What is Zig Forums's university degree?

What is Zig Forums's university degree?

t. studied history

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IT, hopefuly

Zig Forums relations

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Graduating with degrees in History and German tonight. Also wrote a senior honors thesis I’m very proud of, won a nifty cash reward for it.

Don’t regret my decision whatsoever. Switched from a business major and have never been happier. I genuinely enjoyed my work and performed so much better for it. Leaving school with a 3.95

biology - BSc
medicine - MB BCh BAO

will also do a masters or higher training soon for more letters

Are you considering academia? Congrats
I did a French minor but can't remember most of it

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Business administration (also known as business management

I got it because I need to manage my family's fortune.

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memechanical engineering

Aeronautic Sciences.


Studying CS atm


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high school dropout

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econ and comp sci

wish i studied history though

ahaha look at this dumbass
me too:(


IR chads are the protagonists of Zig Forums

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What are you doing for work now? I’m trying to join the military because an Zig Forums relations degree is useless outside of academia.

what jobs are you going to apply for?

master degree in finance/applied economics

I did international security studies instead of international relations and now I work as a librarian

chemical engineering

I may, but the academic job market is pretty bad. People on the PhD track are often miserable and those who quit often say doing so was one of the best decisions of their lives. Getting a tenure track job is more about university politics than merit as far as I can tell. Further, people tend to flood grad programs like med/law/graduate school during recessions, so applying now would just mean an especially competitive admissions season. If I go to law or grad school I’m gonna give it a year or two

For now I’m gonna work for a year while I gather a more solid plan. Good luck though, will always be rooting for a fellow history major

Accounting and Finance

Warum hast du dir Deutsch als Studienfach ausgesucht?


Medicine. 7 year career. Corona hit when the university was supposed to give me my degree and I'm unemployed.
I hate this shithole. I want out. Anywhere but here.


Going back this fall for white hat certification

We're gagging for doctors

I think that final years medicine students got automatically drafted as doctors here

Forest biology

I originally studied linguistics, but I ended up having to move back to my hometown and transferred to the local university here that didn't have a linguistics program. I became an education major. I think it mostly worked out for the best. I am more passionate about languages and linguistics in general, but there is good job security in teaching and I can go back to take courses so I can get my endorsement to teach English as a second or other language. That's ultimately what I would like to do.

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I did electrical engineering and now I work as a ship's engineer. I actually wanted to be an electrician but whatever I guess

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Process Automation

Mycologist and ship engineer are the two most incel jobs i can think of

Sounds cool, is it fun to work on a ship and cruising about the world?

That's really cool mate, what sort of ships, tankers?

Sounds pretty based. How long are your voyages?

Yeah it's interesting and you transfer ships a lot and you're usually on a fixed contract instead of only being employed on one ship or for one company. I've worked on cruise ships, tankers, and cargo ships

Like I said it's contract-based so you might stay with a ship for 6 months or 1 year and just do how many voyages they want (you do have holidays though), if you work for the navy or something they might just keep you forever on one vessel so it depends

Hoorah user, I'm a fellow History major in the US (Brazilian flair because my grandparents are here and I'm helping take care of them). I'm minoring in International Affairs though, but I almost went with German. I'd really like to work in the State department and get stationed abroad, so I'm working on becoming trilingual to better my chances (and just because it's nice to be trilingual)

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Book of poor jobs?

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How did you get into the Maritime sector anyway? What's your story from graduation to employment at sea?

Deutschen Familie. Meine Großeltern sprachen Deutsch und mein Vater sprach auch ein wenig. Sie waren “Texasdeutsche” (zweiten Generation Einwanderer) und ich habe mit die Texas German Dialect Project bei die University of Texas gearbeitet zu die “Texasdeutsch” Dialekt studieren. Ich habe ältere Sprecher auf Deutsch interviewt und Interviews übersetzt

Mag auch deutsch Geschichte. Die Sprache ist sehr hilfreich, um es zu lernen

i got an internship at an embassy in london last summer and i'm going back full time when the chunk flu ends

IR is a useful degree if you're a /gogetter/ and don't mind living in the vicinity of a major city. learning other languages helps too.

Hooray, I managed to understand the entire text without a dictionary

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Our government is cheaper and corrupter. To solve the lack of doctors on far away places they extended the social service period of students to a year, paying them 1/10 of what they pay to a certified doctor.
On a lot of places the social service doctor is still required, only to do the work of the certified doctor who only shows up to punch time.
The amount of public clinics cheapens the value of an appointment for a private practitioner and in some places the car mechanic can charge 3 or 4 times a doctor's fee.

Is the degree worth it outside academia? I want to study it but also to have a job

Please tell me more about your embassy internship, application and all.
I applied for an internship with the council on foreign relations in NYC, but got canned because of the Kung-Flu.
