What do whites think of white people making personal reparations to People of Color like Lana Del White is doing?

What do whites think of white people making personal reparations to People of Color like Lana Del White is doing?

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It is Lana Del Rey, that's not a white name.

Her real name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant

isn't that cultural appropriation n shit??

Yeah but nobody ever calls her out for it :(

Lana Del Rey is omegabased. She sings about how degeneracy (drugs, alcohol, sluttiness) leads to you becoming fucked up, and how God and love is much more important. She's anti-degeneracy but not in the cucky right-wing way but rather in a loving Christian way.
Ironically many of her fans don't realise this.

what are Lana's personal reparations?

She gave all black men 1 free token to fuck her pussy or mouth

She’s giving the proceeds of spoken word album to Native Americans of her choosing


would you rather it be a donation to a latino education fund?

No she's not you dumbass
She's donating 50% of the profits to Native American ORGANIZATIONS


It's her money dude, why should anyone care what she decides to spend it on

No. I think personal reparations are a white vanity project and cringe
Basically the same

I applaud them because the white supremacist government is never going to help the people that it exploits. All celebrities should be giving reparations.

>lana del rey
>the king's wool
what did she mean by this?

Really? I knew sjws were triggered over this but Zig Forums really?
The woman speaks fluent Spanish. Why is she not allowed to have a Spanish stage name?

i dont think about them at all

Wool is used for clothes -> you have it very close it to you, it's comfy. But it can also be scratchy -> it might hurt you a bit. A king is a man in charge, so the king's wool is someone very close to a man in charge whom he enjoys but who might also hurt him.
But I've heard that Lana might just stem from Lana Turner, and Del Rey from Ford Del Rey cars, so maybe there's not much of a deeper meaning to it.

Damn she aged like shit.

>Elizabeth Woolridge Grant
can imagine her having the same career with that name?

lana de rey translates as "wool of the king", it doesn't even literary sense, so no one gives a shit

She actually did use Lizzy Grant back when she made white trash style music.

Are you really saying that
>learn new language
>become that language’s main ethnicity

wool=made from cotton
cotton=picked by blacks
think abbout it

>Wool=made from cotton
lol what

>Ironically many of her fans don't realise this.
Her fan base consists of uninteresting depressed women who think they are special lmao.

i wasn't being literal about cultural appropriation. I see it as cultural exchange personally but taking up "foreign" names to sound swager is kinda cringe. On the other hand Lana del Ray is better sounding and made her profit so whatever maybe it's a white savior thing or a publicity stunt like says

And alcoholic gay teenagers
It's not really that foreign when she lived in a city where she spoke Spanish every day

which brings us to the other part of the thread

>she made white trash style music.
That album was great, faggot

She was wild even back when she went by the name Lizzy Grant