How do the people in your country feel about hitchhikers?

How do the people in your country feel about hitchhikers?

Would you personally help someone like pic related?

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i have never seen one
and no i probably would not unless i have my knife on me

Hitchhiking isn't all that common anymore. Hitchhikers are either murderers/rapists or get murdered/raped.

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>How do the people in your country feel about hitchhikers?
We're suspicious of strangers and can't stand homeless people.

>Would you personally help someone like pic related?
No. Buy a ticket and use a bus or train if you want to travel.

Don't think I've ever seen a hitchiker even though Australia is theoretically perfect: long distances, not much public transport in between cities, high social trust, low murder
Ruined because some balkan wog murdered some backpackers

As far as I know it's illegal. Still I wouldn't, you never know if 10 gypsies will show up and steal my car

lol no

I call the state troopers on them.

I dunno how others feel about it but I'd pick one up if I could drive. Could be someone with a cool life story or something. Maybe I'm just lonely. I've seen a few around here usually going from the countryside to a major city.

RIP in advance, French bro.

I’m Aussie and most Aussies will know we have a bit of history when it comes to hitchhikers getting murdered.
I met my gf while she was backpacking in Aus and told me some dodgey as fuck hitchhiking stories. Lucky she was always with someone else. We have a running joke that I am a serial killer who targets backpackers who just got lazy. Met her in backpackers hostel in cairns.
Hitchhiking is super normal in Iceland though, where she is from. I’ve seen lots of people doing it over there.

Don't get many, but they always stand in the most retarded places.

Standing on the turn off section of a roundabout going onto a dual carriageway expecting to be picked up is retarded unless you want to cause a multi car pile up

Never gave my opinion of them.

Retartedly naive.

Nobody other than russians and other criminals hitchike in finland.
They always want a ride to somewhere +100km away and offer nothing in return.
The odd times they are some naive tourists just trying to get from place to place they think that offering "good vibes" is a payment and will most likely still beg you for cigarettes or weed.

you can't do that in the 3rd world, unless you wanna end up in a river

i used to pick them up, but it's illegal in most parts these days (for both the hitcher and the driver).

yeah I would; depending on my intuition of course. but it's fairly uncommon nowadays.
any interesting stories you can be bothered to recount?

They are generally scared of them.

I pick up a few, last time was a stinky dude.
Once I picked up a black dude carrying a leaf rake, he wanted to go make some money and was a cool dude.

I rarely see them tho

Lmao cause drivers are bad?

I've only seen them irl about twice, and no

They are suspicious of them.

No. I would never pick someone up like that.
Maybe they are lunatics and will try to kill me or they are bandits and they will kill me just the same.

I have been one and helped plenty. Everyone who does it where i live is white, so they usually behave.

>Everyone who does it where i live is white, so they usually behave.
Tbf every hitchhiker I met was white. Still heard some shit stories, white thieves and drug addicts exist user.

sweet summer boy, you'll end up in a river inside a bag

Yeah, but I just tell them Im not going that way if I get a bad feeling about them.

never, it's dead weight

I allways pick up hitchhikers if i can. Most of them have been nice to talk to. One time i picked up a dutch guy and his 10 yo son in the middle of nowhere. The guy didn't really seem to have any plan as to where he was going or what he was doing, he just wanted to be dropped of in the nearest shithole. Getting a ride in Sweden is very hard nowadays though and you rarely seen any hitchhikers anymore. Nobody stops. One time my mums car broke down 20 km from her home and nobody would pick her up so she ended up walking the whole distance home. When i lived in canada it was super easy on the other hand. Almost one in two cars would stop wherever you were going.

>and nobody would pick her up

That's sad. I always pick up hitchhikers when I see them (not that it happens often but on major highways occasionally) even if they look like smelly homeless bums. I've never met a hitchhiker I was scared of, usually they just ask to get dropped off at the nearest bus stop or suburb

Yeah she actually was really upset about it and so was i. She is almost 70 and looks like a normal nice lady. For me it's just in line of how peoples relation to other people have developed. People just want to have their own sphere and get nervous when somebody needs help because it's outside their comfort zone, or as if their perception of self integrity has been violated. Most people who drove past her probably though afterwards that they should have picked her up but that didn't really help her. People have developed to become so independent of eachother that when somebody needs help nobody has the sense of social duty to help anymore because they are not used to it or think that somebody else will take care of it.

Gay serial killers put an end to hitchhikers in the 70s

Can she reach her destination safely?or,,,

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if I picked her up, sure
I'm kind