pol/
White right wingers all considered affirmative action an anti-white measure to deny white students a rightful place in universities in favor of blacks and browns.
Now these same whites are in favor of it because their SAT scores are too low